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primatologist - a person who studies primates (Prymatolog/ssaki naczelne)

take advantage of - to make use of; to benefit from (wykorzystać)

opportunity - chance (okazja/możliwość)
find a way - to discover how to achieve or deal with something (poradzić sobie)
never look back - have no regrets (nie żałować swoich decyzji)
regret - sadness associated with some wrong done or some disappointment (żal)
setback - something that interferes with progress (niepowodzenie/porażka)
steep - having a sharp inclination (stromy)
learning curve - a gradual upward slope representing increased retention of material as the
result of learning (krzywa określająca wymaganą wiedzę)
ridiculous - very silly or unreasonable (niepoważne/niedorzeczne)
work oneself into the ground - Work so hard that you become very tired (zaharować się na
gut feeling - intuition (przeczucie)
bright side - positive side (pozytywy)
majority - the greater number (większość)
to find your feet - to become familiar with and confident in a new situation (wczuć się w
learn the ropes - to learn how to do a particular job or activity (nauczyć się podstaw)
profound - having great depth or seriousness (poważne/głębokie)
trust instincts - to feel what to do or how to act without thinking (zaufać intuicji)
be over the hill - old and therefore no longer useful or attractive (być jedną nogą w grobie)
to go far - have a great future (zajść daleko/dużo osiągnąć)
reach a peak - become number one (osiągnąć szczyt)
to go downhill - gradually become worse (staczać się)
to find oneself at a crossroads - have to choose one thing or another (stanąć przed
hard to swallow - difficult to believe or accept (ciężkie do akceptacji)
to regurgitate - to vomit/to reproduce without thinking (zwrócić)
food for thought - something to think about (zagwostka)
half-baked - unrealistic or not thought through properly (niedorobiony/nieprzemyślany)
to be bright - to be intelligent (bystry/inteligentny)
to shine at - to be good at (błyszczeć/być dobrym w)
to come in a flash - occur suddenly (nagle się pojawić)
to be dim - not very intelligent (głupi/tępy)
to construct a theory - develop a theory (stworzyć teorię)
to support - Back up with details (poprzeć coś)
to fall down (idea) - to fail because of particular reason (stracić podparcie w dowodach)
foundations of the argument - basis of the argument (podstawy, na których oparty jest
to make a killing - to make a lot of money (rozbić bank/dużo zarobić)
agressive campaign - an intense series of actions (agresywna polityka firmy)
to target somebody (sales) - decide on the people you want to sell to (target demograficzny)
to join forces - to merge together (połączyć się/połączyć siły)
general opinion - the opinion that most people have about something (opinia publiczna)
keep one's opinions to oneself - not sharing one's worldview to others (zachować swoją
opinię dla siebie)
personal opinion - a person's feeling about a particular subject (prywatna opinia)
opinionated - stubborn and often unreasonable in holding to one's own ideas, having a
closed mind (uparty/zawzięty)
difference of opinion - disagreement (sprzeczność opinii)
opinion is divided - people have different opinions about something (opinie są podzielone)
matter of opinion - it depends on the opinion (to zależy od osoby)
to be entitled to own opinion - to have the right to (mieć prawo do własnej opinii)
preconceptions - opinions formed in advance of adequate knowledge or experience
dispel - to clear away/to remove or get rid of (pozbyć się)
stigma - a mark of shame or discredit (piętno/stygmat)
to encounter - to meet (napotkać)
second thoughts - doubts about a decision you have made (po namyśle)
independent - free from outside control/not depending on another's authority (samodzielny)
challenge the stereotypes - to question the established ideas (obalać stereotypy)
perceptive - observant (spostrzegawczy)
eye-opening - unexpectedly enlightening (otwierające oczy doświadczenie)
narrow-minded - unwilling to accept or try to understand ideas that are new or different
convincing - believable/persuasive (przekonujacy)
misuse - use in the wrong way or for the wrong purpose (nadużycie)
consequently - as a result (w wyniku czego)
to be sufficient - to be enough (być wystarczającym)
contributing factor - one event or condition out of several that all together produce some
effect (czynnik przyczyniający się)
to struggle - to try very hard to do/achieve or deal with something that is difficult or that
causes problems (męczyć się/starać)
frightening - making you feel afraid or nervous (przerażające)
survey - the collection of data by having people answer a series of questions (ankieta)
discursive essay - is an informal essay about a controversial topic (essej dyskursywny)
in conclusion - a summary based on evidence or facts (podsumowanie)
poll - A survey of public opinion (ankieta)
trustworthy - reliable, dependable (godny zaufania)
vested - a concern for something from which a person expects to get personal benefit
to have an axe to grind - to have a strong personal opinion that you want people to accept
(mieć w czymś interes/mieć swój powód)
to play devil's advocate - uphold the wrong side of a cause for the sake of argument (być
adwokatem diabła)
to speak one's mind - to say exactly what you think, in a very direct way (mówić szczerze)
to sit on the fence - when someone does not want to choose or make a decision (być na
rozdrożu/wahać się)
to beat around the bush - avoid answering a question (owijać w bawełnę)
impartial - unbiased; neutral (neutralny)
libel - a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation (oszczerstwo)
to give someone a bad name - to spoil the reputation of a general class of person or thing
(niszczyć czyjąś reputację)
innate - existing from birth/inborn (wrodzony)
put something down to something - to explain/to show the cause (podpiąć do czegoś)
gifted - having exceptional talent or natural ability
trait - specific characteristic of an individual (cecha szczególna)
to inherit - to receive genes from a parent (odziedziczyć/zyskać)
to shape - to form something (ukształtować)
prodigy - a person with great talent/a young genius (młody geniusz)
phenomenon - an unusual, observable event (fenomenon)
unassuming - humble, modest, not boastful or arrogant (skromny)
exposure - to come in contact (zetknąć się)
unsubstantiated - not supported or proven by evidence (nieudowodnione)
to be in retreat - to withdraw from somewhere/take leave (być w odwrocie)
cultured - educated, polished, and refined (wychowany/wykształcony)
grim - depressing or worrying to consider (ponury)
anglophone - a person whose first language is English (osoba anglojęzyczna)
to stall - delay/stop (zatrzymywać/spowalniać)
sorry - depressing in character or appearance (godny pożałowania)
intelligence - information about another country and what its government plans to do
(informacje wywiadowcze)
compelling reason - a reason so strong that you must do something about it (przekonujący
to grasp - to understand (pojmować/rozumieć)
exaggerated - made to seem greater than it was (wyolbrzymiony)
fatally - having extremely unfortunate or dire consequences
to wage war - to carry on a battle or conflict (toczyć wojnę)
to be given a boost - to gain energy and will to do something (dostać skrzydeł/być
to take a glance - to take a quick look (rzucić okiem)
clout - great influence, especially political or social (siła oddziaływania/siła przebicia)
accordingly - in accordance with (konsekwentnie)
mammoth feat - great feat to accomplish (olbrzymi czyn lub dokonanie)
to be literate in - to be fluent in something (być w czymś biegłym)
to deter from - to prevent from (odwieźć kogoś od czegoś)
to trip up - to make a mistake or to cause someone to make a mistake (popełnić
błąd/potknąć się)
gripe - to complain constantly or naggingly (bolączka)
cold - unprepared (nieprzygotowany)
sheepish - embarrassed (zawstydzony)
by all means - certainly, of course (jak najbardziej)
the faint of heart - lacking the courage to face something difficult or dangerous (ludzie o
słabych nerwach)
to span the globe - for something to reach all over the world (obejmować cały świat)
lest we forget - so we do not forget (żeby nie zapomnieć)
heartland - the central region of a country or continent (centrum/bastion)
enviable - highly desirable/causing envy (godny pozazdroszczenia)
to hone the skills - to sharpen skills (udoskonalać umiejętności)
sinister - evil, ominous (złowrogi)
it's not rocket science - it's not complicated (to żadna filozofia)
to agonize over - to worry about a decision for a long time (zadręczać się czymś)
educated guess - hypothesis (hipoteza)
to tilt - to cause to lean, incline, slope, or slant (przechylać)
inexpert in - not experienced in something (niewprawny w czymś)
monoglots - a person who speaks only one language (osoby znające jeden jezyk)
dullard - a stupid, insensitive person (cymbał/dureń)
to plump for - to vote in favor of, choose (optować za czymś)
sublimely - majestically; supremely (w najwyższym stopniu/cudownie/bosko)
to dim - to faint/weaken (osłabiać)
subjunctive - (tryb łączący)
intricacies - complexities (zawiłości)
unduly - excessively (nadmiernie/przesadnie)
to thrust on - to force something on someone/stab someone (narzucać coś
komuś/forsować/pchnąć nożem)
smug - overly self-satisfied, self-righteous (zadowolony z siebie)
to come in handy - to be useful (przydać się)
stab at - to try something (próba zrobienia czegoś)
to plod through - to walk heavily or slowly (brnąć przez coś/posuwać się z trudem)
copytaker - a person employed to type reports as journalists dictate them over the telephone
the woolly - sheep
seep into - to flow slowly and in small quantities (przeciekać)
lingua franca - a language used among speakers of different languages for the purposes of
trade and commerce (język uniwersalny)
turgid - swollen/bloated (spuchnięty/napuszony)
burgher - a member of the middle class who lived in a city or town (mieszczanin)
to blather - to talk nonsensically (ględzenie)
to bluster - act in an arrogant, overly self-assured, or conceited manner (chełpić
per se - by itself (samo w sobie)
diverting - amusing, entertaining (zabawny)
riveting - absorbing, engrossing (intrygujący/fascynujący)
drag - to bore (nudziarstwo/zanudzać)
quotable - able or fit to be repeated or quoted (godne zacytowania)
drivel - silly nonsense (bzdury)
daunting - intimidating, causing one to lose courage (onieśmielające)
to pull something off - to succeed in doing something difficult (dokonać czegoś)
to draw up - to create plans (sporządzić coś)
shortlist - a list of selected candidates from which a final choice is made (lista finalistów)
war-torn - damaged by war (podzielony przez wojnę)
hotbed - an environment promoting the growth of something (gniazdo, w przenośni)
bebop - complex jazz style developed in the 1940s (styl jazzowy w muzyce)
idlewild - former name of New York's main airport (port lotniczy JFK)
mildew - a fungus that grows on damp fabrics, causing stains (pleśń)
overhaul - renovate, improve, reconstruct (przegląd/naprawa/remont)
to uproot - pull up by the roots, remove completely (wykorzenić/pozbyć się)
it's not a stretch - it is not an exaggeration (nie będzie to przesadą)
panjandrum - a person who has or claims to have a great deal of authority or influence
(szycha/wpływowa osoba)
pecking order - a system where some people have the right to get benefits/promotions
before others (hierarchia ważności)
non-starter - a person or plan that has no chance of succeeding or being effective
(pomysł/kandydat bez szans)
iron grip - strong hold on something (żelazny uścisk/żelazna kontrola)
stake - an amount of money (udział - w interesie)
to cripple the economy - to shatter the economy (sparaliżować gospodarkę)
to slip - to fall down (opadać/opuszczać się)
amid - among, in the midst of (pośród)
to hustle - move or cause to move energetically or busily (wysilać się/biegać/krzątać się)
buck - dollar (slang)
consumerism - a movement advocating greater protection of the interests of consumers
spark plug - device which produces an electrical spark (świeca zapłonowa)
to vie for - to compete for (rywalizować)
threshold - the minimum number of people needed to support the service (próg)
to wax - to increase gradually in size or degree (wzrastać/zwiększać się)
educational establishment - (placówki edukacyjne)
up-and-comming - likely to achieve success soon or in the near future (dobrze
zapowiadający się ktoś)
lineage - ancestry (pochodzenie/rodowód)
to adore - love deeply and respect highly (adorować/uwielbiać)
to tolerate - to put up with, to bear (tolerować)
can't stand - to not like (nie znosić)
to loathe - feel intense dislike or disgust for (brzydzić się kimś)
to be envious - (zazdrościć czegoś)
to keep out of one's way - to stay away from (trzymać się zdala)
petrified - so frightened as to be unable to move (przerażony/skamieniały)
chip on the shoulder - to hold a grudge (mieć pretensje do kogoś/czegoś)
grudge - a feeling of resentment (uraza)
to be wary - to be cautious (być ostrożnym)
to admire - to respect or think well of someone or something (podziwiać)
to look down on - feel superior to (patrzeć na kogoś z góry)
to pity - to feel sorry for (żałować kogoś)
contempt - scorn, extreme dislike or disdain (pogarda)
to be fond of - to like very much (lubić)
captivating - attracting the attention or affection of (przyciągający uwagę)
to be bored stiff - to be extremely bored (umierać z nudów)
to be fed up with - upset with the situation (mieć dość czegoś)
to despise/to detest - to hate (niecierpieć)
frowned on - disapproved of (nie zgadzać się z czymś)
to butt into - to interrupt (wtrącić się)
to address - to direct one's attention to (odnieść się do czegoś)
sermon - a speech given from a pulpit in a house of worship (kazanie)
to reminisce - to remember/recall the past (wspominać)
to utter - to speak (napomknąć)
to blurt out - to say suddenly without thinking (palnąć coś)

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