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Nelson ::: ENGL 1302 ::: Fall 2022

Vanessa Ortiz

ENGL 1302-101

Dr. Sharity Nelson

11 September 2022

Does running for a 30 min to an hour help with productivity?: An Annotated Bibliography

Stea, Tonje. Solaas, Susanne. Kleppang, Annette “Association between physical activity,

sedentary time, participation in organized activities, social support, sleep problems

and mental distress among adults in Southern Norway: a class-sectional study among

28,047 adults from the general population” BMC Public Health, vol. 22, no. 1, 2022,

pp. 01-11.

A study was done in Norway to research how many things like exercise and getting

involved can affect mental health. The authors were able to break down each topic

and make a questionnaire to see the progress of an individual. This source fits into my

research because it shows how physical activity can help someone's mindset and how

effective it is.

Manning, Jeremy. Notaro, Gina. Chen, Esme. Fitzpatrick, Patrick. “Fitness tracking reveals

task-specific associations between memory, mental health, and physical activity”

Scietific Reports, vol. 12, no. 1, 2022, pp. 01-12.


The main point of this article was to show the associations between memory, mental

health, and physical activity. The article talks about how they experimented on people

and recorded statistics of the different participants and the different things they do.

This goes hand in hand with my experiment because the article also mentions how

physical health improves a lot of the mental state of a person causing them to be in

more energetic states which can help with productivity.

Nelson ::: ENGL 1302 ::: Fall 2022

Iwatsuki, Takehiro. Navalta, James. Wulf, Gabriele. “Autonomy enhances running

efficiency” Journal of Sports Sciences, vol. 37, no. 6, 2019, pp. 685-691.

This article is about how a research was done over a certain number of days. The

authors asked participants to run on the treadmill where the speed would change every

minute. This article is helpful towards my research because it explains how running

for different speeds can be effective on autonomy. My study is very similar the only

difference is the time changes instead of the speed of the running.

Jakobsen, Markus. Sundstrup, Emil. Brandt, Mikkel. Jay, Kenneth. Aagaard, Per. Anderson,

Lars. “Physical exercise at the workplace prevents deterioration of work ability

among healthcare workers: cluster randomized controlled trial” BMC Public Health,

vol. 15, no. 1, 2015, pp. 01-09.

The main point of this article was that exercising in the workplace can be beneficial

for workers to be more active in their workplace. The authors reach this point by

making a questionnaire to the different workers of all ages getting information.

Participants were then put in different groups deciding whether to exercise at home or

at work. This study helped my research by showing the different effect physical

activity had on the health care workers and their productivity at work.

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