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Coastal Line

Short Questions
1.) What are the 4 types of Coastal Erosion?
Hydraulic Action, Solution, Attrition, Abrasion

2.) What are the 4 types of River Transport process?

They are the Suspension, Solution, Saltation and Traction

3.) When will “Coastal deposition'' take place?”

When the swash is stronger than the backwash and when the waves no longer
have energy to carry the eroded materials.

4.) What is swash?

Swash is when waves rush up the beach and bring materials with it.

5.) What is backwash?

Backwash is when the waves come back down the beach.

6.) What is Longshore Drift?

Longshore Drift is the process of transportation of sand and pebbles.

7.) What is weathering?

Weathering is the breakdown of rocks and the process where it changes the
appearance of it.

8.) What are the two types of coastal management?

The first type is Hard engineering which involves man made structures and the
second type is Soft engineering which is natural.

9.) Types of Coasts?

They are Spit, Bay, Bar, Tombolo, Lagoon, Headland and Beach.

10.) Which Countries are made up of BRICS?

They are Brazil, Russia, China, South Africa and India
11.) What is GNI?
GNI or Gross National Income is the money value of a country’s income

Which country is in the top ten GNI per capita?

Singapore, Ireland, Norway etc.

12.) What is HDI?

HDI or Human Development Index is the measurement of human development.

13.) What are its 3 elements?

Long life(Living standards), health and education

14.) Which Countries are in High HDI?

They are Norway, Japan and China

15.) Which Countries are Low HDI?

They are Sierra Leone, Niger and Nepal

16.) What is Quality of life?

Quality of life is someone’s welfare, equality/fairness and happiness.

Long Questions
1.) What is Geomorphology?
Geomorphology is the study of Earth’s Nature and its coastline changes.

2.) What are Constructive waves and Destructives waves?

Constructive waves is when the swash is stronger than a backwash, Destructive
waves is when the backwash is stronger than the swash.

3.) What is DCR or Development Compass Rose?

The DCR is an item or tool that allows us to ask a bunch of questions that are
concerned with issues and problems.
4.) What are the 4 areas DCR, DCR encourages you to consider?
They are Social, Who Decides, Economic and Natural(and sometimes Political). It
encourages us to consider asking questions.

5.) What are Wave Cut Platforms, how are they formed?
A wave cut platform is a flat area near a sea cliff or a lake. They are formed when
sea level rises and the cliff line moves.

Physical Weathering

Biological Weathering
Biological Weathering
Wave Cut Platforms Diagram

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