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Reflection Essay

Throughout the semester my writing has improved greatly. With that, I can also see

areas that I still need to improve on that I didn’t even think about before this class. The biggest

improvement for me that seems small, but in the long run is going to be very useful, is my

understanding of word and all the helpful functions it provides. Improving on things like how to

add a table of contents, how to add a table of figures, how to use accessibility features, how to

use Zotero, etc.… has helped cut my time down for creating my documents for this class and

other classes I have been taking. I have also seen an improvement of my word choice for my

documents. This class taught me how important word choice is depending on the document

you are writing and the message you are relaying. I have improved on this, but this has also

brought to my attention how much more I need to work on it and how important it is.

My goal for taking this course was to meet my general ed requirement. In that sense

yes, I met my goal. I didn’t really know what I was getting into when I signed up for this class,

but I am glad I took it. There are a lot of things that are important for communicating

professionally within a job that I didn’t know about until this course. Learning something new

was the only goal I had going into this class and coming out of this class I gained a lot of skills

that will help me through the rest of college and in the future with my career. For example,

forming and presenting through a video has been a huge form of communication since Covid

and the importance of it has been rising since then.

The assignment that I am most proud of is the white paper. I spent a lot of time

researching racoons and organizing my white paper. I feel like the white paper was the final

that you could use everything you gained from the course and put it into one. I don’t think I
would add an assignment to this course, but I feel like it would be cool to learn more about

adding graphics to documents and how they can help. We got into that a little bit with the

instructions and presentation assignments, but I would like to go more in depth. When it comes

to editing an assignment, I would give more time to the white paper and less time to the

instructions. I feel like there is so much to do and think about in the white paper and it would

have been nice to have some more time to put it together. On the other hand, since it is a

summer class, we didn’t have much time to extend the date and there would probably be

enough time during a regular semester. I really enjoyed this semester and I hope you have a

great rest of your summer!

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