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Universidad de Panama

Civil and Infrastructure Engineering

Students: Britney Almendas,Nicole Murillo and Natalys González

Date: 20-09-2022
Prof. Maria Cañenguez
Britney: Hi Nicole, how are you? I heard you bought a piece of land to make your house.

Nicole: Hello, yes, I was casually talking to the contractor about the quotes and costs that it will take
me to do it.

Natalys: You should be bouncing off the walls with excitement. I have an acquaintance who is a
bricklayer but is unemployed. I will recommend him to the contractor.

Nicole: Yes of course.

Britney: So let's talk about business, what is the progress of the remodeling of your house?

Nicole: Well, it's 10% progress, we have to focus on this one because the others are like castles in
the air.

Natalys: Although we also have to see how that tender goes in the plaza project.

Britney: Sure, we'd be betting the farm on that one.

Nicole :Very well, in addition to the house, we must also build a bridge and a mill for the mill.

Natalys: don't worry, we can do all of this in a single tender so that your house and surroundings are

Nicole: I want to feel like I'm in my old house, which had a red closed-door basement.

Natalys: a basement what a good idea because I have a friend

electrician who can help you with lights and a painter to get your basement the color you want

Britney: I'm so glad Nicole's house is in good hands

I also know a plumber who works very well, he is trustworthy.

Nicole: coincidentally I was needing a plumber since I don't know any, can you give me his contact to
talk to him please

Natalys: well first we are going to try to focus on the foundation that is going to be the basis for this
project, we must also reinforce it
Nicole:yesterday the excavator came to make the hole, and start what are the foundations of the

Natalys :where is the work report

Britney: is there under the hammer and nails, let me pass it to you

Natalys:thank you, I see that you have almost everything organized, this project will move quickly.

Nicole:Yes, I already have the staff to install the floor, the ceilings, to paint and even to install the
doors, windows and others.

Britney: That's great, we'll keep an eye on the progress of the work, we'll send you the contacts,
we're going out now, take care

Natalys: you inform us

Nicole:Sure! Bye

Buildings and construction Idioms we chose

Bet the farm: lo arriesgas todo en algo que crees que tendrá éxito

 Grist for the mill: algo que se puede usar a nuestro favor

 Castle in the air: planes que no son prácticos y nunca funcionarán

 Bounce of the walls: que alguien está muy emocionado por algo

 Build bridges : como ayudar a las personas, grupos, que no consiguieron mejorar algo

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