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TASK 2: Reflective Paper 2


Instruction: Using the guide questions for reflections, write your learning and insight on
the philosophical foundations of education.

1. What new knowleSdge and/or skills did you learn and/or acquire in this lesson?
- I have learned that Educators have their personal philosophical basis that
defines their educational practice throughout their professional careers. For me
the philosophical basis that personally reflects what teachers will use/do in a
classroom to meet the academic needs of both teacher and students. In addition,
I have learned about Philosophies like Perennialism by Robert Hutchins and
Essentialism by William Bagley which are both teachers centered philosophies
while Progressivism by John Dewey as well as Reconstructivism by Theodore
Brahmeld are both student-centered philosophies.
2. Which tasks do you find challenging?
- in my own point of view, the most challenging philosophy would be the
Perennialism since I cannot imagine myself to be like that since its an old-
fashioned way of teaching approach wherein teacher would nearly spoon-fed
students since teachers would do all the talking while students would just listen.
As o new generation teacher, nowadays it is not application specially in physical
education subjects because it sounds boring for me.
3. How will this lesson help you as a Physical Education teacher?
- Being able to be guided on the different types of philosophies in education, it
will help me I an way of choosing the best philosophy that is a beneficial for me
and also to my student and was able to determine what type of teacher I’m based
on the descriptions of the different philosophies. It was a lesson for me that is an
awakening for each teacher to change or retain their individual philosophy that is
timely, child friendly, engaging that can meet halfway both sides.
4. Do you think you have achieved the lesson's target objectives?
- It was a very well-delivered discussion on our end since I was able to
comprehend the philosophies of education and I was able to offer views on the
subject. I can honestly say that the goals for the listeners' or students' learning
outcomes were met.
5. Are there any questions that you feel are unanswered? What are those
- There isn't one for me. Since I paid close attention, actively engaged in the
conversation specially to the questions and quizzes, and lastly took notes so
there aren't any questions that I feel the reporters didn't address well.

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