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from Walden, from Civil Disobedience

Henry David Thoreau

sufficed         heedless         vital

A. DIRECTIONS: In each of the following items, think about the meaning of the
italicized word or phrase, and then answer the question.

1. If the number of pizzas Janelle ordered for the party sufficed, did she order
enough pizzas? Explain.

2. Would a person who is heedless of a possible rainstorm be likely to take an

umbrella when he goes for a walk?

3. If a messenger is told that the message he is delivering is of vital importance, does

it matter very much if the message is delivered? Explain.

B. WORD STUDY: The Latin prefix super- means “above” or over.” When attached to
a root word, super- gives the word a meaning that goes above or beyond the normal
situation. Attach super- to each of the words below. Then use each word in a

1. natural       

2. sonic       

3. script       

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