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1. a Person- Along with becoming teachers, teachers also lead separate lives.

because of the "call of duty," they will always carry the weight of teaching. Additionally,
they should have personal qualities and skills acceptable for their work line. Teachers
each have a distinct personality that helps them stand out and leave their impact.

2. a Professional- The highest-caliber occupation is thought to be teaching. Education

has traditionally catalyzed several societal transformations. People have usually viewed
educators as a benefit to society because they are responsible for honing students'
intelligence and ability. Anywhere in the world, this profession has long enjoyed a
prestigious standing. Most students of all age groups hold teachers and educators in
high regard and view them as role models. This industry is organized into a wide range
of specializations, each needing a unique set of educational requirements and skill sets.

3. a community Leader and Social Advocate- Today's teachers must be highly

collaborative, technologically aware, and outspoken about the needs of students and
the teaching profession. They must also possess a skillful balance of subject-matter
expertise and cutting-edge teaching techniques. That's a lot to handle all at once,
especially for educators working with at-risk pupils, who frequently have to deal with the
added difficulties of residing in areas with high dropout rates, poor economic levels, and
illiteracy. Today's classrooms need leaders. Leadership alters how educators
communicate with their charges, their peers, and the communities they serve.

4. a Model of Character-Through each critical stage of growth, teachers accompany their

charges. You have the potential to have a significant impact on your students' lives by
teaching them for six to eight hours each day, five days per week. You, the primary
school teacher, will lead the kids before their parents. Then, as a middle school teacher,
you will assist kids in making another significant change: the transition into puberty.
You'll respond to their inquiries, pay attention to their difficulties, and educate them
about this new stage of their lives as they grow into young adults who are studying
through middle school and high school. You assist your students in increasing rather
than merely watching them do so.

5. an Expert-Teachers should be experts in whatever they do, especially in their line of

work as teachers. Each student will receive a top-notch education thanks to
knowledgeable instructors. If we can identify expert teaching, we might be able to
devise strategies to help rookie teachers become experts more quickly. It would be a
mistake for us to place excessive emphasis on any teacher, but since no teacher can
embody every quality of an expert teacher. Since no teacher can manifest any rate of an
expert without an environment at school that is encouraging and supportive of learning,
we still need to concentrate on excellent teaching rather than great teachers.

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