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CHAPTER 10 Reactors Accomplishing HeterogeneollS Reactions 321

then the use of 710 is straightforward. As the mass and energy balances are being
solved along the axial reactor dimension, 710 can be computed by calculating <p and
Bim at each point. The assumption of an isothermal 710 may be appropriate since it
is calculated at each point along the reactor. That is to say that although the tem-
perature varies along the axial direction, at each point along this dimension, the
catalyst particle may be isothermal (e.g., at Z = 0, 710 = 71o(To) and at Z =1= 0,
710 = 71o(T) =1= 71oCTo)).
For most solid-catalyzed reactions, there will not be analytical solutions for 710'
In this case, the effectiveness factor problem must be computed at each point in the
reactor. The reactor balances like those given in Equation (l 0.2.1) that now incor-
porate the-effectiveness factor description are:
Bulk Fluid Phase:

dCAS -
-u - - = k c G y (CAS CAS)
- dT s 4U *
up CP- = htGy(Ts - Ts ) - (Ts - T )
dz dt (10.2.6)
dP .ffpu
dz gcdp
CAS = (CAS)O, Ts = (Ts)O, P = pO at Z= °
Solid Phase (Spherical Catalyst Particle):



dT dC A
-dr = -dr = ° at r = °
ke,(CAS C,'S)
~ = -De dC
dr at r = RP


T Ts at r = Rp
C4 = C 4S at r Rp

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