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Isaida C Rivera Mercado

Professor Pier LeCompte Zambrana

ENGL4021 M03


Going back to August 2022, I started knowing absolutely nothing about technical documents and how
they are prepared. By then I had done some essays and group work which only produced long essays
and/or writings, obviously perhaps poorly written. On many occasions I would only highlight my
opinions and others. I started the class thinking that I would only craft essays and things that I had already
done at the time.

Throughout the semester I got to know different topics, forms, and ways of making technical documents
correctly. With this, I was able to know the importance of writing them and of a good presentation.
Throughout the semester I learned what minutes, free writing, reports, and many technical instructions
are. From the minutes I learned in detail the information that they must have. From the technical
instructions I found some that I had never touched or used in my previous jobs. Free writing helped me
put confidence in myself, having my writing flow with the information I know. The presentations also
help me to correctly use the library and its databases.

Finally, after taking the technical writing class (Engl4021) I can say that my way of writing technical
documents improved a lot. Years have passed and I have made several improvements. Regarding the
minutes, I had never touched on this subject before and although it is not a difficult document to carry
out, you must be familiar with it since many things must be clear as in the other technical documents.
This knowledge will help me throughout my professional and personal career. In addition, participating
with the CEPA association in the Atabey Garden helps me meet more people and be able to flow with the
members of this association. In conclusion, this class contributed positively to my education. I attest that
this knowledge helped me grow. Everything learned I will use in the future creating technical documents
for my future profession.

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