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In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course

Teaching and Assessment of Grammar

Submitted by: Kate M. Surban

BSED– English 2nd Year

Submitted to: Prof. Esmeralda Metillo

November 2022

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:
1. Differentiate the active and passive voice meaningfully in varied contexts.
2. Transform the sentence changing the voice from active to passive voice and vice versa.
3. Construct a sentence showing an active and passive voice.
4. Appreciate the lesson by showing active participation in of the students.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Voice of the Verb (Active and Passive)

B. References:
 Lesson Plans for English as a Foreign Language. Lesson Plans by Catherine
Schell & Dr. Gerard Beck, Lesson 7. p2-7
  Moving Ahead in English, pp. 197-199
 
 
  Lesson Plans for English as a Foreign Language. Lesson Plans by Catherine
Schell & Dr. Gerard Beck, Lesson 7.p2-7
 

C. Materials: Power Point Presentation, Visual Aid and Audio Visual

III. Procedure
Teachers Activity Students Activity
A. Preliminary Activities

 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance
 Checking of Assignment

B. Motivation

Before we start a new lesson today, we

will be having an activity we will call
“Fix me, I’m shattered”.
I have here jumbled words and you
must arrange properly the words to
form a sentence.

Are you ready for class?

Yes, Ma’am.
(the teacher will present the jumbled

Sentence 1. Play. Wrote. The.

Shakespeare. Sentence 1. Shakespeare wrote the play

Let us see if your answer is correct

Shakespeare wrote the play.
Very good!

Sentence 2. Was. The. Shakespeare. The play was written by Shakespeare.

By. Play. Written.

Let us see if your answer is correct

Sentence 2. The play was written by


Very good!

What did you notice between the 2 Yes, Ma’am!

sentences, is there any difference?
(the student will raise their hand)
What is it?
I notice that there are changes in the structures
Yes, Ms.____? between the sentences

Okay, Very good!

You may have noticed something

unique about the previous sentences.
These two sentences with different
structures have something to do with
our lesson for today
Yes, ma’am!
Now, are you ready?

C. Presentation

Class, our topic for today is all about

Active and Passive Voice.

Now, do you know what active and No, ma’am.

passive voice is?

Okay before defining what is active Okay, ma’am.

and passive voice, let’s have first our
today’s words to learn.

So, here’s my instruction. I have here

five definitions of the words. You
will match these definitions to the
corresponding word. So, volunteers (the student will raise their hand)
please raise your hand and start
matching it.
Let’s have number 1, who wants to

1. the person or thing that is being (the student will raise their hand)
discussed or described.

Okay, Very good!

Now, let’s proceed to number 2

Who wants to try number 2?

Transitive Verb
Yes, Ms.___?

2. expresses an action and are (the student will raise their hand)
followed by a direct object.


How about in number 3?

Yes, Ms.___?
Direct Object
3. a thing or person that receives the
action of the verb.

Okay, Very good! The answer is

Direct Object but students don’t get
confuse between subject and direct
object. Always remember that direct
object is the receiver of the action
while subject performs the action of
the verb.

D. Lesson Proper

Now that we are done with our words to

learn and remember, Let’s proceed to
our discussion.

Have you encountered the word voice?

Okay, Now let’s define what is voice.

Voice is the quality of a verb that shows whether
Mr. ___, Kindly read what is voice. the subjects is the doer or receiver of the action

Okay, thank you!

So, when we say Voice it shows here if

the subject of a sentence is the doer or
receiver of the action.

E. Generalization

Do you have any questions concerning

our topic for today, class?

If you have no queries or questions then,

I’ll be the one to ask you.

Class, when can you say that a sentence

is in active voice? 1. Active: The government gives relief goods.
Passive: Relief goods are given by the government.
2. Active: Many boys helped the wounded men
Passive: wounded men were helped by many boys

IV. Evaluation
Instruction: Read and analyze the paragraphs below carefully. Underlined (___) the sentences if
it is in active voice and encircle if it is passive voice. Fill out the table with your answers. Look
for at least three sentences for each voice.
The life of a farmer is never easy. A sunny afternoon feels so great for a farmer. The sun
shines so bright. The wind blows smoothly. The calm weather brings a positive vibe. This is the
perfect time to visit the farm and check the crops. In a province, different kinds of crops were
cultivated depending on the season. Mostly, farmers are planting rice crop which supplies the
whole country. The harvesting was done by the locals. Crops were sold by the farmer in either
low or high price depending on the demands. Many crops were harvested and sent to the
market. The transport of crops was managed by certain association.’

Active Voice Passive Voice

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

V. Agreement/Assignment
Instruction In your 1 whole sheet of paper, construct two sentences for active voice and two
for passive voice.

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