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PHYSIOLOGY a. Cell membrane c.

b. Nucleus d. Mitochondria
1. This protein molecule in the actin filament is the binding site for
calcium.* 10.  Loosely coiled fibers consisting of DNA and proteins are called*
a. Tropomyosin c. Calcitonin a. Ribosome c. Chromatin
b. Chromosome d. Nucleolus
b. Troponin d. None of the above
11. The following are the three major components of the
2. The storage site for calcium in the muscle fiber is extracellular matrix EXCEPT:
a. fluid c. ground substance
a. Sarcoplasmic reticulum c. Sarcoplasm b. protein fibers d. adipocytes
b. Mitochondria d. None of the above 12. This type of connective tissue has extracelluar matrix consisting
mostly of collagen and a few elastic fibers.
a. dense connective tissue c.  areolar tissue
3. The opening of sodium channels causes b. adipose tissue d.  bone
a. Depolarization c.  hyperpolarization
13. These are membrane bound vesicles containing enzymes that
b. Repolarization d. none of the above
breakdown fatty acids, amino acids and hydrogen peroxide.
These are active in the detoxification process of the cells.
4. This is the type of contraction wherein the amount of tension a. Lysosomes c. Microfilaments
increases during the contraction but the length of the muscle b. Peroxisomes d. Microtubules
does not change.
14.  This is the phase of mitosis when the chromosomes align in
a. Concentric contraction c.  Isometric contraction
the center of the cell in association with the spindle fibers.
b. Eccentric contraction d.  Isotonic contraction a. Prophase c. Metaphase
b. Interphase d. None of the above

15. This is the synthesis of proteins based on the information in

ISOMETRIC Amount of tension increases but the length mRNA.
of the muscle does not change a. Translation c. Aerobic respiration
b. Transcription d. Anaerobic respiration
ISOTONIC Amount of tension remains constant but the
length of the muscle decreases
16. Cartilage cells are known as
CONCENTRI Contraction in which the muscle tension a. Osteocytes c.  Fibroblasts
C increases as the muscles shortens b. Chondrocytes d. None of the above

ECCENTRIC Contraction in which tension is maintained 17. These are known as the support cells of the nervous system
while the muscle lengthens
a. Neurons c. Neuroglia
5. Ions such as sodium (Na+), Calcium (Ca++) and Chloride (Cl-) are b. Dendrites d. Axon
found in greater concentration ____.
a. Intracellularly c. Both 18. The cardiac muscle is branched and is connected to one
b. Extracellularly d. Neither another by ____.
a. Intercalated discs c. Loose (Areolar) connective tissue
6. This is the movement of molecules against a concentration b. Sarcomere d.  None of the above
a. Simple diffusion c. Active transport
b. Facilitated diffusion d. Osmosis 19. These membranes, consisting of simple squamous epithelium,
line the trunk cavities and cover the organs located in these
7.  The movement of molecules from an area of greater cavities.
concentration to an area of lesser concentration is termed a. Cutaneous membrane c. Serous membrane
a. Osmosis c.  Active transport
b. Passive diffusion d. Filtration b. Synovial membrane d.None of the above

8.  The ingestion of cells of solid particles is termed

a. Phagocytosis c.  Imbibition
b. Pinocytosis d.  None of the above
20. The following are all examples of connective tissue EXCEPT
9.This is the major site of ATP synthesis a. Cartilage c.  Blood
b. Bone d. None of the above21. b. T-cells d.  Red blood cells
Endoplasmic reticulum that functions for lipid production is
termed ____.
31. Responsible for Humoral or antibody mediated immunity
a. Rough E.R. c. both
a. B-cells c.  Eosinophils
b. Smooth E.R. d. neither
b. T-cells d.  Red blood cells

22. The tricuspid valve is closed when *

32. All are function of the lymphatic system EXCEPT:
a. When the ventricle is in systole c.  while the atrium is
contracting a. Fat absorption c. Defense against microorganisms
b. When the ventricle is in diastole d.  Blood moves from the b. Fluid Balance d. Regulation of blood circulation
atrium to ventricle
33. This type of neuroglia lines the fluid filled spaces of the central
nervous system.
23. The aortic semilunar valve opens a. Astrocytes c. Ependymal cells
a. when ventricle is in diastole c. when atrium is in systole b.Oligodendrocytes d. Neurolemmocytes
b. when atrium is in diastole d. when the arterial is lower than
34. This type of neuroglia are found to surround the axons of the
the ventricular pressure cells in the central nervous system.*
a. Astrocytes c. Ependymal cells
24. The layer of the heart wall that is composed of cardiac muscles b. Oligodendrocytes d. Neurolemmocytes
35. Gaps in the myelin sheath surrounding the axons are termed
a. Myocardium C.  Pericardium
b. Epicardium D.  Endocar
a. Intercalated disc c. Nodes of Ranvier
b. Axon hillock d. Internodal membrane
25. In an electrocardiogram, the P wave represents the *
a. atrial depolarization c. ventricular depolarization 36. The clusters of gray matter found deeper within the brain is
b. atrial repolarization        d. ventricular called ___.
repolarization a. Ganglia c. Cortex
b. Nuclei d. None of the above

26. The second heart sound is produced by the closure of 37.  The following are true EXCEPT
____valves. a. Veins are more superficial than arteries.
a. Mitral and tricuspid c.  aortic and mitral valve b. Veins are called capacitance vessels.
c. Pulses are felt on areas where veins are very superficial.
b. Aortic and pulmonic d.  tricuspid and pulmonic
d. Arteries are called resistance vessels
27.  The hormone that is primarily made up of Lipids is
a. Cortisol c.  Growth hormone 38. Starling’s law states that the force of contraction of the cardiac
b. Thyrotropin d.  Melatonin muscle is
a. directly proportional to its length             c. both
b. indirectly proportional to its length         d. neither
28. Catecholamines are produced at the
a. Zona Glumerulosa of the adrenal cortex 39. Goosebumps or gooseflesh is produced upon sympathetic
stimulation    of the ___ muscle
b. Zona Fasciculata of the adrenal cortex a. Extensor folliculus c. Folliculus erectus
c. Zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex b. Arrector pili d. None of the above
d. Adrenal Medulladium
40.  Vitamin D3 (also called cholecalciferol), an inactive form of
29. Marked decrease in this hormone may cause a stunt in bone vitamin D, is formed in the skin as a result of physicochemical
growth as well as the overall cell growth reaction of 7-dehydrocholesterol with______.
a. Thyroid hormone c.  Cortisol a.  transferases from the kidneys c. urobilinogen from the
b. Growth Hormone d.  Epinephrine b. ultraviolet rays from the sun d. none of the above

30. Responsible for cell mediated immunity 41.  Apocrine sweat glands may be found on the following EXCEPT
a. armpit c.  labia majora
a. B-cells c.  Eosinophils
b. scrotal area d.  ear canal b. G cell d. none of the above
42. This hormone promotes release of bile from the gall bladder
a. lipase c. bilirubin 53. Brunner’s glands are found in the
b. amylase d. cholecystokinin a. ileum c. large intestine
43. Protein digestion occurs primarily in the * b. duodenum d. none of the
above54. Which of the following is composed of 3 layers of
a. transverse colon c. stomach smooth muscles in  the muscularis layer
b. ileum d. jejunum a. small intestine c. stomach
44. Somatostatin is produced by the ___ of the pancreas b. large intestine d. esophagus
a. alpha cells c. delta cells
c. beta cells d. none of the above 55. Lines the capillaries in the lungs
45. In the intestines vagal stimulation produces a. simple columnar c. simple ciliated
a. increased peristalsis c. increased water reabsorption b. pseudostratified columnar d. simple
b. decreased peristalsis d. decreased water squamous
reabsorption46. This protein spans the entire cell membrane
and functions as ion channels 56. Lines the oral cavity
a. peripheral proteins c. albumin a. simple columnar c. simple
b. integral proteins d. colloid squamous
b. pseudostratified columnar d. stratified
47. This organelle functions for the processing and sorting
and delivery of proteins to the cell membrane
57. Lines the urinary bladder
a. mitochondria c. Golgi
a. simple columnar c. transitional
b. peroxisome d. endoplasmic b. pseudostratified columnar d. simple
reticulum squamous

48. This cell specialization is found to line the trachea and 58. Vitamin A producing cells of the liver
bronchi of the respiratory tract a. Ito cells c. microglia
a. flagella c. microvilli b. Kupffer cells d. none of the
b. peroxisome d. cilia above

59. Macrophages in the sinusoids of the liver

49. Mucus producing cells of the respiratory cells
a. Ito cells c. microglia
a. dust cells c. goblet cells
b. astrocytes d. microglia b. Kupffer cells d. none of the
50. The submucosal plexus is also known as
a. Meissner’s plexus c. Auerbach’s 60. blood supply of the liver
plexus a. hepatic artery c. both A and B
b. myenteric plexus d. none of the b. portal vein d. neither A nor B
61. Surrounds a fascicle of skeletal muscle
51. Which of the following is lined by non-keratinized a. endomysium c. perimysium
Stratified Squamous epithelium
b. epimysium d. none of the
a. small intestine c. stomach above
b. large intestine d. esophagus

62. Sarcomere, the basic unit of contraction is bounded by

52. This oxyntic cell produces gastrin
a. Z disc to another Z disc c. from one A band to one I band
a. parietal cell c. chief cell
b. M line to another M line d. from one actin to one

63. Elastic myofilament

a. myosin c. actin
b. titin d. none of the

64. Neurotransmitter for skeletal muscle contraction

a. calcium c. dopamine
b. acetylcholine d.norepinephrine

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