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Portades, Jan Vincent O.

5 September 2019

B18 - GED109

An Overview of the Gender Situation in the Philippines (Reflection)

In the Philippines, maybe in the whole world, being a man is a superior trait back in the early
times. They have these stereotypes of being the man have much more capacity or abilities than
being the woman in the society. They believe that women are weak beings and only belong to
serve man. As the times goes by, the society especially women are having awareness to this type
of issue which degrades them for being a woman. They start to think that every woman is the
same to every men that they can also do the things that the men can do and not just a supportive
role for them.

In this article, it highlights the inequality of the rights of women in every aspect of society,
roles, in employments and even in politics which it shows that women have limited power or
rights to the positions. There are also some statistics which shows the percentage of salaries,
unemployed, jobs of women that is not to be proud of. I think that the movement of Cory Aquino
last time really do not show much changes to the present but gladly it wakes the people
especially the women that there is a chance for the Philippines that women have also rights for
being a leader to have a voice not just the men. There are also a lot of rules and laws for
protection of women in different industries which will help them. The slow improvement in the
society due to this issue makes it sad but gladly it is continuously developing that more and more
people are being aware of this issue.

I am so glad that not just women are fighting for their rights but also to man who are aware
and thinks their power and limitations are the same as the men’s. I believe that, relating to the
current issue about the LGBT+, we all are human being and equal. Nothing is better and we have
all the rights to be treated normally. Gender is not an issue to every positions in the society. If
they can do it, why can’t we? Well of course, we also can.

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