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The case of the province of Los Santos is unique, as it has two flags.

One inherited from the independence of España, a

movement in which both the rebellions of Las Tablas and that of La Villa de Los Santos, put an end to the Spanish
yoke on November 28, 1821.
The sports leader from Santeño Domingo Castillo, supported by members representing the Santeño society, through
resolution No 39 of September 10, 2011, issued by the Provincial Council, with the vote of 80 councilors, achieved the
approval of a flag which consists of "a rectangle made up of an orange background on which it has seven stars, on the
left side of the flag there is a black triangle with a white border and the initials of Los Santos." The seven stars
represent the seven districts of the province, which are: Las Tablas, Guararé, Los Santos, Macaracas, Pocrí, Pedasí
and Tonosí.




The typical meals and posts are: Corn

torrejitas, is a fried dessert made mostly of

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