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Rayanna Byrne C00260149

Dean McDonnell
discuss clinical features, assessment, and evaluation of potential interventions
with regards to one clincical diagnosis within any of the resources within the
assignment folder. Make sure to cite recent literature and studies carried out to
highlight the prevalence and other supports, public or private, that may be used
to support an individual with this diagnosis.

Student Name:_______________________ Overall Result_________

Programme: Professional Social Care

Year: 1 (2021/2022)

Module Title: Psychology of Mental Health and Neurodiversity Assignment: _____

First:70 - 100 Excellent. A comprehensive, highly structured, focused and concise response to
the assessment task.
2:1: 60 - 69 Very good A thorough and well-organised response to the assessment task.
2:2: 50 - 59 Good An adequate and competent response to the assessment task.
Pass: 40 - 49 Satisfactory. An acceptable response to the assessment task.
Fail: 0 - 39 Unacceptable A response to the assessment task that is unacceptable.
Knowledge 45%
o An extensive and detailed knowledge of the subject matter. 31.5 +

o A broad knowledge of the subject matter. 27 +

o Adequate but not complete knowledge of the subject matter. Omission of some important subject
matter or the appearance of several minor errors. 22.5 +

o Basic grasp of subject matter, but somewhat lacking in focus and structure. Main points covered
but insufficient in detail. 18 +

o A failure to address the question resulting in a largely irrelevant answer or material of marginal
relevance predominating. < 18

Application 25%
o A highly-developed ability to apply this knowledge to the set task. 17.5 +

o Considerable strength in applying that knowledge to the task set. 15+

o Capacity to apply knowledge appropriately to the task albeit with some errors. 12.5+

o Some effort to apply knowledge to the task but only a basic capacity or understanding displayed.
10 +

o A display of some knowledge of material relative to the question posed, but with very serious
omissions / errors and/or major inaccuracies included in the answer. < 10

Background reading 15%

o Evidence of extensive background reading. 10.5 +

o Evidence of substantial background reading. 9 +

o Evidence of some background reading. 7.5+

o Little evidence of background reading. 6+

o No evidence of background reading. <6

Expression 10%
o Clear, fluent, stimulating and original expression. 7+

o Clear and fluent expression. 6+

o Clear expression with few areas of confusion. Writing of sufficient quality to convey meaning but
some lack of fluency and command of suitable vocabulary. 5+

o Several minor errors or one or more major error. 4+

o A random and undisciplined development of argument, layout or presentation. Solutions offered to

a very limited portion of the problem set. An answer unacceptably incomplete. <4

Presentation - 5%
o Excellent presentation (spelling, grammar, graphical) with minimal or no presentation errors. 3.5+

o Quality presentation with few presentation errors. 3+

o Good presentation with some presentation errors. 2.5 +

o Satisfactory presentation with an acceptable level of presentation errors. 2 +

o Unacceptable standards of presentation, such as grammar, spelling or graphical presentation.

Evidence of substantial plagiarism. <2

Best aspects of your work Aspects of your work that need attention

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