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z języka angielskiego

Copyright © for the text by Aleksandra Bacańska 2018

Copyright © by Highline 2018

Ten e-book jest własnością firmy Highline Wszelkie prawa są zastrzeżone, a ich złamanie podlega grzywnie, karze
ograniczenia albo pozbawienia wolności. E-book można pobrać na dysk komputera, dysk przenośny lub wydrukować tylko
na użytek własny.
Odsprzedawanie i udostępnianie osobom trzecim niespokrewnionym, niespowinowaconym oraz spoza środowiska
towarzyskiego bez zezwolenia twórcy jest zabronione.

Zgodnie z Ustawą z dnia 4 lutego 1994 r. o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych (Dz.U. Nr 24 poz. 83 i Nr 43 poz. 170 z
późn. zm.) e-booka nie wolno umieszczać na witrynach internetowych i pozostałych elektronicznych bazach danych.
Bardzo się cieszę, że to czytasz!

Znajdziesz tu ‘kilka’ zdań, które mogą okazać się zbawienne podczas

egzaminu maturalnego. Zdania są powiązane z 15 tematami

Każde zdanie przepisz ręcznie na osobną kartkę, jednocześnie czytając

je na głos.Trust me - to usprawni proces zapamiętywania!

To wszystko, przepisz czytając na głos. Najprostsze tematy są najlepsze.

Just do it!

Możesz podzielić sobie ten proces na 15 ‘slotów’. A teraz zaparzaj kawę

i zabieraj się do działania.

We are doing something important here!

1. She is smart enough to make a change.
2. What are you wearing tonight?
3. They are way much more annoying than you.
4. I’m a happy person in spite of many health issues in my life.
5. She seemed highly stressed.
6. Were you stressed too?
7. He has lived in Chicago since I remember.
8. Hiking is her passion.
9. Does he approve of our idea?
10. Neither he nor me like this kind of stuff.

1. Tell them exactly where you live.
2. How about buying a new house?

1. Where are you going to study?
2. Have you decided yet what to do after high school?
3. Did you really got 5 yesterday?
4. My top priority is to pass the exam.
5. Our teacher always comes up with the best ideas.
6. We shouldn’t discuss it with the whole class.
7. Are you able to do this exercise?
8. None of the students knew what to do.
9. Each of us was surprised, weren’t you?
10. She promised to help me despite the situation.
1. Both you and me know the requirements.
2. What would you do if I told you that she is about to change the job.
3. Don’t try to push me.
4. Is there any possibility we carry the project out together?
5. She got fired even though she did nothing wrong.
6. I’m doing my best since I am on a trial period.
7. Do you do overtime?
8. Would you like to apply for the job?
9. Call me once you reach the station.
10. As a Regional Manager I have many responsibilities. ZDANIA MATURALNE
Życie rodzinne i towarzyskie
1. What a coincidence?
2. I am going to join the party.
3. It was high time for you to make it!
4. They would rather not cancel the trip.
5. You’d (you had) better prepare for the test if you want to pass.
6. Unless you collect all the signatures I cannot even star.
7. Everybody finds him attractive but me.
8. We wish you were here. Come back!
9. I went back to the club but I didn’t find the purse.
10. When my son was a little boy his auntie looked after him.
1. She’s been on a diet all her life.
2. Probably this is why she is not able to lose weight.
3. First, I am going to season the meat and then put it on the barbecue.
4. Would you be that kind and make your grandpa some tea?
5. What time is the siesta?
6. I’ll have a steak, medium rare.
7. Is she allergic to nuts?
8. It smells like caramel.
9. What we need is something highly nutritious.
10. Will you book the table?

Zakupy i usługi
1. We will need an insurance before the journey.
2. Have you already paid for everything?
3. Don’t use a bank card.
4. Try asking for a discount.
5. The shopping mall was huge and made quite an impression on us!
6. What should I do to exchange this product?
7. Where do I go to exchange my money?
8. I need to withdraw the money, where is the nearest ATM?
9. We used to sell grocery via this department store chain.
10. Your services were definitely the best so we decided to choose you.

1. I am afraid all the flights are cancelled.
2. Is my train delayed?
3. What’s your destination?
4. I would like to make a reservation.
5. Did you see him last year?
6. How do I get to the beach?
7. How long have you been a resident?
8. I you could chose where would you go?
9. If I could chose I would rather go to Australia that to Asia.
10. Is there a baggage room here? ('luggage' is okay as well)

1. This town is definitely the oldest one.
2. What are the opening hours of the museum?
3. He is considered to be one of the most influential artist of our times.
4. She seem to be irritated after the show.
5. Would you be willing to comment on the movie?
6. How about going to the cinema together?
7. We need to buy tickets online.
8. Thery are the group od artist with a vision.
9. Whatever you do, however attentively you listen, you are not going to understand
the show.
10. The handmade products have been taking the market by storm!

1. I do my best to take care of myself.
2. Since many people suffer from cancer, I decided to quit smoking.
3. I have been wondering how many of us are addicted to the Internet.
4. The medical care in our country seem do be getting better.
5. She has always wanted to become a surgeon. And she did!
6. What’s your dream profession?
7. Who is applying for this job?
8. The crucial aspect was to invent the device for the deaf.
9. Are you blind or something?
10. Where do I do the blood tests?

Nauka i technika
1. He did patent his invention, good move.
2. All the computers were out of order so we couldn’t work.
3. How do I get the access?
4. The Hitech stuff is overwhelming.
5. The show is to be broadcast to 10 countries.
6. Get you act together, you are on the air!
7. The field of robotics is developing fast.
8. AI is believed to be smarter than human beings. Do you believe it?
9. He was a Nobel prize winner when at studies.

Świat przyrody
1. Do you believe atomic energy is the solution?
2. That earthquake has been announced to be the biggest disaster of all times.
3. First we crossed the river and then went through the forest.
4. Wow! This is a very rare species!
5. I hope it is not becoming extinct.
6. I have always dreamt about being a botanist.
7. Why don’t we plant some garden flowers? Do we have the seeds?
8. Everything was flooded but they managed to escape somehow.
9. This is the paradise on Earth! All the waterfalls, mountains, and the view of the ocean is
10. Should we or should we not bother about climate change?

Państwo i społeczeństwo
1. What’s your opinion on the government’s new climate regulations?
2. The number of homicide in Favelas is still growing.
3. They both have been working in the homicide for 20 years. They’re good
4. National Security Agency is currently working on the case.
5. The war broke out in summer and lasted for two years.
6. Are you afraid of the Revenue? There is no need, they are truly fair now.
7. Local governments claimed more freedom of decision.
8. The members of local gangs and bigger drug cartels are highly dangerous people.
9. The scattered structure was the characteristic feature of the criminal organization.
10. Who is you choice at the upcoming elections?
1. Brexit was one of the biggest surprises for me.
2. UK is truly efficient if it comes to organizational issues.
3. Do you consider yourself an European?
4. What we need to do is to obtain an entry permit.
5. The second step will be obtaining the resident visa.
6. What are our privileges as UE member country?
7. What does UE expects from us when it comes to safety regulations?
8. If it weren’t for their strict rules, we would have found the compromise.
9. Some countries unite some split up. That’s the way it is.
10. If you want to move and live there, you have to try to understand their mentality.

Enjoy your day!

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Aleksandra Bacańska

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