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Installation art is the form of art that in the 3D effect and gives a lot more style and comes
in the different objects, some artists are recycling some things and turn into a beautiful art.
It comes into our minds a little bit confusing at first if it was an art or some random object
that comes together and that exactly what is installation art is that gives us a different
perspective in comes to art and to create an enjoyment to the peoples that view the art. It
can be found in some indoor galleries in various places in the world because installation
art is requiring a space that in favor to what the art is needed to give us. The main purpose
of the artist that making this installation art is to gives the audience the emotion and the art
itself is making a conversation like it talking to you. Like this installation art of Kurt
Schwitters, he uses different shapes and objects in making his art, at first, we cannot tell
what his art is and what is all about and as we further look of his art, we can see what he
wants us to see from his art we can really know how to appreciate art.

2. In history of art, as the world is continued to improved year by years, we can also tell that
the art is far better than before. In the past centuries, there’s already an art but people in
that time doesn’t know that making art themselves. This is the start of the history of art in
the world and entering the age of romantic period to renaissance period, this is the period
that they start sharing information using art and the freedom to express what they want to
say and then become the starting point of art from this time with the help of Da Vinci and
Michelangelo. In the Baroque and impressionism period the art become more enhance a
noticeable by people that they been know for the classic times of art that going to the
modern era of art with the known artist like Monet and Van Gough. In the period of post
impressionism to the precisionism is the birth of expressing what is on our minds and on
what we believed on and making a more innovative way on making art. In the period of
futurism to neo-expressionism which can consider us the modern art we use as today. Until
we came to the contemporary period, and this is the era which was the combination of all
the period that past by. Like the world the art itself is continuing to evolve or to improve
and there’s a lot more room for improvement as the people continue to discover a lot a new
thing, I can say that when comes to art there’s always be a more different art that weren’t
considered as art. I think the new era gives us more of their artistic side because we are
here in the era that we can use our freedom and express our selves freely to world.

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