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Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 502 (2001) 152– 166

Chronopotentiometry for the advanced current–voltage

characterisation of bipolar membranes
F.G. Wilhelm, N.F.A. van der Vegt *, M. Wessling, H. Strathmann 1
Membrane Technology Group, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Uni6ersity of Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands

Received 4 October 2000; received in revised form 14 November 2000; accepted 12 January 2001


Compared to steady-state current–voltage curves, chronopotentiometric measurements allow us to distinguish the contributions
to the overall electric potential difference across a bipolar membrane. In this paper, the characteristic values of the electric
potential difference across the bipolar membrane at different times are correlated to the corresponding concentration profiles in
the bipolar membrane layers and the ion-transport processes are identified. For over-limiting current densities (i.e. current
densities above the limiting current density), it is possible to distinguish the reversible and irreversible contributions to the
steady-state electric potential difference. The irreversible contribution is attributed to the energy required to overcome the electric
resistance whereas the reversible contribution corresponds to the electrochemical potential due to concentration gradients in the
membrane layers. Further, the ohmic resistance of the membrane in equilibrium with the surrounding solution has been compared
to the resistance in the transport state. For low current densities, the equilibrium resistance is lower than the transport resistance
stemming from internal concentration polarisation. In contrast, the large numbers of hydroxide ions and protons produced at high
current densities result in a reduced ohmic transport resistance due to their high ionic mobility. This reduced resistance is not
enough to stop the increase of the irreversible contribution with higher current densities. With the possibility to split the
steady-state potential into its contributions, bipolar membrane chronopotentiometry is a useful tool to identify transport
limitations and to improve bipolar membranes for a reduced overall electric potential. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights

Keywords: Bipolar membrane; Chronopotentiometry; Internal concentration polarisation; Electrochemical characterisation

1. Introduction ergy usage. The selectivity or salt-ion leakage across a

bipolar membrane is related to the limiting current
Bipolar membranes are laminates of anion and density observed in a steady-state current –voltage
cation permeable membrane layers. In an electric field, curve as discussed in Refs. [2,3]. In this paper, we
water is split into hydroxide ions and protons at the investigate how chronopotentiometry can be used as a
contact between the anion and cation permeable layers, characterisation method to obtain detailed information
the so-called bipolar junction. The water-splitting prod- on the energy requirements of a bipolar membrane
ucts are transported across the respective membrane during operation.
layer into the acid and the base compartment of an Chronopotentiometry is an electrochemical charac-
electrodialysis membrane module [1,2]. Advanced char- terisation method that measures the electric potential
acterisation methods are required to improve further response of a system to an imposed current. Compared
the material and transport properties and to overcome to other dynamic characterisation methods such as
existing limitations such as low selectivity or high en- electric impedance spectroscopy and cyclic amperome-
try or voltammetry, it allows us to correlate significant
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +31-53-4892962; fax: + 31-53- transient states with the measured electric potential.
E-mail address: (N.F.A. van der
Differences in electric potentials indicate differences of
Vegt). the transport conditions. Furthermore, rather simple
Current address: Milanwey 15, 72076, Tübingen, Germany. equipment can be used compared to other methods.

0022-0728/01/$ - see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 2 2 - 0 7 2 8 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 3 4 8 - 5
F.G. Wilhelm et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 502 (2001) 152–166 153

Compared to steady-state voltage- or current-sweeps The outline of this paper is as follows: in Section 2,
recorded with similar equipment, more detailed infor- the principle of bipolar membrane chronopotentiome-
mation can be obtained by chronopotentiometry be- try (Section 2.1) is introduced, then the time develop-
cause the dynamic voltage response in time can be ment of concentration profiles based on previous
analysed. knowledge is presented (Section 2.2), followed by the
Chronopotentiometry is used as a technique in elec- description of an electric model circuit together with the
trochemical science and engineering to investigate corresponding characteristic values determined from a
transport processes and reactions in electrolyte solu- chronopotentiometric response curve (Section 2.3). Af-
tions, at electrodes, and in membranes. The chronopo- ter giving details of the experimental methods in Sec-
tentiometry of electrodes yields information on tion 3, the experimentally recorded chronopotentio-
activated states and chemical reaction mechanisms [4,5] metric curves at a high concentrations with different
whereas chronopotentiometry of anion and cation per- current densities are discussed (Section 4). In the same
meable membranes gives insight in the dynamic trans- section, we try to determine relevant properties, such as
port processes in the membrane and the solution next the reversible and irreversible contributions to the elec-
to it [6–14]. For example, chronopotentiometric mea- tric potential that can be relevant for improving the
surements were used to investigate the transport in the bipolar membrane or for applying it in electrodialysis
diffusion-controlled boundary layers next to ion perme- processes.
able membranes [8] and to explain over-limiting current
behaviour [9,13]. One of the systems investigated with
chronopotentiometry in Ref. [15], an electrodialysis 2. Theory
compartment filled with anion exchange resin particles
in contact with a cation exchange membrane, exhibits 2.1. Chronopotentiometry principle
behaviour similar to a bipolar membrane. In bipolar
membranes, neither ion-transport nor water-splitting In chronopotentiometric measurements, a constant
reaction alone, but both together define its function. current is switched on and off at the times t0 and t1,
Bipolar membrane chronopotentiometry has been in- respectively. The time evolution of the electric potential
vestigated before, mainly focussing on the dynamic over the membrane is recorded and, with bipolar mem-
development of the electric potential difference. In Ref. branes, typically the response curve looks like Fig. 1(a)
[16], the characteristic points of chronopotentiometric for different current densities. The most important
response curves are used to plot artificial current – characteristic times and voltages or electric potential
voltage curves for the initial and transport state of the differences are marked in the figure. The main differ-
bipolar membrane separating an acid and a base. How- ence between response curves in the sub-limiting and
ever, these data at low current densities with the bipolar the over-limiting current range is the transition time
membrane MB-3 contradict later findings: bipolar and the discharging time. The transition time is the
membranes placed between an acid and a base show an time when the slope of the curve, DUmem/Dt has a
open circuit voltage that is different from zero [17 –19]. maximum after the jump at switch-on and, after switch-
The papers in Refs. [20,21] relate the transition time of off, the minimum slope observed corresponds to the
the chronopotentiometric curves in sodium chloride discharging time. Both characteristic times are observed
solutions to the applied current density to obtain data only with over-liming current densities. The physical
on the migrational transport numbers or diffusion co- significance of these characteristic times is related to the
efficients of salt in ions the bipolar membrane layers. In concentration development in the membrane layers as
Ref. [3], bipolar membrane chronopotentiometry has discussed in Section 2.2. An overshoot with Umem,max \
been used to investigate whether the steady state has Umem,stat indicated by the dotted lines in Fig. 1(a) is
been reached when recording steady-state current – observed only with current densities far above the
voltage curves of bipolar membranes. limiting current density. All the changes observed in the
The electric potential measured with steady-state cur- electric potential difference across the membrane are
rent –voltage curves is a sum of the various contribu- due to transient effects of the ion concentration profiles
tions, i.e. those across the interfaces, the membrane in the membrane layers as discussed below.
layers, and the solutions next to the membrane. With The steady-state values of the chronopotentiometric
chronopotentiometry, our objective is to separate these response curves in Fig. 1(a) correspond to single points
contributions to the overall electric potential difference in, respectively, the sub- and over-limiting regions of a
to improve the understanding and interpretation of current –voltage curve for a bipolar membrane in a salt
steady-state current – voltage curves. We will aim to solution, Fig. 1(b). Such curves are measured by in-
correlate the physical states of the bipolar membrane creasing the current or the voltage stepwise and then
layers to the characteristics of the chronopotentiometric recording the current –voltage pair when a steady state
response curves. has been reached. The limiting current density corre-
154 F.G. Wilhelm et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 502 (2001) 152–166

sponds to the point where the apparent area resistance, in the case of an over-limiting current density. Concen-
r = DUmem/Dj, has a maximum. This maximum is due tration gradients develop due to the different transport
to the co-ion depletion of the membrane layers next to mechanisms of the salt ions and the water dissociation
the bipolar junction when water dissociation is not products in the different membrane layers. In the wa-
enhanced due to the low electric field strength [1]. As ter-swollen membrane phase, mainly diffusion and mi-
outlined in Ref. [2], only the salt ions transport the gration play a role. Decreasing ion concentrations in
current in the sub-limiting range whereas, in the over- the membrane layers result in an increasing electric
limiting range, the water-splitting products are also resistance and, for a fixed current density, in an increas-
available to transport the current, thereby reducing the ing voltage with time. The same phenomenon of in-
apparent area resistance. creasing voltage due to ion depletion in the diffusion
Chronopotentiometry of bipolar membranes in a layer next to anion or cation exchange membranes on
non-destructive manner is possible only in neutral salt the side of the diluate chamber and electrodes is the
solutions. If an acid or a base is present next to the so-called concentration polarisation. Analogously, we
cation or anion permeable side of the membrane (re- introduced the term internal concentration polarisation
spectively), the hydroxide ions can recombine with the for bipolar membranes, indicating that the ion-concen-
protons to form water. The pressure in the membrane trations are reduced within the membrane layers and
can increase to such an extent that the membrane layers the added resistance can be located there [2]. Concen-
separate in the time during which the current is tration profiles also develop in the hydrodynamic
switched off [18]. Thus, most of the following descrip- boundary layers next to the membrane especially at low
tion of the chronopotentiometric measurements of solution concentrations and at high current densities.
bipolar membranes is limited to the case with equal However, because they are analogous to the boundary
concentrations of the same salt at the two sides of the layer at the concentrate side of anion or cation ex-
bipolar membrane. change membranes in electrodialysis, they do not limit
the ion transport and will not be considered in this
2.2. Time de6elopment of concentration profiles treatment. The concentration profiles in Fig. 2 repre-
sent the behaviour of a quasi-symmetric bipolar mem-
The underlying process in chronopotentiometric mea- brane. Here, quasi-symmetric means that the physical
surements with bipolar membranes is the build-up of properties of the two membrane layers are identical
the concentration profiles in the membrane layers. Fig. except for the sign of the fixed charge. The concentra-
2 shows the development of the concentration profiles tion profiles in this figure are based on the electrochem-

Fig. 1. Schematic current–voltage characteristics of bipolar membranes. (a) Typical chronopotentiometry response curves at different current
densities. A current density j is imposed at time t0 and switched off at time t1. The electric potential Umem is recorded in time. The transition time
tC and the discharging time tD are obtained from the inflection points indicated. (b) Steady-state current– voltage curve recorded with salt
solutions. jLIM is the limiting current density.
F.G. Wilhelm et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 502 (2001) 152–166 155

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the anion concentration profiles during bipolar membrane chronopotentiometry. Included are the salt anion,
cX−, the hydroxide ion, cOH−, and that of the fixed charge of the cation-permeable layer, cqc. The cation concentrations (not included in the
drawing) are symmetric to those of the respective anions, mirrored at the interface of the anion- (A) with the cation-permeable layer (C). For times
larger than tstat the electric potential response is stable and the concentration profiles (d) remain unchanged unless the current is varied.

ical equilibrium across the interfaces, electroneutrality transport by migration to ion transport by diffusion
in all bulk phases, ion transport by migration and depends on the local properties, including the ion con-
diffusion, and water dissociation in the bipolar centrations, the water content, and the effective diffu-
junction. sion coefficients. These properties change across the
When switching on a current at time t = t0, the membrane layers and, thus, the concentration profiles
membrane is in equilibrium with the surrounding solu- are actually curved also in the steady state, Fig. 2(d).
tion and enough ions are available at any position in Directly after switching off the current at the time t1,
the membrane layer to conduct the imposed current the system still shows exactly the same concentration
(Fig. 2(a)). The main transport mechanism initially is profiles which were built-up by the transport of ions
migration in the electrical field. The strength of the and the process of enhanced water dissociation (Fig.
electrical field is adjusted by the power supply to sus- 2(d)). However, the transport processes must be differ-
tain the imposed current or current density. If the ent because the net-charge flux is forced to be zero. But
current density is in the over-limiting range, the concen- still both major transport phenomena can occur: the
tration of co-ions in the membrane approaches zero concentration profiles are the driving force for ion
next to the bipolar interface after a finite time. In Fig. diffusion and the resulting electric potential gradients
2(b), this is the concentration of the anions X− in the for migration. The electric potential gradients or electri-
cation permeable layer C. This causes the rapid increase cal fields are a result of the electrochemical coupling of
of the voltage across the bipolar membrane at the ion transport. Overall, the sum of the ion fluxes is zero
at any point in the system for homogeneous materials.
transition time tC (Fig. 1). At that time, enhanced water
For example, in the anion permeable layer of the
dissociation starts and from then on hydroxide ions and
bipolar membrane the flux balance becomes:
protons are produced (Fig. 2(c)), contributing to the
conductivity of the respective layer. The ratio of ion zM+ JM+ + zX− JX− + zOH− JOH− = 0 (1)
156 F.G. Wilhelm et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 502 (2001) 152–166

Here, Ji is the flux of ion species i and zi its electro- The initial plateau in the voltage response to an
chemical valence. The hydroxide ion has zOH− = −1. It over-limiting current in Fig. 1(a), just after t1, stems
follows for the anion exchange layer next to the bipolar from the recombination reaction in the bipolar junc-
junction that the hydroxide ions cannot move towards tion. The plateau is slightly tilted because directly after
the interface to recombine with the protons from the switch-off the above-described processes slowly reduce
other side without salt ions being transported as well the concentration of the water-splitting products next
(Fig. 3). The fluxes of the salt ions are the same, but in to the bipolar junction (Fig. 2(e)). The breakdown of
the opposite directions due to the quasi-symmetry of the voltage across the bipolar membrane at the dis-
the bipolar membrane and the continuity of mass flow charging time tD indicates the exhaustion of the recom-
across the bipolar junction. Hence, the flux balance for bination reaction. After this time, the further relaxation
a 1:1 electrolyte in the anion exchange layer next to the of the concentration profiles (Fig. 2(f)) and the electric
bipolar junction reads: potential difference across the membrane are similar as
is observed during chronopotentiometry with simple
2zM+ JM+ = JOH− (2) anion and cation permeable membranes [9,10]: After a
fast initial drop, the measured voltage approaches zero
asymptotically. At the end of the relaxation process, the
Thus, the flux of water-splitting products next to the
equilibrium with the solution is reached again (Fig.
bipolar junction is twice the flux of the co-ions. The
more co-ions are present and the stronger the concen-
tration gradient, the higher will be this flux and the
recombination rate to water. At the side of the anion 2.3. Electric circuit elements model
permeable layer in contact with the salt solution,
mainly ion exchange of the salt anions with the hydrox- With an electric circuit elements model, the connec-
ide counter-ions occurs (Fig. 3). Both the processes at tion can be made between the measured electric poten-
the two interfaces of the membrane layer result in the tial differences (Section 2.1) and the physical conditions
relaxation of the concentration profiles, making the and transport processes (Section 2.2). The measured
transport processes more complex than during switch- electric potential across a membrane is not only the
on. Qualitatively, both processes will be faster with result of the ohmic resistance against the transport of
higher solution concentrations because the salt counter- the current. In addition, the chemical reactions and
ion concentration is higher (faster ion exchange) and concentration gradients of ions result in a reversible
the co-ion concentration is also higher (higher rate of contribution to the overall electric potential. This re-
recombination to water in the bipolar junction). versible part is also called the electromotive force or
zero-current potential. Only with a current flowing can
the ohmic resistances contribute to the electric potential
difference across the membrane. On the contrary, an
electric potential difference with identical solutions next
to the membrane without a current flowing is possible
only when the membrane itself is not in its equilibrium
Therefore, similar to the approach in electrical
impedance spectroscopy [22 –25], also in chronopoten-
tiometry the bipolar membrane is represented by elec-
trical circuit elements. As indicated in Fig. 4(a), we
consider the following contributions to the complex
impedance of the measurement system: Zsol represents
the solution between the two sides of the membrane
and the tips of the reference electrodes, Zlayers repre-
sents the membrane layers and Zinterface the interface
region. This approach is similar to the description of
the bipolar membrane in Ref. [25], where the bipolar
membrane is modelled by complex impedances in se-
ries, one for the interface and one for the membrane
Fig. 3. Schematic representation of concentration profiles (top) and layers. In Refs. [22,23], four contributions to the com-
fluxes (bottom) of ions immediately at switching off an over-limiting
plex admittance (the inverse of the complex impedance)
current in the anion exchange layer (A) of a quasi-symmetric bipolar
membrane (AC) with mono-valent anion X− and cation M+. The of the bipolar membrane junction and the adjacent
arrows are indicating the direction of the expected ionic fluxes; the membrane layers are distinguished: (1) the diffusion of
arrow-length qualitatively indicates the magnitude of these fluxes. salt ions in the layers as the so-called Warburg admit-
F.G. Wilhelm et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 502 (2001) 152–166 157

Fig. 4. Electrical representation of the bipolar membrane in different states. (a) General case with complex electric circuit elements for the solution,
Zsol, the membrane layers, Zlayers, and the interface, Zinterface. (b) Initial case just after switching on the current, with the membrane in equilibrium
with the solution. (c) Steady-state under water-splitting conditions. (d) Just after switching the current off.

tance; (2) the migration of the protons and the hydrox- determined by measuring the electric potential in a
ide ions in the respective layer as a conductance; (3) the separate experiment without the membrane. Then, the
reaction of hydroxide ions and protons according to the voltage across the membrane, Umem is the difference
water dissociation equilibrium as the so-called between the measured electric potential difference, Um
Gerischer admittance; and further, (4) the interface also and the electric potential difference Usol calculated with
has pure capacitance character. The Gerisher- and the solution resistance. For example, the contributions
Warburg-type admittances cannot be represented di- to the initially measured potential Um,ini are:
rectly by the standard electric circuit elements, i.e.
conductance, capacitance, or inductance because they Um,ini = Usol + Umem,ini = I(Rsol + Rlayers,ini) (3)
are frequency dependent. In chronopotentiometry,
these latter admittances — or better, the physico-chem- For determining the area resistances r with this or the
ical phenomena they represent — are responsible for following equations, the current I must be replaced by
the shape of the curves directly after the voltage jumps the current density j. There are multiple contributions
when the current is switched on or off. We do not want to the overall membrane potential Umem in the steady
to solve the time-dependent response of such an equiva- state with an over-limiting current as indicated in Fig.
lent circuit. Instead, we use it as a tool to interpret the 4(c). The resistance Rlayers will differ from the initial
contributions to the electric potential for the different value because the concentration profiles in the mem-
membrane states. Thus, in Fig. 4(b) – (d) we do not use brane layers are different and additional ionic species
the Warburg and Gerisher-type admittances but simple are present in the membrane and in the solution. The
resistances and capacities. Their values, however, are electric potentials of the capacitances Creact and Cconc
not fixed anymore but depend on the actual transport also contribute to the overall electric potential. They
conditions. are related to the reaction in the membrane, Ereact and
Both, the solution and the membrane resistances to the concentration differences over the layers, Econc.
contribute to the initially (at t0) measured electric po- In the steady state, the contributions to the overall
tential drop, Um,ini when switching on the current I electric potential difference across the bipolar mem-
(Fig. 4(b)). The resistance of the solution, Rsol can be brane add up as:
158 F.G. Wilhelm et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 502 (2001) 152–166

Umem = IRlayers +Econc +Ereact (4) Table 1

Materials, dimensions, and typical operation conditions of the mem-
The splitting of the electric potential difference across brane stack used
the bipolar membrane layers into the contribution of
Part of apparatus Specifications
the layer resistance and the contribution of the concen-
tration-related electric potential may seem arbitrary. General Membrane area 3.14 (circular, reduced
However, this helps to understand the processes in the (cm2) from 27.6 by PVC plate)
bipolar membrane: Some processes are irreversible such Compartment Poly(methyl methacrylate),
as the frictional losses due to the ohmic resistance, material PMMA
Turbulence None
others are reversible, such as the build-up of a concen- promoter
tration profile or the ion exchange.
Working Anode material Platinum-coated titanium
When the current is switched off, the actual zero-cur-
electrodes disc
rent potential is measured directly (Fig. 4(d)). The Cathode material Stainless steel
ohmic resistances of both, membrane and solution do Diameter (mm) 70
not contribute to the measured electric potential, Um,off Measurement Type Calomel electrode (Schott,
anymore. The remaining observed electric potential re- electrodes B2810)
sults from the electric potential differences due to the
Capillaries Tip of capillary Porous glass
concentration differences Econc and the reaction Ereact in Electrolyte 2 mol l−1 KCl
the membrane: solution
Diameter 2/4
Um,off = Umem = Econc +Ereact (5) (inner/outer)
Directly after switching off, the potentials Econc and Distance to 0–8 (adjustable)
Ereact are the same as in the steady state. Thus, the total membrane (mm)
ohmic resistance in the steady state can be determined: Compartments 1 Solution 0.5 mol l−1 Na2SO4
and 6
Rlayers,stat =(Umem,stat −Um,off)/I (6) Thickness (mm) 20
Flow-rate 0.5
Eq. (6) allows us to quantify the irreversible transport (l min−1)
losses (resistances), whereas Eq. (5) allows us to quan-
Compartments 2 Solution NaCl of same
tify the electromotive contributions to the electric po-
and 5 concentration as in 3 and
tential drop at steady-state operation of the bipolar 4
membrane. Thickness (mm) 20
Flow-rate 0.5
(l min−1)
3. Experimental Compartments 3 Solution NaCl of desired
and 4 concentration
Thickness (mm) 30
The measurement apparatus to perform chronopo- Flow-rate 0.5
tentiometric measurements is similar to that used for (l min−1)

measuring steady-state current –voltage curves. The dif-

ferent components of the system, however, have to
meet stricter requirements which will be discussed be-
low. In particular, the power supply and the recording
system must be chosen carefully.

3.1. Apparatus

The measurement apparatus described in Refs.

[13,14] has been slightly modified to allow for bipolar
membrane chronopotentiometry. The membrane mod-
ule has six compartments with a four-electrode arrange-
ment as shown in Fig. 5. The dimensions of the test cell
Fig. 5. Bipolar membrane chronopotentiometry measurement stack.
Four-electrode arrangement, extended with additional membranes and the typical concentrations used in these experi-
and compartments for improved long-term stability of the concentra- ments are presented in Table 1. The current is applied
tions in compartments 3 and 4. through the working electrodes in compartments 1 and
F.G. Wilhelm et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 502 (2001) 152–166 159

6 whereas the electric potential is measured with a the current and voltage of the power supply are set to
separate set of non-polarisable electrodes close to the constant values and the amplified current and voltage
membrane surface in compartments 3 and 4. Such a signals are recorded simultaneously with the specified
set-up allows measurement of the electric potential sampling rate. The maximum sampling rate of this
across the membrane without the influence of polarisa- system is 10 samples s − 1 with an oversampling of 10
tion voltages or over-potentials occurring at the work- samples to reduce measurement noise. The characteris-
ing electrodes. The electric potential difference over the tic values of the chronopotentiometric curves are either
central membrane is measured utilising salt bridges with directly accessible or can be determined from the col-
porous plugs at the tips, filled with concentrated potas- lected numerical data.
sium chloride solutions (the so-called Haber Luggin
capillaries). The distance of the tips of the salt bridges 3.2. Experimental procedures
to the membrane surface has been adjusted to be 4 mm
on each side to have a low solution resistance with only The membrane is equilibrated in the salt solution for
slight disturbance of the electrical field at the membrane at least 24 h outside the membrane module. Small
surface. distortions of the equilibrium resulting from the mount-
The six-compartment module has been chosen to ing of the membrane are restored and exact concentra-
minimise disturbance of the conditions in the measure- tions in the central compartments are ensured by
ment compartments 3 and 4, yet it allows the use of rinsing the compartments 3 and 4 for 30 min with a salt
electrodes that do not need to be regenerated like solution of the desired concentrations. Before the actual
silver silver chloride electrodes. Compartments 2 and 5 measurement is performed, the solutions in these com-
function as trapping compartments for the salts present partments are replaced. The correct measurement con-
in the electrode rinse compartments. The pH in com- ditions in compartments 3 and 4 are indicated by
partments 2 and 5 is kept approximately neutral to measuring the conductivity, the pH and the tempera-
prevent the passage of protons or hydroxide ions from ture of the solutions.
the electrode compartments. The temperature of the The measured overall electric potential difference
compartments 3 and 4 is fixed at 25°C, controlled with solution and membrane between the tips of the
within 0.2°C with a laboratory thermostat equipped reference electrodes is corrected for the solution resis-
with an external temperature sensor and a glass coil tance. Therefore, the resistance rsol of the solution alone
heat exchanger. Recycling the solutions through com- is determined from the linear current –voltage relation
partments 3 and 4 with a high flow rate reduces the recorded without a membrane present. Thus, the elec-
solution boundary layers. tric potential difference across the membrane at any
The power supply used is a Delta Electronica ES point in time when the current is switched on is deter-
030-5 with a current range of 0 – 5 A and a voltage mined by:
range of 0–30 V with a programmable analogue inter- Umem(t)= Um(t)− rsol j (7)
face. Due to an offset in the programming input of the The results presented below indicate that the solution
power supply, the smallest current that can be imposed resistance is always less than the equilibrium and trans-
in current control mode is 4 mA. With the membrane port resistance of the membrane under the chosen
area of 3.14 cm2, the minimum current density is 1.3 measurement conditions. Thus, the distance of the cap-
mA cm − 2. The switch-on characteristics of the power illaries is sufficiently low to determine significant values
supply are well suited for the desired measurements: the of the electric potential difference of the membrane
current is stable within 1.5 ms when switching the alone.
current from zero; that is well within the sampling The experimental chronopotentiometric series are
period of 0.1 s. The switch-off characteristics back to recorded automatically and the data analysed subse-
zero current are less favourable because this power quently. The experiments are performed sequentially
supply cannot function as an electrical load or energy with a time of 1200 s for the intervals with the current
sink. However, this becomes important only with in- applied and the same time for the intervals when the
creased currents and voltages close to the maximum current is switched off. The chronological series of
range of the power supply which is not reached in our imposed current densities is 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 2.4, 3.2, 6.2,
experiments. 11, 21, 101 mA cm − 2. Also steady-state current –
The current and voltage signals are amplified with voltage curves are recorded with a monotonic voltage
external isolation amplifiers (IsoAmp from Knick sweep. For this purpose, the voltage of the measure-
GmbH, Berlin, Germany). The data acquisition pro- ment cell is increased in discrete steps (0.1 V per step in
gram has been written using TESTPOINT from Capital the low current range and 0.5 V in the high current
Equipment Corporation, running on a computer range), each voltage being applied for 10 min. The final
equipped with a data acquisition card DAS1602 from current density and voltage pair of each step is recorded
Keithley. According to a user-specified interval table, as one point of the current –voltage curve.
160 F.G. Wilhelm et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 502 (2001) 152–166

For these investigations, one sample of the bipolar switched on and the inner bipolar membrane interface
membrane BP-1 from Tokuyama Corporation is inves- is not completely depleted of co-ions after 20 min.
tigated in aqueous solutions of sodium chloride with When switching on a current slightly above the limit-
4.0 mol l − 1 NaCl at 25°C. This membrane is widely ing current density (3.2 mA cm − 2 in Fig. 6(a)), no
used as a reference in the laboratory and for pilot scale steady voltage is reached within 20 min. The curve after
application experiments. The high concentration of 4.0 the initial jump does not appear to have a decreasing
mol l − 1 sodium chloride in water allows to investigate but an increasing slope and, moreover, the increase is
both the sub-limiting and over-limiting current density not monotonic. The observed scattering, including the
range. Depending on the membrane batch and the steep increase after about 800 s, can be interpreted to
history of the sample, differences in thickness and other result from the heterogeneity of the membrane: when
membrane properties can be expected, influencing the the co-ion concentration locally approaches zero and
results presented. water splitting starts, the electric potential is reduced
due to the availability of more ions for conducting the
current. Thereby, the electric field strength in the bipo-
4. Results and discussion lar junction can be reduced below the value required
for enhanced water dissociation and water splitting
stops. Such effects can be amplified by the support
4.1. Low-current chronopotentiometry textile in the cation permeable layer of the bipolar
membrane BP-1 [26]: The electric field in this layer is
Characteristic chronopotentiometric response curves not one-dimensional because these textiles have a lower
of the measured electric potential difference or voltage ion conductivity than the surrounding matrix of ion
across the bipolar membrane at low current densities exchange polymer. Similar effects are observed in ion
are shown in Fig. 6; the measured potential includes the exchange membranes with heterogeneous surfaces, e.g.
electric potential difference due to the solution resis- a mainly non-conducting surface containing ion con-
tance of 3.3 V cm2. Imposing a current density of 1.6 or ductive spots [27].
2.4 mA cm − 2 in Fig. 6a results in an initial jump of the The ion fluxes are very small in the low current
electric potential difference, then a monotonic increase density range. Thus, the build-up of the concentration
with time with a reducing slope and a slow approach to profiles and the corresponding electric resistance is a
an apparent steady state. The initial jump is due to the very slow process. Just above the limiting current den-
electric resistance of the solution and the bipolar mem- sity, not only the concentration profile of the salt ions
brane itself in equilibrium with this solution as dis- has to be established with this low current, but addi-
cussed in Section 2. The subsequent slow electric tionally the exchange of counter ions with the small
potential increase is due to the build-up of the concen- amounts of water-splitting products in both layers has
tration profiles in the membrane layers, i.e. the reduc- to be established. The build-up of the concentration
tion of available ions carrying the electric current. profiles does not happen simultaneously: only after the
However, no transition time is observed, i.e. no maxi- bipolar interface is depleted of salt ions, the water-split-
mum slope can be determined after the current is ting products are available.

Fig. 6. Chronopotentiometric response at low current densities. Bipolar membrane BP-1 in 4 mol l − 1 NaCl at 25°C, set current for 20 min on
and off, parameter: current density in mA cm − 2 (order in graph corresponds to order in legend). (a) Switch-on period. (b) switch-off at low
currents (detail).
F.G. Wilhelm et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 502 (2001) 152–166 161

Fig. 7. Chronopotentiometric response at over-limiting current densities. Bipolar membrane BP-1 in 4 mol l − 1 NaCl at 25°C, set current for 20
min on and off, parameter: current density in mA cm − 2 (order in graph corresponds to order in legend). (a) Switch-on (detail); (b) switch-off

When switching off currents at low current densities Two different types of curves are observed in the
(Fig. 6(b)), the drop of the electric potential to low over-limiting range: (1) At a moderate current density,
values is very rapid. It occurs within 0.1 s, i.e. within the steady-state voltage is the maximum value; it is
one sampling period. Note: the switch-off occurs be- approached by a steady increase after the transition
tween 1200.5 and 1200.8 s due to limitations of the time. (2) At a high current density far above the
power supply. Within the measurement error, no dis- limiting current density, a maximum or overshoot of
charging time tD can be observed. This is also known the electric potential is observed (Fig. 7(a)). With the
from chronopotentiometry with cation and anion ex- bipolar membrane BP-1 in 4 mol l − 1 sodium chloride
change membranes: these show only a very rapid de- solution, an overshoot is observed for current densities
crease of the electric potential due to the relaxation of of 21 mA cm − 2 and above. At current densities below
the concentration profiles in the solution boundary 21 mA cm − 2, the rate at which the electric resistance
layer. increases has a maximum at the transition time tc where
virtually all salt co-ions have been removed from the
4.2. High-current chronopotentiometry bipolar membrane junction. The voltage still increases,
but the increase of the electric resistance with time is
Chronopotentiometric response curves recorded for reduced because the salt-counter ions in both mem-
switching on a current with current densities above the brane layers are partially exchanged by the highly
limiting current density are displayed in Fig. 7(a). All of mobile water-splitting products. In contrast, for the
them show an increasing slope up to a maximum. The curves with the overshoot, the depletion process occurs
time of the maximum slope corresponds to the transi- more rapidly and the following ion exchange is more
tion time tC where the concentration of ions in the intense due to the large number of protons and hydrox-
bipolar membrane next to the bipolar junction is the ide ions generated in the bipolar junction. After the
lowest and water splitting starts. For a current density initial increase due to ion depletion, the process of ion
of 101 mA cm − 2, this transition time can be recognised exchange can reduce the resistance of the membrane
only by careful data analysis, i.e. determining the time layers to an extent that also the electric potential is
derivatives from the numerical data. Thus, when reduced. In both cases, also the co-ions in the mem-
switching on a current density in the over-limiting brane layers are further removed parallel to the process
range, two processes occur as are shown schematically of ion exchange; the concentration profiles of all ionic
in Fig. 2: first the interface is depleted of co-ions, then species are adapting to the new transport conditions.
the salt counter-ions in the membrane layers are par- Directly after switching off an over-limiting current
tially exchanged with the water-splitting products. (Fig. 7(b)), the current immediately drops to a plateau-
These two transport processes determine the shape of value of around 1 V, which represents the zero-current
the chronopotentiometric response curve in the over- potential of the bipolar membrane. This plateau, which
limiting current density range. actually shows a slightly negative slope, extends over
162 F.G. Wilhelm et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 502 (2001) 152–166

longer times with higher current densities. It is a result entirely (Table 2). As expected, the discharging will
of the hindered recombination of hydroxide ions and take a longer time. The discharging occurring with
protons in the bipolar interface: the reaction of hydrox- positive currents indicates that this, indeed, is a self-dis-
ide ions with protons in the bipolar interface acts as a charging process of the bipolar membrane. With nega-
driving force for the diffusion of these ions within the tive current through an external load, (here: the power
respective membrane layer but the sole diffusion of one supply), the discharging processes are leading to a very
charged species is not possible as discussed above (Fig. rapid equalisation of the concentration profiles whereas
3). The maximum negative slope of the electric poten- a small positive current stabilises the concentration
tial with time indicates the discharging time of the profiles, leading to a slower discharging.
membrane. At that time, the diffusion processes in the In Refs. [17,18], the reversible storage of energy in a
membrane have relaxed the concentration profiles of bipolar membrane electrodialysis module is investi-
the water-splitting products to such an extent that the gated. The voltage available after switch-off in the
recombination reaction in the bipolar junction nearly chronopotentiometric measurement is the same as the
stops. The observed discharging time in Fig. 7(b) is zero-current voltage of such a battery. However, the
longer for a higher current density because then the effect of auto-discharging of bipolar membranes has
concentration of water dissociation products is higher. also been observed in these references — it makes the
The discharging behaviour is partially influenced by currently available bipolar membranes not suitable for
the discharging behaviour of the power supply. Small use as a rechargeable battery.
negative (discharging) currents are recorded when the
power supply is set to zero voltage and zero current 4.3. Steady state
over the membrane module. However, the discharging
is also observed when setting a positive, under-limiting The final electric potential differences from
current density instead of switching off the current chronopotentiometric recordings are compared to

Table 2
Discharging times for different switch-off conditions

On-period j (mA cm−2) 3.2 6.2 11 21 101

Set: Umodule = 0 (V)

tD (s−1) 0.4 1.3 12.6 26.6 40.0
j a (mA cm−2) −8.9 −7.2 −4.5 −3.8 −3.7
Set: Off-period j = 1.4 (mA cm−2)
tD (s−1) 23 64 83 102 (–) b

Numerically averaged in the period from t1 to tD.
Not recorded.

Fig. 8. Comparison of ‘‘steady-state’’ current–voltage curves across the membrane: transport state of chronopotentiometric series (circles) and
standard current– voltage curve obtained by a voltage sweep (crosses). The bipolar membrane BP-1 is placed in 4 mol l − 1 NaCl of 25°C. (a) Full
curve. (b) Detail at low current densities.
F.G. Wilhelm et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 502 (2001) 152–166 163

Fig. 9. Characteristic current–voltage curves from chronopotentiometriy. (a) ‘‘Switch-on’’ with indicated current density. (b) ‘‘Switch-off’’ after
constant current for 20 min with indicated current density.

steady-state current – voltage curves in Fig. 8. In the closely, even though the individual time-interval length
results of both the methods, the electric potential differ- for each step is significantly shorter than that appar-
ence has been corrected for the solution resistance. The ently required to reach steady state in a single current
measurement conditions are identical in both methods, step. Especially for chronopotentiometric curves, we
only the measurement sequence is different. From Fig. therefore use the term ‘‘transport state’’ instead of
8(a) it appears that both current – voltage curves coin- ‘‘steady state’’ in the following discussion.
cide. In Fig. 8(b), the focus on the low-current region
allows us to distinguish the limiting current density and 4.4. Characteristic electric potentials
differences between the two methods. From the curve
obtained by the voltage sweep, the limiting current In Fig. 9, the characteristic electric potential differ-
density can be read — it is approximately 2.2 ences across the membrane from the chronopotentio-
mA cm − 2. Few points are available also from the final metric measurements of the bipolar membrane BP-1 are
electric potential differences of the chronopotentiomet- plotted as current –voltage curves. The points with the
ric measurements to confirm this value; the point at 2.4 same current density belong to the same chronopoten-
mA cm − 2 appears to be below the limiting current tiometric response curve. For the switch-off curves, the
density, however, it is not corresponding to a steady- parameters indicate the current density that was applied
state value: The electric potential in the chronopoten- just before the current was switched off.
tiometric curve with 2.4 mA cm − 2 in Fig. 6(a) is not The straight line formed by the initial jump of the
constant after 20 min; it is very likely that a complete electric potential in Fig. 9(a) indicates that the resis-
depletion occurs for larger times. tance of the membrane layers is of ohmic nature.
The steady state or, better, the final transport-state However, extrapolating this line to a current density of
potentials of the 20 min chronopotentiometric curves at zero resembles a small offset in voltage of 0.026 V. We
low current densities correspond to lower electric po- did not investigate the nature of this offset. It may be
tentials than the standard current – voltage curve from due to a surface capacitance or an activation required
the voltage sweep for the same current density. The for ion transport across the membrane solution inter-
integral amount of charge transported before one face as suggested in Ref. [3]. Apparently, the character-
recording is larger for the standard current – voltage istic time for charging such a capacity or initiating the
curve with small current increments compared to the activation is well below the used sampling time of 0.1 s.
amount of charge transported after switch-on of the Thus, we cannot investigate this effect with chronopo-
current in a chronopotentiometric curve. Even after tentiometry; electric impedance spectroscopy may be a
about 20 min at low current densities, the chronopoten- more suitable technique to investigate such phenomena.
tiometric curves in Fig. 6(a) indicated that a steady- The voltage denoted by ‘‘maximum’’ in Fig. 9a corre-
state situation has not yet been reached, the potential sponds to the maximum (peak) values of the chronopo-
difference is still increasing. Thus, due to the history tentiometric curves recorded at high current densities
before taking the current – voltage points, the standard and to the final transport-state value for the other
current –voltage curve represents the steady state more curves. The electric potential difference just before t1 of
164 F.G. Wilhelm et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 502 (2001) 152–166

the chronopotentiometric run (denoted with ‘‘end’’) in reduced amount of co-ions next to the inner membrane
general is close to the steady-state potential. As dis- interface. The availability of highly mobile hydroxide
cussed above, it is the result of various transport pro- ions and protons from the water dissociation in the
cesses occurring in the bipolar membrane: interface in this current range is not sufficient to reduce
concentration profiles are established by co-ion deple- the resistance. Above this cross-over current density,
tion and the water dissociation products are exchanged the transport resistance is lower than the equilibrium
in the membrane layers with the salt counter ions. resistance. At such high current densities, many of the
The switch-off potential, remaining just when the salt counter ions are exchanged by the water-splitting
current is switched off (see Fig. 9(b)) can be attributed products that are available due to the high reaction rate
to the reversible storage of energy in the bipolar mem- in the interface. As discussed above, their number is
brane. Both capacities, the one dependent on the con- more than enough to counterbalance the increase of
centration and the other on the reaction, in Fig. 4 are resistance due to the internal concentration
charged and result in the characteristic switch-off po- polarisation.
tential. The difference between the transport-state The current density of 21 mA cm − 2 at which this
voltage of the chronopotentiometric curve when the cross-over occurs corresponds to the current density
current is on and the switch-off potential gives the where an overshoot in the electric potential after the
irreversible contribution. This is related to the energy transition time is first observed. It is not clear if the
dissipation due to the ohmic resistance of the mem- numerical values just coincide or if it can be explained
brane layers, the so-called Joule-effect. In the following by a quantitative correlation; that has to be investigated
section, the ohmic resistance in the transport state is with additional experiments at different concentrations
compared to the ohmic resistance in equilibrium. and with different bipolar membranes. However, the
same physical phenomena govern both, the cross-over
4.5. Ohmic resistances and the overshoot potential: the co-ion depletion of the
interface increases the ohmic resistance of the mem-
In Table 3, the resistance calculated with the initial brane layers whereas the resistance is reduced due to
electric potential jump (the equilibrium resistance) is the ion exchange of the counter-ions with water dissoci-
compared to the transport-state resistance of the mem- ation products.
brane just before switching off. The latter is calculated 4.6. Re6ersible and irre6ersible potential
with the immediate potential drop after switch-off, Eq.
(6). The values in Table 3 are presented for comparative In Table 3 also the reversible and irreversible contri-
reasons in the series of increasing current densities. butions to the transport-state voltage in the over-limit-
However, care should be taken when using these num- ing current region are compared. Similarly to the
bers for quantitative purposes due to the measurement discharging time, the reversible potential is difficult to
conditions (salt solution instead of acid and base) as read from the chronopotentiometric curves for currents
well as the membrane history (Section 3.2). In particu- below the limiting current density: after the initial drop
lar, the values at low current densities (2.4 and 3.2 of the electric potential at switch-off, the relaxation of
mA cm − 2) bear a large error due to the fast relaxation the concentration profiles and the electric potential
within one sampling period. difference is too fast to allow a reliable recording.
Up to the current density of 21 mA cm − 2, the trans- Above the limiting current density, the reversible
port resistance is higher than the equilibrium resistance potential is higher than the irreversible potential in the
so the ratio of the transport resistance over the equi- measured range. The major part of the electric potential
librium resistance is greater than one. This is due to the difference in the over-limiting region is required for the

Table 3
Characteristic properties from chronopotentiometry of the bipolar membrane BP-1 in 4 mol l−1 NaCl in the over-limiting current range

On-period j (mA cm−2) 2.4 a 3.2 a 6.2 11 21 101

requ (V cm2) b 5.7 6.4 5.2 5.9 5.9 5.9

rtransp (V cm2) b 14.5 91 15.6 9.7 6.2 2.9
rtransp/requ 2.5 14 3.0 1.6 1.1 0.49
Uirr (V) 0.06 0.32 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.32
Urev (V) 0.03 0.41 0.82 0.87 0.91 1.03
Urev/Uirr 0.53 1.3 6.8 6.2 5.7 3.2

Steady state has not been reached for a current density of 2.4 and 3.2 mA cm−2.
Determined after subtracting the off-set of 0.026 V from the electric potential difference across the membrane.
F.G. Wilhelm et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 502 (2001) 152–166 165

water dissociation reaction. The reversible potential design bipolar membrane layers with a reduced overall
gradually increases for current densities between 10 and electric potential. It should be emphasised that the
100 mA cm − 2. This increase can be attributed to the presented comparison of the contributions at different
higher proton and hydroxide ion concentration in the current densities at this moment remains qualitative.
membrane layers and especially at the bipolar interface. The discussion above mainly treats the transport pro-
The irreversible potential increases with current density cesses in the membrane layers; further investigations
for the points where the transport-state is close to the should focus also on the (ir-)reversibility of the water
steady state (above a current density of 6.2 mA cm − 2). splitting in the interface. Standard conditions should be
This steady increase of the irreversible potential is due chosen if chronopotentiometry is used for the compari-
to the ohmic resistances in the membrane layers. The son of different membranes. It is recommended to
ratio of the reversible to the irreversible contribution to investigate the bipolar membrane behaviour at high salt
the electric potential becomes smaller with increasing concentrations as used in this article because: (1) this
current density (Table 3). Thus, from an energy point allows one to observe clearly the phenomena below and
of view, it would be favourable to operate the bipolar above the limiting current density; and (2) these con-
membrane at low current densities. centrations are close to the usually desired high acid
and base concentrations in bipolar membrane
5. Conclusions and recommendations Chronopotentiometry can be a useful tool not only
for the preparation but also for the application of
Chronopotentiometry of bipolar membranes is a use- bipolar membranes. It helps to investigate the reversible
ful characterisation method in addition to recording and irreversible contributions of a certain bipolar mem-
steady-state current – voltage curves or employing brane under specific process conditions and to identify
impedance spectroscopy. It not only allows us to verify factors limiting its use. For such an application-ori-
how quickly a steady state has been reached when ented chronopotentiometry the bipolar membrane is
recording current –voltage curves, but also helps to characterised by chronopotentiometry in a salt solution
reveal, the contributions of various ion-transport pro- corresponding to the acid and the base to be produced.
cesses to the transport-state electric potential are re- The comparison of reversible and irreversible potentials
vealed. Compared to impedance spectroscopy, under various process conditions can help to optimise
chronopotentiometry has the advantage that engineer- the operation conditions, such as concentrations and
ing parameters such as electric resistances are directly current density.
accessible. Compared to steady-state current – voltage
curves or cyclic voltammetry (i.e. potential sweeps),
chronopotentiometry has the advantage that its charac- 6. Nomenclature
teristics can be correlated to actual states of the mem-
brane such as the equilibrium, the full ion depletion, or
the transport state. A anion permeable layer of the bipo-
Especially the reversible and irreversible contribu- lar membrane
tions to the transport-state potential for over-limiting AEM anion exchange membrane
currents are of interest. The irreversible potential is BPM bipolar membrane
attributed to the energy required to overcome the elec- C cation permeable layer of the bipo-
tric resistance; this energy is irreversibly lost as heat. In lar membrane
contrast, the reversible electric potential corresponds to C capacitance
the electrochemical potential resulting from the build- CEM cation exchange membrane
up of concentration profiles and the separation of water qc(qa) fixed charge density of the cation-
dissociation products. In principle this part could be (anion-) permeable layer (mol l−1)
used for using a bipolar membrane module as a ci molar concentration of species i
rechargeable battery or accumulator, however, the dif- (mol l−1)
fusional processes in the membrane and the resulting Econc electric potential difference due to
auto-discharging reduce the efficiency for energy stor- concentration gradients (time de-
age. Below the limiting current density, the technique pendent) (V)
presented has limitations due to the rapid relaxation Ereact electric potential difference due to
processes of the concentration profiles when the current reaction (time dependent) (V)
is switched off. j current density (mA cm−2)
With the possibility of splitting the steady-state po- I current (A)
tential into its contributions, bipolar membrane M+ salt or base cation
chronopotentiometry is a useful tool to improve and R electric resistance (V)
166 F.G. Wilhelm et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 502 (2001) 152–166

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