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Activity 21: Write about Me!

“How do we simplify expressions with zero, negative integral and rational

exponents?” How can we apply what we learn in solving real-life problems? Inform
the class that to find the answer to these questions they must perform each activity
and if they find any difficulty in answering the exercises, seek your assistance or
their peers’ help or refer to the modules they have gone over earlier.

Activity 20:3-2-1 Chart

3 things I learned 1)Identifying situations
that illustrate joint
2)Illustrates situations
that involve joint variation.

3)Describes the
relationship between
quantities in a joint
2 things that interest me 1)Representing situations
by mathematical
2)Translates into a
variation statement a
relationship between two
quantities given by an
equation and vice versa.
1 application of what I Applies how to solve
learned problems real-life
problem using variation
Project in Math
Submitted by:
Dianne Aira A. Flores

Submitted to:
Mrs. Miriam M.

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