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PEPSI: Jackson Watts

Jenna Cody

Department of Education, College of Southern Nevada

EDU 220: Principles of Education Psychology

Dr. Hooks

9 October 2022
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“Jackson Watts was born on September 29, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada, to Wenjie Li and

Gil Watts. Both of Jackson Watts’ parents are Chinese. Jackson Watts also has a younger sister,

her name is Jaqueline. Due to Jackson Watts’ immersion in Chinese at home, he became fluent.

Additionally, Jackson Watts is eloquent in English, characterizing him bilingual. Unfortunately,

Jackson Watts’ parents are no longer together. Primarily, Jackson Watts spends the majority of

his time with his father, Gil Watts. Further, he spends a considerable amount of his time with his

Grandma. Sadly, Jackson Watts’ mother, Wenjie Li, is constantly relocating for work. Due to her

constant change of residence, Jackson Watts rarely spends time with his mother. Luckily, Jackson

Watts’ Grandma has taken on the motherly role in his life. Jackson Watts is currently a second

grader at the private institution, Foothills Montessori School. He has attended Foothills

Montessori School since Kindergarten. Additionally, Jackson Watts is enrolled in the private

institution’s aftercare program. Aftercare allows Jackson Watts the opportunity to receive aid

with his homework. Further, it gives him undivided time to spend with his friends. Recently,

Jackson Watts was enlisted on a soccer team. He eagerly awaits every practice and game. Playing

soccer gives him something to look forward to. Additionally, it allows Jackson Watts an outlet

for his abundant amount of energy. Jackson Watts can be characterized as an energetic,

kind-hearted individual. He is always grinning ear-to-ear.

A PEPSI screening was conducted on the aforementioned, seven-year-old boy, Jackson

Watts. Initially, observations were conducted regarding Jackson Watts’ physique. Jackson Watts

has dark brown hair, with eyes that follow suit. He has a pale complexion. Further, he has a

slimmer build. “Between the ages 7-11 … qualities that relate to general athleticism-such as

speed, agility, balance, coordination, and mental aptitude for sports …” should be apparent.

(Gostomski, 2020). Jackson Watts is an extremely active and energetic individual. He does not
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tire or feign fatigue easily. Observations exemplified Jackson Watts’ amount of energy.

Additionally, surveillance of his physical movements employ Jackson Watts’ excellent motor

skills. He displays exceptional speed, agility, movement, etc. However, Jackson Watts

exemplifies weakness in balance and coordination. As Jackson grows, these skills will greatly

improve, becoming an important contribution to his athletic ability. He elucidates basic

movement skills. He has considerably strong bones and muscles. He is able to lift things with

great ease. Jackson Watts’ marvelous bone strength was displayed when he landed on his sister,

Jacqueline, breaking her arm. Jackson Watts’ immersion in soccer will greatly impact the

aforementioned skills. He will be able to finetune the skills he already possesses. Additionally,

playing soccer will enable him to improve his coordination and balance. Employed through

observations, Jackson Watts is developing normally regarding general athleticism. Further,

measurements were taken of his height. Jackson Watts is 4 ft, 5 in (134.62 cm). He is

considerably taller than his peers. “The average height of a seven-year-old is 4 ft (122 cm).”

(Karen Miles|Medically reviewed by Dawn Rosenberg). Recognized, Jackson Watts’ above

average height, has proven to be advantageous when playing sports with his peers. Ultimately,

his height will become an asset for Jackson Watts in the future. Additionally, figures were drawn

pertaining to Jackson Watts' weight. The tools necessary to weigh Jackson Watts were not

applicable. Estimations were made concerning the weight of Jackson Watts. He is predicted to

weigh roughly fifty pounds. “At seven, a boy weighs between forty to seventy-two pounds.”

(Leaf Group). Therefore, Jackson Watts is among the average of his peers. With Jackson Watts’

physique carrying normal weight, he will not have the negative repercussions of added stress to

his frail bones and muscles. Overall, Jackson Watts possesses a seemingly average physique. He

is within the average for general athleticism. Fairly below average regarding balance and
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coordination. His height employs that of above average, with a weight that is normal.

Aforementioned, these equalize to categorizing Jackson Watts’ physical as normal.

Figure One: Height comparison between Jackson Watts and normal. Data in centimeters (cm).

Figure Two: Weight comparison between Jackson Watts and average. Data in pounds (lbs).
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Recommended, Jackson Watts should continue with his endeavor of soccer. This will

allow him to strengthen the physical skills already possessed. Further, it will enhance his balance

and coordination. Jackson Watts must continue the diet he is currently abiding. His diet has

employed beneficial results regarding Jackson Watts’ height and weight.

With the continuation of Jackson Watts’ PEPSI screening, observations were conducted

regarding his emotional aptitude. “Emotional development is a complex task that begins in

infancy and continues into adulthood.” (Emotional Development). Honing in on Erik Erikson’s

Stages of Development, we can understand Jackson Watts’ emotional development. “Stage One,

of Erik Erikson’s stages, is Trust vs. Mistrust. This conflict takes place in one's infancy.” (Cherry,

2022). Jackson Watts is an extremely trusting individual. Through the various observations

conducted, he never once seemed distrusting of anyone. Surveillance of Jackson Watts’

inordinate trust employs that he was well taken care of during his infancy. He was properly

nourished. “Stage Two, of Erik Erikson’s stages, is Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt. This conflict

takes place during one’s early childhood.” (Cherry, 2022). Unfortunately, Jackson Watts displays

an exuberant amount of self-doubt. Whilst completing his homework, he is constantly doubtful

of his answers. Jackson Watts even expresses doubt in answers when he is apparently skilled in

the subject matter. Further, he is constantly correcting his writing in an attempt to make it

“perfect”. Additionally, when corrected on an incorrect answer given, Jackson Watts expresses

shame. This elucidates the possible troubles faced when toilet training. “Stage Three, of Erik

Erikson’s stages, is Initiative vs. Guilt. This conflict takes place during one’s preschool years.”

(Cherry, 2022). Jackson Watts’ is an extremely initiative individual. He is always exploring.

Further, he is always wanting to try new things. Jackson Watts attended the private institution,

Foothills Montessori School, during his preschool years. Foothills Montessori School tends to
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harbor independence in the students. Additionally, the private institution encourages leadership.

This could exemplify Jackson Watts’ eager nature. “Stage Four, of Erik Erikson’s stages, is

Industry vs. Inferiority. This conflict takes place during one’s school age.” (Cherry, 2022).

Jackson Watts is in the midst of the aforementioned conflict, Industry vs. Inferiority. Currently,

he represents industry. He is a strikingly confident individual. He seldom allows anything to alter

his self-esteem. He has strong relationships with his peers. Jackson Watts is never seen without a

playmate. When in need of a friend for a game, he does not hesitate to ask a classmate or teacher.

According to Erik Erikson’s stages of Development, Jackson Watts’ emotional concept employs

trust, shame/doubt, initiative, and industry. Aforementioned, emotional development continues

into adulthood, Jackson Watts’ emotional aptitude is adapting everyday.

Figure Three: Jackson Watts’ Stages in accordance with Erik Erikson’s Stages of Development.
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“The age ranges stated … may represent the best times for a crisis to be resolved, but

they are not the only possible times.” (Slavin, 2021). Although the conflict Autonomy vs.

Shame/Doubt is present in early childhood, does not mean that Jackson Watts cannot develop

autonomy later in life. Therefore, even though Jackson Watts expresses the emotions of shame

and doubt, he can still overcome the aforementioned conflict. Ultimately, expressing that of

autonomy. Recommended, influential role models need to be supportive towards Jackson Watts.

Further, they should not warrant punishments for poor behavior. Incorrect answers on homework

should not elicit negative responses from adults. Instead, these individuals should encourage

Jackson Watts. Supporting him through each endeavor.

Next, observations were conducted pertaining to Jackson Watts’ philosophical

development. During this aspect of the PEPSI screening, there was great emphasis on Jackson

Watts’ moral reasoning and philosophical perspective about life. “When people consider moral

dilemmas, it is their reasoning that is important, not their final decision, according to Lawrence

Kohlberg. He theorized that people progress through three levels as they develop abilities of

moral reasoning.” (Slavin, 2021). “According to Lawrence Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral

Development are preconventional, conventional, and postconventional.” (Slander). Jackson

Watts practices preconventional morality. “At the preconventional level children don’t have a

personal code of morality, and instead moral decisions are shaped by the standards of adults and

the consequences of following or breaking their rules.” (McLeod, 1970). Jackson Watts is able to

comprehend “bad” and “good” behavior, as it is defined by the adults in his life. Observation

exemplified his understanding of the expected actions. These actions have been outlined for

Jackson Watts by his educators. He is able to grasp that poor classroom conduct ultimately leads

to disapproval from his teachers. Whenever Jackson Watts is participating in problematic

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behavior, he does so outside of the teachers’ line of sight. Employing that he comprehends that

unwanted actions lead to consequences. Further, Jackson Watts was observed warning peers

about their problematic behavior. Elucidating that he was able to understand that his peers’

behavior would lead to ramifications. Additionally, whenever Jackson Watts is practicing

exceptional behavior, he tries to grab the attention of his teachers. Therefore, yielding

compliments from his educators. Similarly, he encourages his peers to participate in expected

actions. Punishment and Obedience Orientation is when “the results of an action determine

whether it was a good or bad thing to do.” (Slavin, 2021). Aforementioned, Jackson Watts

displays a grand understanding for Punishment and Obedience Orientation. Further, he is able to

grasp Individualism and Exchange. “At this stage, children recognize that there is not just one

right view that is handed down by authorities. Different individuals have different viewpoints.”

(McLeod, 1970). Surveillance of Jackson Watts elucidated his ability to recognize the various

viewpoints of his educators. Jackson Watts is able to comprehend that different teachers have

different expectations and rules. “Good” and “bad” behaviors are defined differently depending

on the teacher. Jackson Watts was able to understand that one of his teachers viewed running in

the classroom as an unwanted action. Therefore, around that teacher, Jackson Watts practiced

walking. However, his other teacher did not view running in the classroom as a problematic

action. Around the aforementioned educator, Jackson Watts would run inside the classroom. This

employs Jackson Watts’ understanding regarding different individuals having various

viewpoints. Additionally, Jackson Watts practices Instrumental Relativist Orientation. With

“Instrumental Relativist Orientation, the right thing to do is determined by what satisfies one’s

own needs …” (Slavin, 2021). Jacksson Watts focuses on his own wants or needs. Jackson Watts

was observed practicing problematic behavior, because the result of punishment was worth
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whatever was gained through the unwanted action. Further, Jackson Watts would participate in

exceptional behavior in order to gain reward. Jackson Watts has yet to progress to conventional

morality. His moral reasoning still focuses on that of the expectations of authorities. Honing in

on consequences and rewards.

Recommended, Jackson Watts should be critiqued when displaying “bad” actions. There

should be consequences that follow his unwanted behaviors. Further, when Jackson Watts

partakes in expected actions, a reward should ensue. Aforementioned, Jackson Watts is at the

preconventional level. To progress to the next level of Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Reasoning,

Jackson Watts must be introduced to societal, family, cultural, etc. values. The implication of

approval will also warrant growth in Jackson Watts’ moral development. Lastly, expectations

would come into play. Jackson Watts should soon be expected to adhere to expectations. He

should learn to respect authority as well as follow the rules of society.

Succeeding the observations conducted on Jackson Watts’ philosophy, there was

emphasis on his social development. Firstly, one should understand Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

For an individual to reach self-actualization, one must have all of his or her needs met. Maslow’s

hierarchy of needs are as follows, “from the bottom of the hierarchy upwards, the needs are:

physiological (food and clothing), safety (job security), love and belonging needs (friendship),

esteem, and self-actualization.” (Mcleod, 2020). Jackson Watts’ physiological needs are met. He

eats three times a day. Further, he is never without clothes. Jackson Watts’ safety needs are also

met. He has shelter, and a stable education. However, Jackson Watts’ love and belonging needs

are not entirely met. Aforementioned, Jackson Watts’ mother is seldom in his life. This has

evidently taken a toll on the seven-year-old boy. Ultimately, this lack of an essential need has

greatly impacted Jackson Watts’ social development. Whenever he is introduced to a motherly

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figure, be it a female teacher, aunt, friend’s mother, etc. Jackson Watts is immediately enamored

by them. Wanting all the attention he can possibly soak up. Employing his lack of social

development in regards to his family. Additionally, “Bowlby's attachment theory suggested that

children are born with an innate need to form attachments. Such attachments aid in survival by

ensuring that the child receives care and protection. Not only that, but these attachments are

characterized by clear behavioral and motivational patterns.” (Cherry, 2020). This exemplifies

Jackson Watts’ need to form attachments with motherly figures. He never received this crucial

attachment, necessary for social development. Therefore, Jackson Watts yearns for the motherly

care he seldom lacks. He is motivated to fill this void. Further, Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory

includes the zone of proximal development. “The zone of proximal development refers to the

difference between what a learner can do without help and what he or she can achieve with

guidance and encouragement from a skilled partner.” (McLeod, 1970). Therefore, without the

help of his mother, Jackson Watts may not be able to reach full achievement. Jackson Watts’

aspiration for a proper mother has ultimately hindered his social development.

Recommended, Jackson Watts’ needs to mend the loss of his mother. She needs to be

more readily available in his life. She can help her son by attending important events,

skin-to-skin contact, words of affirmation, etc. By immersing herself in Jackson Watts’ life,

tremendous strides in his social development will take place.

Lastly, the PEPSI screening was concluded with observations pertaining to Jackson

Watts’ intellect. Cognitive development is universal, it is biologically inept. However,

individuals progress through cognitive development at various rates. “Piaget’s theory of

cognitive development proposes that a child’s intellect, or cognitive ability, progresses through

distinct stages. Each stage is characterized by the emergence of new abilities and ways of
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processing information.” (Slavin, 2021). The sensorimotor stage, the earliest stage of Piaget’s

theory of cognitive development, “infants and toddlers acquire knowledge through sensory

experiences and manipulating objects. A child's entire experience at the earliest period of this

stage occurs through basic reflexes, senses, and motor responses.” (Cherry, 2022). Through

interviews conducted with Jackson Watts’ father, it is apparent that Jackson Watts progressed

through the sensorimotor stage in accordance to the timeline proposed by Jean Piaget. From

infancy to the age of two-years-old, Jackson Watts was experiencing the world with his senses.

He was constantly taking note of the world around him. Looking, grasping, sucking, etc. to better

understand everything. Further, Jackson Watts learned to crawl, walk, and talk during this time

period. The next stage in Piaget’s theory of cognitive development is the preoperational stage.

“Throughout most of the preoperational stage, a child's thinking is self-centered, or egocentric.

According to Piaget, during the preoperational stage a child has difficulty understanding life

from any other perspective than his own. In this stage, the child is very me, myself, and

Ioriented.” (SUNY Cortland). Surveillance of Jackson Watts exemplified that he is in the midst

of the preoperational stage. Whenever, the entire class gets lectured for an unwanted action,

Jackson Watts’ immediate response is that he did not participate in the unwanted act. He cannot

comprehend that the entire classroom is a community. Additionally, whenever someone does not

want to play the same games as Jackson Watts, he cannot grasp that the activity does not appear

entertaining to his peers, since the game is exciting to himself. During the preoperational stage,

“language and concepts develop at an incredible rate.” (Slavin, 2021). Jackson Watts has

employed this affluent development in language. Further, he is able to grasp a plethora of

concepts previously unbeknownst to himself. Apparently, Jackson Watts’ cognitive development

is in agreement with Piagat’s stages of cognitive development. He is among the normal.

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As Jackson Watts nears the end of the preoperational stage, he will harness the ability to

think logically. Further, he will be able to understand perspectives that are not his own.

Additionally, greater imagination will come to fruition. Recommended, the utilization visuals,

graphs, etc. whilst teaching will help with the transition from preoperational to concrete

perational stage. Practicing mathematics, baking, building legos, etc. can all aid Jackson Watts in

his transition to the concrete operational stage.

Overall, the PEPSI screening conducted on the seven-year-old boy, Jackson Watts,

exemplified his developmental strengths and weaknesses. Jackson Watts displayed normal to

above average physical development. He employed fairly below average emotional development.

Further, Jackson Watts elucidated normal philosophical development. However, exemplifying

below average social development. Lastly, Jackson Watts is slightly below the normal for

intellectual development.

Figure Four: Graphed Data for the seven-year-old boy, Jackson Watts. Comparative to the

normal PEPSI developments for seven-year-olds.

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Cherry, K. (2020, June 23). Influential Theories About How Children Grow and Develop.

Verywell Mind. Retrieved October 9, 2022, from

Cherry, K. (2022, August 3). Understanding Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development.

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Cherry, K. (2022, May 2). What is Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development? Verywell Mind.

Retrieved October 9, 2022, from

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Gostomski, K. (2020, April 27). Athlete Development Model. Youth Sports Trainer. Retrieved

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Karen Miles|Medically reviewed by Dawn Rosenberg, M. D. (n.d.). Average Weight and Growth

Chart for Babies, Toddlers, and Kids. BabyCenter. Retrieved October 7, 2022, from
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Leaf Group. (n.d.). What is the Average Height and Weight for a School-Age Child? | Livestrong.

LIVESTRONG.COM. Retrieved October 7, 2022, from

Mcleod, S. (2020, December 29). Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Simply Psychology. Retrieved

October 9, 2022, from


McLeod, S. (1970, January 1). [Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development]. Kohlberg's Stages of

Moral Development | Simply Psychology. Retrieved October 7, 2022, from

Slander, C. E. (n.d.). Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development. Encyclopædia

Britannica. Retrieved October 7, 2022, from

Slavin, R. (2021). Educational psychology: Theory and practice (13th ed.). Pearson.

SUNY Cortland - Faculty and Staff Web Services. (n.d.). Retrieved October 9, 2022, from
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McLeod, S. A. (1970, January 1). [What is the Zone of Proximal Development?]. Zone of

Proximal Development and Scaffolding | Simply Psychology. Retrieved October 9, 2022,


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