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Telegram @neetquestionpaper Anatomy of Flowering Plants Anatomy (Gk.ana~ up; tome ~cutting) is the study of internal structures of an organism. There is a large variety of plants having diverse structures both morphologically and anatomically. Cell is the basic unit of organisation of all organisms and these are organised into tissues and above level of structure. The plant body is made up of various categories of tissues to comply the division of labour. The Tissues A group of cells having a common origin and cooperating with one another to perform a similar function is described as a tissue. The term ‘tissue’ was coined by N Grew. ‘The cells constituting tissue are connected together by plasmodesmata for proper coordination among them. The study of tissues is called histology. On the basis of constitution of cells, the tissues are of two types, i.e., simple and complex. A simple tissue is made up of similar cells, which carry out the same function, whereas the complex tissue is made up of two or more than two types of cells which carry out the similar functions. Tissues can be conveniently grouped into two categories 1. Meristematic tissues 2. Permanent tissues Given flow chart shows the outlines of various tissues and their components in plants.

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