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Name: Remegia, Lord Matthew R.

Date: 10/1/2022
Course & Section: BSES-1A-M Score: 13/22

Lecture Activity No. 2

Introduction to Botany

Directions: Indicate the biological level of organization of the each sample and answer
the guide questions comprehensively.
Guide Questions:

1. How is the conspicuous consumption by people in highly developed countries

related to environmental problems? (1 point)
- conspicuous consumption can lead to overconsumption that worsens climate
change and increases air pollution. We become dependent on resources that
are necessary for our health and way of life because it depletes the systems
that keep the earth alive, such as those that give us access to clean water.
Overconsumption is a result of excessive credit or debt, and it puts lenders
like banks and other financial institutions at serious risk of suffering severe

2. What is botany? List at least five sub disciplines of botany, and briefly describe
each. (6 points)
- Biology's field of botany is concerned with the study of plants, including their
structure, characteristics, and biochemical operations. The study of plant
diseases and interactions with the environment are also included, as well as
plant taxonomy.

1. Anatomy - Anatomy is the study of the internal structure of an organism. Plant

Anatomy is mainly related to structure and studying of an organization of tissues.
2. Morphology - morphology is the study of a plant's physical appearance and
outward structure, whereas plant anatomy is the study of a plant's interior
structure, primarily at the cellular or microscopic level.
3. Plant physiology - The study of plant physiology focuses on the various
components of plants and how they function, both separately and together. It
covers subjects like the design and purpose of leaves, stems, and roots, the
conductivity of sugar and water, and the reproductive systems of plants.
4. Plant pathology - The study that focuses on understanding the origins of plant
diseases, the mechanisms by which they spread to both individual plants and
entire populations, and the methods for managing or controlling them.
5. Ecology - is the study of the interactions between living things, such as humans,
and their physical surroundings; it aims to comprehend the crucial relationships
between plants, animals, and their surroundings.

3. What features distinguish plants from nonliving things? (1 point)

- All living things mature and pass away over time. Non-living things do not
develop, multiply, or expire. Another trait of living beings is their ability to
move. Plants can also multiply using things like seeds and stems.
4. Briefly describe the distinguishing features of the kingdom Plantae. ( 1 point)
- They are divided into groups based on a range of traits, such as the presence
or absence of vascular tissue, whether they produce seeds or are seedless,
and, if they do produce seeds, whether those seeds are shielded by a fruit.

5. Two plants are classified in the same genus, and two other plants are classified
in the same class. Which pair of plants is more similar? Why? (1 point)
- The pair of plants in the same genus are more similar for the reason that a
genus is a group or assemblage of related species which resemble one
another in certain correlated characters.

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