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Saint Louis University

Laboratory Elementary School

Grade and Section: 4 - Confidence Date of Submission: Oct. 1

Date of Homeroom Facilitation: Oct. 11
Class Adviser: Ms. Shanna Lyka L. Mayos
Psychology Intern: ALOMIA, Shaznay A.

Mental Health Matters

I. Objectives
 Understand the importance of Mental Health and wellness;
 Learn more relevant and real information about what mental health is;
 Reduce the stigma about mental health and wellness;
 Apply tips on how to take care of your mental health most especially these
trying times;
 Come up with preventive measures that can address mental and emotional
 Be aware that some situations and problems can be proactively solved through
a positive mindset;
 Have an avenue to explore and discover how to apply critical thinking and
decision-making skills in real life.
 Be able to communicate their emotion to emotions without shame and
 Acknowledge what they feel in certain situations, and process it in a healthy

II. Introduction
 The facilitator will start the activity by leading a prayer.
 The facilitator will introduce the activity through a short message about the
importance of mental health.
 For the ice breaker, photos of Inside Out characters (Joy, Anger, Disgust,
Fear, and Sadness) and photos of real person that portrays emotion of
Joy, Anger, Disgust, Fear, and Sadness will be flashed randomly in the
PowerPoint by the facilitator. The students will identify the emotion flashed
in the screen by answering in the chatbox.

III. Materials Needed

 2 pcs of paper (pad paper or bond paper), pencil, and coloring materials.
IV. Activity Proper
 The facilitator planned a fun activity that will help students understand mental
 List of the step- by- step process:
1. The facilitator will introduce the activity called “*name*’s Balloons! ” by
discussing the instructions, which is to draw 3 buckets with labels; What
Makes Me Happy, What I Love About Myself, and What Makes Me Upset.
2. For each bucket, the students are required to answer by drawing a balloon
tied to the bucket.
3. For each balloon, the student will write their answer. The students are
allowed to draw as many as they can and can be creative by coloring their
4. The facilitator will then ask the students to draw themselves and someone
they are comfortable sharing their feelings and thoughts with. Then, write the
name of the person above the drawing.
5. After the instructions, the students will now start with the activity. The time
allotted for the whole activity is 15 minutes.
6. The facilitator will remind the students 5 minutes before the time ends, to
give the students time to finalize their activity and remind them about the
7. 1 minute before the time ends, the facilitator will end the activity to proceed
with the processing questions.

V. Processing:
 If you are to let go some of your balloons, from which bucket is it? Why?
 What did you feel while answering the buckets?
 Do you know the importance of your balloons?
 How does the balloons from the third bucket affect you aside from being
 Do you know how to take care of your mental health?

VI. Insights
 The students will learn to acknowledge their different emotions by writing
down their experiences, and boost their self-esteem by writing down what
they like about themselves. They will also be able to learn more about coping
strategies when they feel strong emotions. In addition to that, they will also be
able to understand the importance of expressing strong emotions to
someone. Sharing will not only help them be heard but could also help them
process the situation with the help of someone. Having someone that they
can share their feelings and thoughts with will make them feel better instead
of keeping it all inside.
 Moreover, the facilitator will explain that mental health and physical health are
equally important and should always be both taken care of.
 At the end of the activity, the students will have a grasp of the importance of
emotions, their behavior, and cognition.
 The lesson that they will learn from this activity could be a big help for them as
a child, and as they grow older. Childhood and adolescence are the most
crucial stage of life.

VII. Integration
 The students will allow students to apply what they learned in the activity
through their daily experiences. As a child experiences different type of
emotions and deal with it every day as well.
 The facilitator will state different scenarios that portrays different emotions and
discuss proper ways to deal with it in a positive manner.
 The facilitator will also teach the students the significance of their self-esteem
for their mental health.
 End the homeroom activity with a pledge.

“I, _______________, promise to look after my body and mind.”

VIII. Time Frame

 Time allotment for the facilitation:
 Introduction- 3 minutes
 Icebreaker- 5 minutes
 Main Activity- 15 minutes
 Processing: 13 minutes
 Integration- 5 minutes
TOTAL- 50 minutes

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