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Unit 2

Window Operating System

The desktop is the main screen area that you see after you turn on your computer and log
on to Windows. Like the top of an actual desk, it serves as a surface for your work. When you
open programs or folders, they appear on the desktop.

The definition of an icon is a graphic representation of something, a person or thing that is
symbolic or is a noted figure. An example of an icon is the "home" or "finder" icon on your

A pointer is a variable that stores a memory address. Pointers are used to store the
addresses of other variables or memory items.

A taskbar is an element of a graphical user interface which has various purposes. It
typically shows which programs are currently running.

Introduction to Computer
Types of Computer

Mini Computer:

It is a midsize computer useful in work stations that can cover 200 users simultaneously.
Supercomputer and Mainframe:

Supercomputer is best fastest computer in world that is very expensive. It work based on
mathematical calculations so, everything work well with simple procedure.

Laptop Computer:

Laptop computers, also known as notebooks, are portable computers that you can take with you and
use in different environments. They include a screen, keyboard, and a trackpad or trackball, which
serves as the mouse.

Hybrid Computer

A Hybrid Computer is a computer that has the characteristics of both analog computers and
digital computers.

Parts of Computer

RAM, Motherboard, Processor, Hard disk/ Drive, ROM, Speakers, Printer , Cam Web , Power
cord, Computer case , GPU.

A monitor is an electronic visual computer display that includes a screen, circuitry
and the case in which that circuitry is enclosed.

Stands for "Central Processing Unit." The CPU is the primary component of a computer that
processes instructions. It runs the operating system and application

 A keyboard is an input device and is the most basic way for the user to
communicate with a computer.

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