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The channel of nonverbal communication that I choose for this assignment is facial

communication. Facial communication is when I want to pass on my message to other people,

my cheek, eyes, nose, and mouth will move differently based on the emotion that I have during

the communication. In my opinion, facial communication is a significant tool and ability that

all of us need to learn and practice well in order to achieve smooth and effective communication

with others in our daily life. Furthermore, I think facial communication helps to increase the

intimacy with others as it let other people that I communicate with such as my friends, family,

partner, or lecturer to understand better the message that I want to convey to them since I am

using the facial communication to express my emotion with them, it will enhance the

effectiveness of the overall communication especially when I am use the channel of nonverbal

communication which is facial communication together with the verbal communication.


The nonverbal communication cue that I selected for this assignment is Happiness. I believe

that Happiness is a positive emotion that people use to express their joy and excitement and it

is also one of the facial expressions that I use the most in my daily interaction with people.

When I want to express my happiness and message to others, I will have a mouth-up action,

my cheeks will raise and bulge. Besides, my eyes will become narrow and have some eye

wrinkles when I smile. On the other hand, I can easily laugh out loudly especially in front of

my friends and family since I have a closer relationship with them. That is why I feel more

comfortable communicating with them and when I laugh, they are able to see my teeth and



I think Happiness is a very important nonverbal communication cue for me to express my

emotion in my interaction with other people as I often use cues to reveal my emotions to other

people. There are many real-life experience-based examples of how I use the selected cue,

Happiness to reveal my emotions. One of the examples is after I have experienced the SPM

exam and got an E for my math exam, I was so disappointed by the result that I got for the

math, and I made the decision after consulting with my teacher and family, I decided to retake

the SPM exam for my math subject. I study hard afterward and wait until the day that the exam

result came out. I opened the SPM result-checking website excitedly at home. Fortunately, my

hardworking paid off, I got an A in my math, and I was so happy and excited at the same time.

I immediately shared this good news with my parents and also my best friend with a big smile

to express and share my happiness with them. In the end, they also told me that they are very

happy for me, and they congratulate me for getting the good result that I desire.


In my daily life, I have some difficulties hiding my emotion using facial communication. When

I faced something that makes me feel sad and depressed I tend to show my sad face and emotion

easily. I think it is very significant for me to learn how to hide my emotion as I do not want to

bring negative emotions and affect other people's moods. The improvement that I can do in

order to learn how to learn to hide my emotion is to practice in front of the mirror. For instance,

when I feel sad I can try to practice smiling in front of the mirror until I am able to smile

naturally by hiding my negative emotions.


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