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Congratulation Card also known as a greeting card defined as a piece of paper or

folded paper with text or image on the front and message inside.
Social function Structure
 To express our happiness or positive  Name of the receiver
feeling about someone’s success.  The congratulation message
 To respond someone’s achievement or  The writer or sender

Dear Arman, Name of the receiver

Congratulation on your success as one of the dancer in

the opening of the Asian Para Games!
You have showed your best performance. I am proud of
The congratulation message
Always developed your talent and keep any chances.

Wish you luck!

The writer or sender

Time to Practice!
To: Vany

Please accept my congratulation!

You and your team become the winner of the English debate competition. You make
1. Why does Angga congratulate Vany?
a. Because Vany win become the winner on English debate competition.
b. Because Vany and her team be the first in English debate competition.
c. Angga want to motivate Vany and her team.
d. Vany and Angga want to show their happiness.

2. Which statement in the text above showing congratulation?

a. Wish you and your team do better.
b. The judges was satisfied with your opinion.
c. You make me proud
d. Please accept my congratulation.

3. Who is the addressee of the card above?

a. Angga
b. The writer
c. Vany
d. The reader

Dear Sonia,

My warmest congratulation for you!

You have received a gold medal in the recent pencak silat competition and brought a
glory for our country in the international level.
You are really the best!
We proud of you.

4. Sonia has reached an achievement at_____________

a. Education
b. Technology
c. Sport
d. Culture
5. Why does Adam send the card to Sonia?
a. To support Sonia
b. To show his regret
c. To show his sympathy.
d. To appreciate Sonia’s achievement
6. Which is the expression of showing compliment?
a. I am very proud of your painting.
b. Your voice so beautiful and I like it.
c. Happy graduation, your hard work has been paid off.
d. Congratulation to be the winner

FUNCTION An adjective is a word or set of
words that modifies or describe
An adverb belongs to part of
speech that is used to modify or
noun or pronoun. describe verbs, adjective, clauses,
or another adverb.
(Kata sifat adalah sebuah kata atau
kelompok kata yang memodifikasi (Kata keterangan adalah
atau mendeskripsikan kata benda kelompok kata yang digunakan
atau kata ganti). untuk mendeskripsikan kata kerja,
kata sifat, kalimat atau kata
keterangan lainya)

Adverb comes up after verb,

adjective, or other adverb.
(Kata keterangan terletak setelah
kata kerja, kata sifat, atau kata
keterangan lainya)
1. I have a red apple for you 1. I drive a car slowly.
Adj Noun Verb Adverb

(aku memiliki sebuah apel (aku mengendarai sebuah

merah untuk mu) mobil dengan pelan-pelan)

2. I know a beautiful girl 2. He does the

Adj N Verb
there. homework diligently.
(aku tau seorang gadis cantik Adverb
(Dia mengerjakan PR dengan
3. I have a smart student
and I am proud of him.
3. You should make this
(aku memiliki seorang murid cake carefully.
yang pandai dan aku bangga
(Kamu harus membuat kue
ini dengan hati-hati)
4. It is a dangerous animal.
Adj N
4. They often go out for
(ini adalah binatang yang Adv Verb
(mereka selalu pergi untuk
makan malam diluar)
Noted: Not all adverb adding by –ly.

(tidak semua Adverb/kata keterangan diakhiri –ly.

Choose the correct answer Adjective or Adverb by using the word in the bracket.
(pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menentukan kata sifat atau kata kerja yang terdapat didalam
tanda kurung).

1. Mr. JK is a very strong / strongly man. He can carry a big bog by himself.
2. Sonia opened the door of the bedroom slow / slowly.

3. Leni is a hardworking student. She always study diligent / diligently.

4. Laura is the most beautiful / beautifully girl I have seen.

5. My mother listens to me sympathetic / sympathetically whenever I have a problem.

6. Andzar drives his car very fast / fastly

7. Yesterday rained heavy / heavily.

8. I answered all the questions correct / correctly.

9. The teacher explain the lesson clear / clearly, so everybody understand the lesson well.

10. Her voice is too slow / slowly I can’t hear it.

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