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Daniela Calvillo Zacarias

Critical Thinking
Daniela Calvillo Zacarias

Event Additional information

1. Antoine Lavoisier. He lists what he
Alliance the concept of the
believes to be chemical elements chemical element and drew up a
list of 33 simple substances.
Although it also included
2. Jeremías Benjamín Richter. He He found regular relationships
order the elements numerically between the weights of
combinations of certain elements
and arranged them in a numerical
3. Jön Jacob Berzelius. He gave the He gave the current system of
current system of chemical symbols. chemical symbols and chose as
symbol the first letter included in the
name of the element, which is
4. Johann Wolfang Döbereiner. He He noticed that groups of three
observed the elements in groups elements formed triads and the
and gave their characteristics. element in the middle of a triad
had intermediate chemical
reactivity and also had an
intermediate atomic weight.
5. John Alexander Reina Newlands. He ordered the elements according
He ordered the elements to their increasing atomic weights
and arranged them in what he
called the law of octaves, but this
law was of no use beyond calcium.
Daniela Calvillo Zacarias

In the book
1. Years with a particularly important for Google

1995-Larry Page and Sergey Brin met at Stanford University in the US

1997- Page and Bring registered the domain name “”
2005- Google introduced a map service called Google Maps
2006-The name “Google” became a verb in English dictionaries.

2. Timeline

1997 1998 2000 2005 2006 2008 2011

c b g a f e h

3. Timeline a business I am interested

History of “La Costeña”

1937 1951 1986 1997 2007 2011 2014 2018

2019 2019 2019

a b c d e 2019
f 2019 2019
g h

4. Events in order
a. The first factory is created
b. products reach the entire country for the first time.
c. the containers were replaced
d. the new "easy open" system was implemented.
e. the Automated Distribution Center is inaugurated
f. the second Automated Distribution Center was created.
g. the "Famous Brand" declaration is made.
h. La Costeña® turned 95 years old
Daniela Calvillo Zacarias

General notes:
a. Don Vicente (the creator of this great company) decides to manufacture his own
cans, at that time the first production plant is inaugurated, located in Mexico City.
b. After that, a new plant was built in Ecatepec, State of Mexico, where it is currently
located, with a total area of 40 hectares
c. To protect the environment, lead-soldered containers were replaced by
electrostatically sealed ones. Also at that time, another production plant was
inaugurated, now in Guasave, Sinaloa, where we started the production of our
Tomato and Vegetable Puree lines.
d. In Guasave, Sinaloa, we introduced the Combibloc aseptic packaging system
(which eliminates microorganisms through ultra pasteurization in carton packages).
e. The Automated Distribution Center was inaugurated, considered one of the
largest in Latin America due to its capacity, magnitude and number of operations.
f. The second Automated Distribution Center began operations.
g. the company received the declaration of "Marca Famosa" from the Mexican
Institute of Industrial Property.
h. .Achieved a great reach in the world and in time.

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