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Biological and

Module III Environmental

Predispositions in

Name: Logroño, Mutya Kismet A.

Course & Year: BSED-ENGLISH I-A

Lesson 3.1 Nervous System

I. Multiple Choice
Instructions: Read each question carefully and choose the best answer from the given
options. Circle the letter that corresponds to your answer.
1. The functional unit of the nervous system is the
a. brain c. neuron
b. cerebrum d. axon

2. The stage of action potential that is marked by the opening of the voltage-gated potassium
channels allowing potassium ions (K+) to move out of the cell
a. repolarization c. depolarization
b. resting period d. refractory period
3. The brain and the spinal cord are part of the
a. Central Nervous System c. Peripheral Nervous System
b. Somatic Nervous System d. Autonomic Nervous System

4. Electrical impulses from one neuron enter another neuron through the
a. dendrites c. axon
b. synapse d. soma

5. During times of stress, the body is governed by the

a. Parasympathetic NS c. Sympathetic NS
b. Somatic NS d. Autonomic NS

6. The myelin sheath is a fatty material that serves the following purposes except
a. protects the axon c. speeds up conduction
b. acts as insulator d. interprets electrical signals
7. Motor neurons are also known as
a. nerve cells c. efferent neurons
b. afferent neurons d. associative neurons

8. The space between two neurons is known as

a. synapse c. axon
b. dendrites d. soma

9. The movement of sodium ions (Na+) towards the cell stops when the membrane potential
a. -60 millivolts c. -50 millivolts
b. +40 millivolts d. +70 millivolts

10. The voluntary activities of the body is controlled by the

a. Somatic NS c. Autonomic NS
b. Central NS d. Peripheral NS

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