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When it comes to my overall improvement within this class, I believe that I managed to improve quite a

lot of the course of this semester. In the beginning of the semester, I was having a lot of trouble when it
came to writing my essays and my other assignments because I mainly had issues with grammar and
issues on how to make sections flow consistently. Throughout the Semester I was able to get a lot better
at making my sentences and my paragraphs flow smoothly with each other. As each assignment came
along over the course of this semester, I felt like each time I was getting better and better at writing my
assignments for this class. One assignment in which I noticed that especially was in the White Paper
assignment that we had previously. So overall I definitely feel like I improved a lot when it came to my
writing as I took this class this semester.

In the beginning my overall goal for myself when it came to this class was to become way better when it
came to writing and making word documents. In the end I feel like that I really managed to reach that
goal throughout this semester, one way in which I was able to achieve that was through the revisions
that we were required to make for each one of our major assignments throughout this semester. The
Peer Revisions realty helped me by allowing me to be able to notice mistakes that I wouldn’t have caught
without help. In the end I believe that this course managed to help me get a lot better when it came to
how I did each assignment and how my grammar, spelling, punctuation and even my sentence flow was
by the end of the semester.

In the end I would have to say that out of all the assignments this semester the instructions packet was
the assignment that I was most proud of with for this semester. I really enjoyed doing that assignment,
so I was able to fully put in the effort for that assignment because it was based on something that I love
doing. Personally, if I could add any assignment to this course, I would probably add an assignment that
would most likely focus on people doing research on a particular topic or person and writing a long email
to that person or about that topic. If I were to remove an assignment from this course, I would have to
most likely remove the White Paper assignment just because of how frustrating that assignment was in
the end. The main reason this assignment was so frustrating was because that a lot of the way in which
the assignment was worded was extremely confusing as well as this assignment was very frustrating to
me in the end. The White Paper Assignment was probably my least favorite assignment just because of
how frustrating setting up the document and the information was to me in the end while taking this

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