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NAME: _____Ralp Vincent D. Rili_________________________ DATE: _____________________

YEAR & SEC: __________4F_______________________ SCORE: ___________________

 Pre-test. The purpose of this test is to determine your baseline knowledge or
preparedness in this unit.
 Submission of output is through word document.
 Students should answer and submit their responses within the given period of time.

ACTIVITY 4. Answers the following:

1. What are the effects of restorative justice as a rehabilitation program of Parole and
Probation Administration? (5 points)
2. Explain restorative justice during the investigation and supervisions stage. (5 points)
3. What are the roles of the Probation and Parole Officers in the Implementation of
Restorative Justice? (5 points)

1. Reintegration of the offenders to the social mainstream and encouraging them to assume active
responsibility for the injuries inflicted to the victims; Proactive involvement of the community to
support and assist in the rehabilitation of victims and offenders; Attention to the needs of the
victims, survivors and other persons affected by the crime as participating stakeholders in the
criminal justice system, rather than mere objects or passive recipients of services of intervention
that may be unwanted, inappropriate or ineffective; Healing the effects of the crime or
wrongdoing suffered by the respective stakeholders; and Prevention of further commission of
crime and delinquency.

2. The parties voluntarily choose to be a part of the program. Before agreeing to participate in the
restorative justice process, the parties are fully informed of their rights, the nature of the
process, and the potential consequences of their decision; Neither the victim nor the offender is
coerced into participating in restorative justice processes through unfair means; results;
Discussions throughout restorative justice processes should be kept in the strictest of
confidence and should not be revealed later without the parties' consent. They should also not
be used against the persons involved is expelled from the restorative justice system If the
parties do come to an agreement, it is formalized in writing to provide the agreement with
weight and substance. The case will be removed from the program if any aspect of the
agreement reached throughout the restorative justice process is not carried out.

3. the potential case for a Peacemaking Encounter is evaluated and recommended to the Chief
Probation and Parole Officer (CPPO); dialogue is held to explore the possibility of a restorative
justice process; responsible community members and leaders are coordinated and collaborated
with for their participation in the conference; a strong facilitator serves the conference;
stakeholders' healing is supported based on the supervision treatment plan; and case notes are

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