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NAME; Brix Hedrick R.

Escabusa SECTION CODE; B418



1 In light of this pandemic, the Due of this pandemic, the The solution they can think of is
government is able to construct Philippines cannot make a to offer freebies, like free lunch
new infrastructure. significant quantity of money. for the visitor.

2. The nature or tourist In the Philippines, the pandemic They can still support the
destination can temporarily has an effect on the travel and tourism industry by producing
escape the pollutants. tourist sector. The fact that some vlogs as a solution.
fewer tourists are visiting has
been one of its disadvantages.

3. Domestic travel and tourism An adverse effect of the Hiring workers, but having them
can help the Philippines' pandemic in the Philippines is exclusively work from home to
economy, which has been an increase in unemployment, prevent the virus from
growing, improve. particularly in the tourism spreading at work, is the only
industry. way they can think of to lower
the unemployment rate during
this epidemic.

4. The government can make Due to the epidemic, some One of the solutions they can
improvements to certain tourist tourist destinations have chosen implement is skeletal working,
destinations in order to draw in to close. which entails scheduling a set
more visitors. amount of employees to work
each day.

5. Due to the pandemic, some Foreigners are unable to visit To stop the spread of viruses
of the tourist attractions are the Philippines because of travel and ensure the safety of the
closed. People can be more restrictions, which is one visitors, the only answer they
imaginative and industrious as a drawback of the pandemic. A can think of is to restrict the
result of the epidemic, which is significant and essential part of number of tourists that will
advantageous for the Philippine the growth of the Philippine arrive.
tourism business. They can still tourism industry is played by
advertise their tourism visitors, or what we refer to as
attractions and travel tourists.
destinations, for instance, by
using social media platforms.

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