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Mapua University

Department of Arts and Letters

GED107-B2, 1stQ2019

Portades, Jan Vincent O. SN#24

GED107/B2 What is Ethics? 8/22/2019

Why do we need to study Ethics? Is it necessary nowadays? Is it that important? Well for me

is yes because of this situations and issues that are present all over the world. There are a lot debates

and arguments about what is right and wrong about certain issues present nowadays such as same-

sex marriage and abortion. Others might say they are right and should be legalize and others would

so no to this. What could be the reason for their judgements about this?

According to the book, Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues written by MacKinnon and

Fiala, We study ethics because every argument that we say, we need to discuss and explain about

it. Studying ethics will show us the theories and concepts that will make our statement has sense.

We will need it because ethical beliefs of other people are influenced by their background like

religion, traditions and customs. They have different opinions on the certain thing and that is why

the explanation of the statement would be really important.

According to the same book, Ethics is a branch of philosophy and also called moral philosophy.

Others have different definition of it but it summarize that all individuals hold their own set values

or principles. We can ask about objects like for aesthetics and epistemology. For evaluation, there

can be two which is the normative and descriptive. In normative, we evaluate the object on what

we conclude about it like is it good or is it bad. For descriptive, it is indebted in psychology and

sociology which states the beliefs and arguments of an object.

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Studying ethics is really important nowadays because there are lot of issues and problems of

our country or the world rather will nerd it for a fair judgement. With fair judgement, it will lessen

the conflicts between people, cultures and religion.

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