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Granite and Stone Details BOQ Item Wise

Sr.# BOQ No. Description Remarks

1 9.2.22 Granite Flooring-Ground Floor Entrance (Treads, Landing and Riser) MPL Scope

2 9.2.23 Granite on Ground Floor Pool Coping and Steps (Pool) MPL Scope

Planters have been removed

3 9.2.24 Granite Coping (Under Bridge and Terrace Railings,planters,Ramps etc) except Main Entrance Area,
Remaining works in MPL
4 9.2.25 Granite Strips on Ground Floor Entrance Lobby MPL Scope

5 9.2.26 Granite Strips on Ground Floor Entrance MPL Scope

Descoped and replace with

6 9.2.27 Granite on Toilets Plumbing Wall and upstand
Planters have been removed
7 9.2.28 Granite Cladding (Ground Floor Planters, Ramp etc. ) except Main Entrance Area,
Remaining works in MPL
Descoped and replace with
8 9.2.29 Granite on Toilet Seats

9 9.2.30 Stone for Pool Edges MPL Scope

Planters have been removed

10 9.2.34 (v) Stone for planters (Internal) on Ground Floor
except Main Entrance Area
Descoped and replace with
11 9.3.20 Stone Cladding on walls (W5)
Paint Finished

12 9.3.27 Granite Cladding at Main Entrance Vestibule MPL Scope

Replaced with Cast in situ

13 9.4.2 Granite Finish at Stair # 3 and 4
PCC Panels

14 9.7.5 Stone Finish Benches on Ground Floor Already deleted

15 9.7.6 Stone coping under Railings (STN) Already deleted

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