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You called me Maya

No, I didn't, he did

I heard it, do you really think I'm that dump, do you think I don't see the way
you look at her?

I don't look at her in any particular way, you are imagining things

Omg, you think I'm fuckig stupid, don't you, one thing I don't get is why are
you with me if u like her so much

I don't fucking like her, I love you, more than I've ever loved a person

Then why were u jealous of rem, when they went out, why did u spend your
night stocking them, why did u care?

Couse, she is your friend, Lucie, and I know rem, he..

Doesn't deserve her


You are proving my point. You care

As a friend I like her as a friend, I care as a friend.. I told you I love you

You may think you love me and you may want to, but you don t. you only
like me because I'm like the girl version of you, you said it yourself that s
what do you to me, but I know that is different with her, you liked her more
as you got to know her, you didn't even notice her at first..

Because I was looking at you, and only you

Cut the bullshit. I like you but I'm not going to spend my college years with
someone who regrets meeting me first

I don't regret meeting you

But you regret not giving her a chance, just look at yourself for a minute,
would you, she has you in every aspect you are hers, you were hers since
that night, that fucking night when you cried in her arms, I was there to you
could have cried in my arms, but you didn't

I wanted to talk to you, but you wouldn't listen and she…she did, but that is
all. She is just a friend and I do care I don t want her to get hurt like I don t
want any of my friends to get hurt, I was just trying to help, I may have
gone too far, but that is it. I do love you and I love being around you, I like
everything about you, even the things that are supposed to annoy me I like.

Are you sure?

I've never been more sure in my entire life, he was lying.

Ok. I m sorry

No, I'm sorry for making you fill this way

Are you good?

Yeah. Why don t I look it?

I don t know you just seem a bit of

I'm fine.

Do you wanna smoke?

Sure. Since when do you smoke anyways

I don't.

So you came out here in the cold just to spend time with me

What can I say you are a really fun companion

That is true. I have been told that many times

I bet

How are you?

Good, don t I look it?

Ooo she can be funny to

Well, people tend not to notice my funniest, I guess being so smart and
pretty kind of takes away from that

Wow we are both so humble tonight

I see.

Can I tell you something?


Hope is not too much, but I need to talk to someone, or I'm going to lose
my fucking mind. So you may have heard that I broke up whit stance

I have
And you may have heard why?

I have

Do you think is too soon? Am I jumpping into this? Should I wait

I don t know, it s complicated, I mean I would wait, but I'm a total prude who
had only one relationship at like 14 and never really had feelings for
someone, so I don t think that I m the love therapist I might seem like. But
at the end of the day, she makes you happy and you and Stacie were
doomed to fail from the moment you met Lucie

You are right, you are a loser

Fuck of

I see why Lucie hags out with you now

And you didn't before, I feel offended

To be fair the first time we met you didn't say a word

I couldn't get a word out, because you and luce were all like" you like to do
that too.." "omg I love that" "that s my favorite"

You loved it

I really didn't. it was honestly gross how much you liked each other

Well I liked her

She did too, don't act like you don't know

She did, didn't she

What are you doing what Ram

Hanging out

With him, don't take this the wrong way, but ew

He s your friend

Yeah he is fine as a friend, but not as a boyfriend

Who said something about him being my boyfriend

Miss had a boyfriend at 14 it s doing casual now

What can I say I have grown

I can see

I can t believe I'm telling you this now when it's too late but I've had feelings
for you for about 6 years now


I love you. And it fucking kills me that I made the wrong decision, that I
didn't notice you, I should have you are one hell of a girl and anyone will be
lucky to have you so don t marry him go be your awesome self in awesome
places that I probably never heard of and never will. Maya in these few
years I repressed my love for you and I just don t want to see you waste
away married to some dude that doesn't see you at your full potential, so
don't marry him

She gave him a peck on the lips. Thank you, I won't marry Brad and I will
continue to be awesome, as always and you continue to be a great father
and especially husband

I will I promise

Ok and if Sara tries to fucking still my moment and jumps into brads arms
after I leave, punch her for me ok?

How about I just call her a bitch

Works I guess

Before you leave.. are you good?

Why don't I look at it?

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