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Stage One - Academics

LAW 101 - Air Law

Quiz • page 1

LAW 101 Quiz

Name: __________________________________________ Date: _________________

First Middle Last

Class: __________________________________________ Score: ________________


1. What is the First Freedom under the Chicago Convention of 1944?

a) The right to carry revenue traffic from the home state of the carrier to the
territory of another state.
b) The right to land in another state for technical reasons.
c) The right to fly over the territory of a state without landing.

2. How often does the ICAO all member assembly meet?

a) One year.
b) Three years.
c) Five years.

3. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) are recommendations provided by the

company on how to operate an aircraft. Pilots are allowed to take the SOP
and add their own techniques to the procedures.

a) True.
b) False.

4. How long is a Class 1 Medical Assessment good for a 40 year old person with a

a) 6 months.
b) 12 months.
c) 24 months.

Version 2.0 01 March 2012

Stage One - Academics
LAW 101 - Air Law
Quiz • page 2

5. Two aircraft are converging. A glider is on the left and an aeroplane on the
right. Who has the right of way?

a) The glider is on the left and therefore must give way to the aeroplane on the
b) Both aircraft should give way to the right.
c) The glider is the exception to the converging rules and has the right of way over
the aeroplane.

6. What color are taxi way location signs?

a) Red background with white lettering.

b) Yellow background with black lettering.
c) Black background with yellow lettering.

7. Label the aircraft positions in the traffic pattern.

8. On final approach to a runway you see a VASI, the lights are indicating white
over white. What should you do?

a) You are indicating too low and need to reduce your rate of descent.
b) You are indicating on glide path and should continue.
c) You are indicating too high and need to increase your rate of descent.

Version 2.0 01 March 2012

Stage One - Academics
LAW 101 - Air Law
Quiz • page 3

9. What is the VMC minima for Class D airspace (not including visibility)?

a) Distance from cloud is 1500 horizontally and 1000 vertically.

b) Distance from cloud is 1000 horizontally and 1500 vertically.
c) Clear of clouds.

10. What is the speed restriction for VFR in Class D airspace below 10,000 ft?

a) 200 knots.
b) 250 knots.
c) No speed restriction.

Version 2.0 01 March 2012

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