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 Body Language is non – verbal cues (facial expressions, gestures, postures).

 Tone is a variation in the pitch of the voice while speaking.
 Multimodal is the creative use of more than two communication models to deliver meaning.
 Literary analysis is an essay which thoroughly if not meticulously examines a literary piece to arrive at a critical
understanding of its message, a clear interpretation of its meanings, and a scholarly appreciation of the writer’s
 Informative speech is a speech that gives information that clarifies or gives ideas on a certain topic either through
descriptions, characteristics or processes.
 Persuasive speech is a form of communication that attempts to persuade of influence people’s beliefs, attitudes,
intentions, motivations, or behaviors in relation to an event, idea, object, or other persons.
 An interview is a verbal exchange of question and answer between two or more persons.
 Epistolary is a literary work in the form of letters.
 Intercultural communication when people from two different cultural groups interact, takes place. Its purpose is to
exchange ideas and cultural norms in the spirit of understanding and mutual respect.
 Ethnocentrism the tendency or disposition to judge other people’s culture with disfavor and to consider one’s
 Debates
 Infrastructural Signs
 Transmission
 Flip Charts
 PowerPoint

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