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Task - 1 (Question)

Different from my background and native place, the US became a second home to me. I

moved here years ago and spend a good portion of my life here. Based on my personal

experiences, there were times when I felt the presence of traces from my past. Similarly, I

indulged in moments that were completely strange and different for me. The reason is the

richness of cultural practices in Hawaii because it is a diverse place due to the presence of

people belonging to multiple backgrounds and cultures in Hawaii. Based on this diversity

Hawaii is a different place, even different from all the other states of America. I never used

chopstick for eating while growing up in my native town nor did I took off my shoes on the

door when I came home. Similarly, the greeting styles are also different here at Huawei. I

consider my world views Asian-centered because my roots are back there but my grooming

and growing dimensions belong to the United States as I lived here and learned many things.

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