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3x250 g bakkies gladde maaskaas

425 g (1 blikkie) onversoete pynappelstukkies/ringe in natuurlike sap, gekap,
(moenie sap afgooi nie)
30 ml gelatien, gespons in 125 ml koue water
8 ml vloeibare kunsmatige versoeter, of na smaak
10 ml vanieljegeursel
125 ml afgeroomde melk
7,5 g (1 pakkie) jellie vir diabete (aarbei/framboos)
125 g vars bloubessies/framboos, afgespoel
Plaas pynappelstukkies/ringe in elektriese voedselverwerker.
Verwerk tot fyn. Voeg sap by.
Los gelatien op in mikrogolf. Roer goed deur.
Laat effens afkoel.Voeg die maaskaas, versoeter, vanielje en melk by die
Voeg gelatien by.
Vermeng alles tot glad.
Giet in liggesmeerde tertbak van 230 mm.
Verkoel in yskas tot ferm.
Rangskik bessies in sierpatroon op kaaskoek
Maak jellie aan volgens aanwysings en laat afkoel.
Verkoel oor ys tot dit net begin verdik.
Skep verdikte jellie versigtig oor bessies.
Plaas terug in yskas tot ferm. (12 porsies)

Sweet Mustard

1 can sweetened condensed milk

200ml white wine vinegar
200ml white sugar
50g -100g Colemans Hot English Mustard (I prefer milder mustard so I use 50g, a
small tin)
Optional 100ml or more of prepared grain mustard
Optional: 200ml good quality mayonnaise e.g. Hellmans (for a creamier sauce)

To prepare

Combine all the above ingredients. Stir well. Leave to stand for 30 minutes so that
all the sugar can dissolve. Give it a good stir to ensure that all the ingredients
are well mixed.

Pour into sterilised jars. Refrigerate to set. Serve at room temperature.

Shelf life 4-6 weeks.

Serve with pickled, smoked or cured meats.

Dilute mustard with olive oil and pour over blanched green beans or serve with Cos
or Gem lettuce, topped with a few shavings of Parmesan cheese.
Food wine garden
Kaalvoet/Barefoot Chef
❤ Sjokolade Koek ❤


♡ 250 gr botter.
♡ 1 koppie suiker.
♡ 4 eiers.
♡ 1 eetlepel vanielje essence.
♡ 1 en ' n halwe koppie meel.
♡ 1 koppie sjokolade wat jy wil hê of milo poeier.
♡ 1 teelepel koffie.
♡ 1 eetlepel bakpoeier of koeksoda
♡ 1 teelepel sout.
♡ 1 en ' n halwe koppie vloeibare melk.


1. In ' n bak of houer, inkorporeer botter en suikermengsel

2. Om goed gemeng te hê, voeg u eiers en wese by
3. Cernir (Isea rosyntjie vir ' n sif) Sjokolade meel sout bakpoeier en koffie
4. Met goed gemeng net totdat jy nie meer meel sien nie, voeg melk by en klaar!!!
❤🤤🥰 Gebak 180 * vir 50 minute of totdat jy dit met 'n mes of' n stok in die
sentrum en kom uit nie skoon nie, maar met ' n koek, want dit is baie melcochuda.


♡ ' n Kan melk - groot kondensmelk.

♡ 1 koppie melkroom (suur room, room, sweep room het verskeie name).
♡ 4 eetlepels kakao - sjokolade poeier.
♡ 1 teelepel poeiermelk.


Bring al die bestanddele na die medium vuur as dit begin kook wag 5 minute en
skakel alles af terwyl jy roer en gereed is, het jy ' n heerlike sjokolade room 🤤

Leke karamel yskas tert. As iemand special kom kuier. Jy kan hom twee variasies
maak. Vries dit soos roomys.

Resep 1
Halwe pakkie tennis beskuitjies fyn gedruk en gesmelte botter. Druk vas in bak.
1 blik kondensmelk
125g Cremora
125ml water
250 ml room
Suurlemoen sap

Kilts jou room styf en voeg Cremora opgelos in water by. Hou aan klits en voeg
vanilla by.
Meng 1 suurlemoen se sap met kondensmelk en klop styf.
Voeg als saam en klop tot dik.
Gooi in bak en vries.

Resep 2
Gebruik karamel kondensmelk
Los die suurlemoen sap
En gebruik dieselfde metode. Rasper pepper mint choccie oor en enjoy!!


Crispy Eisbein Recipe

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 1¾ hours
Total Time: 1 hour 50 minutes
Serves: 4


◾2 cured and smoked shanks of pork

◾1 medium onion, sliced
◾1 carrot, cut into chunks
◾1 bouquet garni
◾enough water to cover


1.Place the pork shanks into a large pot, add all the rest of the ingredients and
put in enough water to cover the pork shanks

2.Bring it to the boil and then reduce heat and allow it to simmer for 1 to 1½

3.The meat will be tender and the skins soft

4.Remove them from the pot and pat dry with a cloth, score the skin diagonally with
a sharp knife and salt the skin well

5.Place under a hot grill allowing the skin to crisp up

6.Keep an eye on them and turn to crisp the entire outside

7.Best served with boiled potatoes tossed in butter and parsley with sauerkraut and
strong mustard

8.Also put some apple puree on the table.

750 ml water
1 tin of beer (vra mooi vir manlief vir een van syne)
1 Tblsp mustard powder
2 Tblsp lemon juice
2 or 3 bay leaves
Black pepper to taste

1. Boil meat till soft (35 to 40 min)

2. Place in roasting pan and put in preheated oven @ 180 degrees C

3. Baste occasionally with stock until brown and crispy

4. Serve with tinned sour kraute and boiled, roast or mashed potatoes

Some people say I must score the crackling before roasting as it is crispier and
presents a better looking finish.

Recipe for the perfect, simple Crispy Eisbein

2 cured and smoked shanks of pork (Woolworths has really good ones)

1 onion quartered
1 carrot roughly chopped
1 bay leaf

How to
Place the pork shanks into a large pot, add all the rest of the ingredients and put
in enough water to cover the pork shanks. Bring it to the boil and then reduce heat
and allow it to simmer for about 1 and a half hours.

The meat will be tender and the skins soft. Remove them from the pot and pat dry
with a cloth, score the skin diagonally with a sharp knife and salt the skin well.

Place under a hot grill allowing the skin to crisp up. Keep an eye on them and turn
to crisp the entire outside. Best served with boiled potatoes tossed in butter and
parsley with sauerkraut and strong mustard. Also put some apple puree on the table…
you are going to love it.


1:30 min in die stoom pot of tot sag,

In die oond teen 200°C vir 30 min onbedek,
Smeer met jou eie sous of met heuning.
Eet saam met mosterd.


1 cup water
2 tablespoons maizena
3 cloves of garlic chopped
2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh red chilies or to taste
2 teaspoons mixed herbs
2/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup vinegar
2 teaspoons salt

Whisk together 2 tablespoons water and maizena. Set aside.
In a medium saucepan, mix together remaining water, garlic, peppers, sugar,
vinegar, mixed herbs and salt.
Bring to a boil over medium heat, reduce heat and simmer for 3 to 5 minutes.
Stir maizena mixture then whisk into simmering sauce and cook until thickened.
Remove from heat, let cool, store in an airtight container in the refrigerator

Chocolate Ideal Milk Cake/dessert

Sift together
1 cup flour
1 cup sugar
3 t baking powder
Pinch of salt

Mix together
1/4 cup cacao
1/2 cup hot water
1/2 cup oil
4 egg yolks

Mix wet ingredients into flour mix.

Beat egg whites(don’t over beat) and fold into mixture

Grease dish/ pan, and bake at 180 C for 30 minutes or until toothpick comes out
clean. Mine was exactly 30 minutes.

Sauce: pour hot sauce over cake as it comes out oven

1 can Ideal milk(keep 1/4 tin aside)

1 cup sugar
Boil together and pour over hot cake.

Melt 2 normal size whole nut slab chocolate and the left over 1/4 tin of ideal milk
together. Do not let it boil, just melt.

And pour over cooled cake.


You can serve it with cream and strawberries if you wish!

*I added coffee powder to the hot water from the cake, to give it an even richer
taste! So good!

Ek plaas graag weer my betroubare karringmelk beskuit reseppie. Dit is n heerlike

beskuit en krummel nie baie as jy dit uit die pan haal nie. Hierdie beslag maak 2
van daardie plat beskuit panne met die snyers vol (die pan met 78 stukkies)

Sif saam

3 kg bruismeel
30 ml bakpoeier
30 ml sout

Vryf nou 750 gram bake margarien van jou keuse in tot dit soos broodkrummels lyk

Meng die volgende

3.5 koppies wit suiker

200 ml sonneblo
Ek eet nie beet nie behalwe hierdie! Ek belowe jy gaan jou skoonma beïndruk 😉🤣


2 kg beet, gerasper
2 k uie, gekap
5 ml sout
10 ml kerrie (Rajah medium)
2 k bruinasyn
3 k suiker
40 ml mielieblom (Maizena)

1. Kook beet met ‘n bietjie water en suiker tot sag.

2. Skil die beet sodat al die velletjies verwyder is.
3. Rasper die beet en kap die uie fyn.
4. Smelt asyn en suiker in kastrol, voeg die kerrie en sout by,
roer die mielieblom in en bring tot kookpunt.
5. Gooi beet en uie by bogenoemde mengsel en prut vir
10 minute.
6. Maak seker die glasflesse is skoon vir inlê.
7. Indien onseker, was glasflesse met kookwater en laat dit
droog word.
8. Bottel beet warm in die glashouers.
9. Laat in bottels afkoel en sit die deksels op.
Repost Kaalvoet: Barefoot Chef

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