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Excel Budget Template

PROJECT START DATE 28-May-2018 (Monday) SCROLL TO WEEK # 1 Jun-1 Jun-8 Jun-15 Jun-22 Jun-29

Planned Planned Work Materials Total Work Materials Actual

Task 28 29 30 31 1 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29
Start Date End Date Budget Budget Budget Actual Actual Budget

Budget Actual M T W T F M T W T F M T W T F M T W T F M T W T F

Project Summary 1-Jun-18 22-Nov-18 INR 32,229,218.00 INR 477 INR 32,229,695 INR 797,949 INR 77,018 INR 874,967

Project 1 3-Jun-18 17-Jun-18 INR 2,332,553.00 INR 113 INR 2,332,666 INR 5,233 INR 702 INR 5,935
Task 1 3-Jun-18 7-Jun-18 INR 2,324,553.00 INR 45 INR 2,324,598 INR 4,543 INR 234 INR 4,777
Task 2 8-Jun-18 14-Jun-18 INR 4,567.00 INR 34 INR 4,601 INR 345 INR 234 INR 579
Task 3 15-Jun-18 17-Jun-18 INR 3,433.00 INR 34 INR 3,467 INR 345 INR 234 INR 579

Project 2 1-Jun-18 29-Jun-18 INR 73,111.00 INR 153 INR 73,264 INR 57,924 INR 591 INR 58,515
Project 3 3-Jul-18 16-Aug-18 INR 23,233,101.00 INR 57 INR 23,233,158 INR 702 INR 1,145 INR 1,847
Project 4 20-Aug-18 22-Nov-18 INR 6,590,453.00 INR 154 INR 6,590,607 INR 734,090 INR 74,580 INR 808,670
Excel Budget Template - Guidance and Tips:

Enter your project's data inside the white-colored cells of the table on the left of the Excel Budget sheet. Th
template's functions will automatically calculate the total budget (actual AND planned) for the project, as w
partial sums for each sub-project or category of costs.

The Gantt chart on the right of the Excel budget sheet will auto-update as you change your tasks' dates or e
more items in the table. To show a different time period on the graphic, change the number next to SCROL
WEEK in the table.

To add extra tasks, simply insert new rows within the table and type in your data.

The Excel Budget template lets you quickly add extra sub-projects, complete with their summary sections a
automatic calculations. To do so, select and copy all rows corresponding to an existing sub-project, right-clic
the row where you want your new section to go, and then select Insert Copied Cells from the pop-up. Then
enter your new data in the copied rows.
If you wish to recolor the task bars on the Gantt chart, you can do so using Conditional Formatting. Use Shift
to select all cells corresponding to the Gantt chart, click on the Conditional Formatting icon on the Home ta
then select Manage Rules. Select the formula with the orange Format, click on Edit Rule, and this is where
find all customization options for the task bars, including Fill color.

Changing Task Colors

e Excel Budget sheet. The
ned) for the project, as well as

ge your tasks' dates or enter

number next to SCROLL TO

heir summary sections and

ng sub-project, right-click on
from the pop-up. Then, just

nal Formatting. Use Shift+Click

tting icon on the Home tab, and
Rule, and this is where you will

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