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TASK 5: Reflective Paper 3


Instruction: Using the guide questions for reflections, write your learning and insight on
the legal foundations of education.

In a month of being a student in my subject "Legal foundation in Education" it has taught me

the value of understanding the law because it serves as a guide for us teachers on how to treat
our students properly as well as know our rights and privileges as teachers. Legal basis are
clauses that place restrictions on the teacher and students in order to prevent situations where
the rights of the two parties might be violated. Knowing these legal bases could aid us in
determining what obligations teachers have, and vice versa. The topics that were discussed by
the reporters are deemed important on our part as teachers since as we all know, being
innocent does not exempt a person from the law wherein sometimes teachers are the one who
are engaged in bad or unlawful behavior so being a teacher shouldn't be an excuse since it is
required of a professional teacher to be familiar with all the legal framework related to
education to abstain from improper behavior and to be aware of the true purpose and
significance of education in our nation. Teachers must internalize all educational rules so that
they are aware of the true obligations and goals of their profession. By being aware of and
comprehending the guidelines that our professors set on us, we may maintain self-control. The
legal foundations support our efforts to develop into better educators with amazing
personalities and hearts. And as for me, knowing the legal foundations of education helps me
keep on the right track as a teacher. I will use it correctly and appropriately to ensure that the
future of my students never suffers. Knowing the basics is important, but it's also important to
comprehend the foundation's purposes, objectives, and other elements so that I may
effectively manage my students and have a foundation for what I will plan or do in the future. It
also acts as a stepping stone for me to develop my own straightforward efficiency and
effectiveness. All in all, teachers need to be aware of the legal foundation for education in order
to identify their restrictions and the extent to which they can exercise their authority in a four-
cornered classroom. Additionally, it will in some manner defend us by citing the legal
foundation. This also applies to instructors who frequently suffered abuse at the hands of
abusive principals and school heads. Knowing our rights will give us the voice we need to halt
their mischief.

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