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QUESTIONS [questions]
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1. Which one is correct
I. Sponges: cellular level of organisation
II. Cnidaria: tissue levcel organisation
III. Platehelminthes : organ level organisation
IV. Annelids, arthropods, molluscs, echinoderms and chordates: organ system level of
1. All are correct
2. II and IV are correct
3. II and III are correct
4. I and II are correct

2. Choose the false option

1. Sponges: mostly asymetrical
2. Cnidaria, ctenophora and adult Echinoderms : radial symmetry
3. Annelids, arthropods, molluscs and chordates: bilateral symmetry
4. None of these

3. Diploblastic and triploblastic are terms that describes

1. The number of invagination during development
2. The number of heads during development
3. The number of tissue layers during embryonic developments
4. The number of cell types during development

4. An undifferentiated layer present between ectoderm and endoderm is called

1. Mesoglea
2. Mesoderm
3. Mesentery
4. Parenchyma

5. Which one is correct

i. Diploblastic : porifera, coelenterates
ii. Triploblastic : Platyhelminthes to chordates
iii. Acoelomate : porifera, coelenterates, platehelminthes
iv. Pseudocoelomata: aschelminthes
v. Eucoelomata : annelids to chordates
1. All are false
2. All are correct
3. I,II,V are correct
4. Only V is correct

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6. Metamerism is the characteristic of-
1. Platyhelminthes
2. Mollusca
3. Porifera
4. Annelids

7. Metamerism refers to
1. Mesoblastic development
2. Occurrence of mesoderm
3. Segmentation where external divisions correspond to internal divisions
4. Metastasis

8. Which one is correct

1. Notochord is ectodermal in origin present in some animal
2. Notochord is mesodermally derived rod like structure formed on the dorsal side in
embryonic development in some animals
3. Poriferato Echinodermata are non-chordates
4. B and c

9. Water exists from sponges through the-

1. Osculum
2. Ostia
3. Spicules
4. Choanocytes

10. Sponges are –

1. Mostly asymmetrical and usually marine
2. Primitive multicellular with cellular grade of organisation
3. Members of porifera
4. All

11. The following characteristics belong to

i. Tissue absent
ii. Internal fertilisation
iii. Development is indirect
iv. Spongocoelate with ostia and single osculum with canal system
v. Sexes are hermaphrodite
1. Cnidaria

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2. Porifera
3. Platyhelminthes
4. Ctenophora

12. Spongocoel and canal are linked by

1. Porocytes
2. Choanocytes
3. Spicules
4. Amoebocytes

13. Water-> ostia -> spongocoel -> osculum

This pathway of water helps in
1. Food gathering
2. Respiratory exchange
3. Removal of waste
4. All

14. Fresh water sponges is

1. Sycon
2. Spongila
3. Bath sponges
4. All

15. Sponges show

1. Intracellular digestion
2. A skeleton made up of spicules or sponge fibre
3. Asexual reproduction by fragmentation
4. All

16. Which of the following characteristics is not associated with members of Cnidarians?
1. Alteration of generation
2. Nematocysts, gastrovascular cavity, extracellular+ intracellular digestion
3. Nimatocysts/ cnidoblast
4. Triploblastic forms

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17. Which of the following is not a characteristic of coelenterates?
1. A central gastrovascular cavity with single opening, hypostome
2. Mostly marinem sessile or free living, radially symmetrical
3. Show cellular level organisation
4. Show tissue level organisation

18. Which of the following is true about the Cnidoblasts/ cnidocytsis

1. They are present on tentacles of the body
2. They are used for anchorage, defence, and for capture of the prey
3. They contain stinging capsule or nematocysts
4. All

19. Some cnidarian like coral, exoskeleton is composed of

1. Silicious
2. CaCO3
3. Chitinous
4. Protienaceous

20. Polyp is cylindrical and sessile. It is seen in

1. Hydra
2. Adamsia
3. Both a and b
4. Aurelia

21. Medusa is umbrella shaped free swimming. Which one has no medusa
1. Hydra
2. Adamsia
3. Both a and b
4. Aurelia

22. The metagenesis is seen in

1. Hydra
2. Adamsia
3. Aurelia
4. Obelia

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23. The incorrect match
1. Protuguese man of war-physalia
2. Pennatula – sea pen
3. Gorgonia- sea of fan
4. Hydra –sea cucumber

24. Com jellies or sea walnut are placed under

1. Cnidaira
2. Ctenophora
3. Echinodermata
4. Annelida

25. Select the correct one for ctenophora

1. They have similarities with cnidaria
2. They have 8 external rows of ciliated comb plates for locomotion
3. Bioluminescence
4. All

26. The following characters are shown by

i. Extracellular and intracellular digestion
ii. Exclusively marine, radially symmetrical, diploblastic, tissue level organisation
iii. Bisexual, external fertilisation and indirect development
iv. No asexual reproduction
v. Presence of 8 comb plates
1. Cnidaria
2. Porifera
3. Ctenophora
4. Rotiffers

27. Pleurobrachia and ctenoplana are

1. Sponges
2. Ctenophores
3. Flatworms
4. Roundworms

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28. Platehelminthes are-
1. Roundworms
2. Flatworms
3. Blindworms
4. Pinworms

29. Which of the following is not characteristic to platehelminthes

1. Triploblastic
2. Acoelomate
3. Bilateral symmetry
4. Parisitism exclusively

30. What is common among tapeworms, fasicola and planaria

1. All are coelomate
2. All are found in gut
3. All are flattened bodies
4. All are free living

31. Chose the correct option for flatworms

1. Flame cells are excretory organ and osmoregulation
2. Mostly endoparasites
3. Bisexual, internal fertilisation, many larval stage
4. All

32. Parasitic adaptations of flatworms is-

1. Hooks and suckers are present
2. Absorption of food through body surface
3. Both a and b
4. Complex digestive system

33. Which one is not aschelminthes

1. Ascaris
2. Wucheria
3. Ancylostoma
4. Flatworm

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34. Common character between flatworm, roundworm and earthworm is
1. Parasitism
2. Acoelomate nature
3. Triploblastic
4. Pseudocoelomate

35. Aschelminthes are-

1. Free-living, aquatic, terrestrial or parasite in animals and plants
2. With complete alimentary canal with muscular pharynx, excretory tubr with pore
3. Are dioecious, showing sexual dimorphism, internal fertilisation, direct or indirect
4. All

36. Aschelminthes are called round worms because

1. Their larvae are round in shape
2. Their body is round like disc
3. Their stomach is round shaped
4. Their thread like body is circular cross section

37. The phylum name annelida is based on

1. Nephridaria
2. Metamers
3. Parapodia
4. Antenna

38. True coelom appeared first in the course of evolution of

1. Aschelminthes
2. Chordata
3. Echinodermata
4. Annelids

39. Which one is blood sucker

1. Nereis
2. Pheretima
3. Hirudinaria
4. All

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40. Choose the correct option
1. A closed circular system-annelida
2. Nereis- aquatic, dioecious
3. Pheretima and leech- monoecious
4. All

41. A feature absent in annelids

1. Nephridia
2. Lateral swimming appendages in aquatic forms like nereis
3. Longitudinal and circular muscles help in locomotion
4. Pseudocoelom

42. Annelids are –

1. Are aquatic, terrestrial, freeliving, and sometimes parasite
2. Have neural system which consists of paired ganglia connected by lateral nerves to double
ventral nerve chord
3. Non segmented
4. A and b

43. Which one is largest phylum of Animalia

1. Annelida
2. Arthropoda
3. Chordata
4. Mollusca

44. Over 2/3 of all named species on earth belongs to

1. Arthropoda
2. Annelida
3. Chordata
4. Flatworms

45. Economically important insects are

1. Apis
2. Bombyx
3. Laccifer
4. All

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46. Which mosquito acts as vector
1. Anopheles
2. Culex
3. Aedes
4. All

47. Which one is living fossil

1. Limulus
2. Locusta
3. Both
4. None

48. Arthropods have sense organ like

1. Antennae
2. Simple and compound eyes
3. Statocysts for balance
4. All

49. In arthropods respiratory organs are-

1. Gills
2. Book gills
3. Book lungs or trachea
4. All

50. In arthropods excretion takes place though

1. General body surface
2. Flame cells
3. Malphigian tubules
4. Nephridia

51. Arthropods are

1. Mostly dioecious
2. Oviparous
3. Show usually internal fertilisation and direct or indirect development
4. All

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52. Which one is the second largest animal phylum
1. Mollusca
2. Arthopoda
3. Chordata
4. Cnidaria

53. In molluscs mouth contain a file like rasping organ for feeding called
1. Operculum
2. Mantle
3. Hump
4. Radula

54. Molluscs are

1. Unsegmented
2. Soft bodied
3. Shelled
4. All of the above

55. The main body parts common to all the molluscs are the
1. Foot, radula, and the mantle
2. Foot, visceral, and the mantle
3. Visceral mass, mantle, shell
4. Foot, radula, visceral mass

56. The space between the visceral hump and dorsal spongy skin is called ____ in which _________
are present in case of molluscs
1. Mantle cavity, gill
2. Body cavity and shell
3. Viscera and shell
4. Shell and viscera

57. The precious commercial pearl is produced by

1. Unio
2. Pila
3. Oyster
4. Octopus

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58. Which is a mollusca
1. Sea mouse
2. Sea hare
3. Sea cow
4. Sea horse

59. The genera of mollusca with wrong common name is

1. Dentalium- tusk shell
2. Sepia- cuttle fish
3. Loligo- squid
4. Pila- chiton

60. Which one is false fish

1. Cuttlefish
2. Octopus
3. Myxine
4. All

61. Which one is false

1. In mollusca gills have respiratory and excretory function
2. In molluscs the head has sensory tentacles
3. Molluscs are dioecious, oviparous with indirect development
4. None

62. Which one is wrong combination

1. Mollusca- pila, chaetopleura
2. Echinodermata- echinus, antedon, cucumaria
3. Echinodermata- spiny bodied
4. None

63. Which one is exclusively marine

1. Echinodermata
2. Hemichordata
3. Protochordata
4. All

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64. Water vascular system and tube feet is characteristic of
1. Arthropoda
2. Echinodermata
3. Molluscs
4. Bony fishes

65. Spiny skinned animals with radial symmetry in adult and bilateral in larva belong to
1. Echinodermata
2. Arthropoda
3. Mollusca
4. Annelida

66. The most distinctive feacture of Echinodermata is water vascular system which helps in
1. Locomotion
2. Capture and food transport
3. Respiration
4. All

67. The endoskeleton of animals of Echinodermata consists of

1. Silica
2. CaCO3
3. Protein
4. Spongnin

68. The following characters are associated with animals of

i. Excretory system absent
ii. Dioecious, external fertilisation, indirect development with free swimming larva
iii. Water vascular system is present
iv. Unsegemted body
v. Complete digestive system with ventral mouth and anus on dorsal or upper side
1. Mollusca
2. Hemichordata
3. Echinodermata
4. Annelida

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69. Which one is a link between chordates and non-chordates?
1. Sphenodon
2. Belanoglossus
3. Crocodilia
4. None

70. The body of belanoglossus consists of

1. Proboscis
2. A collar
3. Trunk
4. All

71. Hemichordates have

1. Open type of circulatory system
2. Respiration by gill
3. Proboscis gland
4. All

72. Which of the following is correct

1. Now hemichordates has been placed under non chordates because of absence of notochord
2. Saccoglossus is a hemichordate
3. Hemichordate is worm like
4. All

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