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Effect of porosity and metallic insertions on

electrical resistivity of A2011 aluminium alloy

S. I. Bakhtiyarov and R. A. Overfelt

A rotational, contactless inductive measurement technique has been used to determine the effect of pores and
metallic insertions on the electrical resistivity of A2011 aluminium alloy at different temperatures. It is shown that
the electrical resistivity increases with the total volume of pores, and is also dependent on the location and
orientation of pores. Additional energy losses were found on the contact surfaces between sample and
insertions. MST/5933
Keywords: Electrical resistivity, Thermal conductivity, Porosity, Aluminium alloys, Liquid metals

The authors are in the Materials Processing Center, 202 Ross Hall, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Auburn University,
AL 36849 – 5341, USA ( Manuscript received 5 August 2003; accepted 4 February 2004.
# 2004 IoM Communications Ltd. Published by Maney for the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining.

wide range of temperatures is shown in Fig. 1. A computer

Introduction controlled Brookfield rheometer Model DV – III was used
to provide constant rotational speed to the metal sample
Information on the electrical resistivity of molten alloys is and to measure the torque. This rheometer enables torque
especially important in many metallurgical processes such measurements from 0 to 673.7 dyne cm at constant speeds
as electroslag remelting, electromagnetic stirring in con- from 0 to 250 rev min21 in 0.1 rev min21 increments. The
tinuous casting, and induction melting in foundries. The rheometer has an RS232 serial port for communi-
electrical resistivity of the metals and alloys in both solid cation with a local computer.
and liquid phases is affected by porosity formations and The temperature of the sample was characterized remotely
some immiscible inclusions. From a practical point of view, by a portable two colour infrared thermometer M90
it is crucial to know the variation in electrical resistivity with (Mikron) focused into a hole in the bottom of the crucible
pores and inclusions; however, there have been no studies assembly since thermocouple leads could not be inserted
reported in this area. into the rotating samples. Focusing into the hole in the
Recently, Bakhtiyarov and Overfelt1,2 developed a rota- crucible bottom eliminated spurious temperature data from
tional, contactless, inductive measurement technique to mea- extraneous reflections into the infrared thermometer from
sure both the viscosity and the electrical conductivity of the optical heaters. The infrared thermometer output was
metals and alloys over wide temperature ranges. Preliminary calibrated to actual temperature by comparing against ther-
tests conducted with low melting point metals (lead and tin) mocouple data using a dummy load with 0.25% accuracy.
and alloys (LMA – 158 and Pb/Sn binary systems) showed The thermometer output was connected to computer and
good agreement with data from the literature. This technique the temperature data obtained were synchronised with data
requires a reliable relationship between the electrical resis- for measured torque and angular velocity of the crucible.
tivity of the metal sample and the measured damping torque Metal samples (19.05 mm diameter and 38.1 mm length)
values. Braunbeck3 proposed the following relationship for testing were inserted into cylindrical high purity alumina
between the opposing mechanical torque T and electric crucibles with a flat bottom. The extruded alumina crucibles
conductivity se of a rotating liquid specimen in a dc external (19.05 mm inner diameter and 152.4 mm length) were
magnetic field of strength B attached to the spindle of the rheometer through a specially
p p 1 2
T~ se vLR4 B2 { s vLR6 B4 : : : : : (1)
4 192 g e
where L and R are length and radius of the specimen, res-
pectively; v is the angular velocity of the rotating magnetic
field; and g is the viscosity of the liquid specimen. The mag-
netic strength and radius of the specimen can be selected so
that the second term in equation (1) becomes negligibly
small compared with the first term for measurements on
metals with unknown viscosity.4
The objective of this paper is to study the effect of
porosity formation and non-ferrous inclusions on the
electrical resistivity of A2011 aluminium alloy obtained
by direct measurements using the rotational technique (with
a cylindrical metal sample rotating in a two pole dc mag-
netic field) over wide ranges of temperature.

Experimental apparatus and procedures

A schematic diagram of the experimental apparatus to 1 Experimental apparatus used for electrical resistivity
measure electrical resistivity of metals and alloys over a measurements of solid and molten metals

790 Materials Science and Technology June 2004 Vol. 20 DOI 10.1179/026708304225016752
Bakhtiyarov and Overfelt Effect of porosity and metallic insertions on resistivity of A2011 Al alloy 791

2 Diagram of sample – magnetic field-optical furnace 3 Variation of torque with porosity orientation for A2011
arrangement and heating energy focus action alloy at T~23uC, B~0.1 T, and v~1.05 s21

applications. Two sets of experiments were conducted. In

designed coupler to provide concentricity to the rotating
the first set of experiments cylindrical holes of 2.08 mm
shaft, crucible and sample. The same sample diameter was
diameter were drilled through the samples in longitudinal or
maintained for each set of tests. The rotational technique of
traversal directions to study the influence of the orientation
this geometry is exposed to the end effects in the crucible.
of porosity formation on electrical resistivity. In the second
This effect was eliminated in two experiments by using
set of experiments a longitudinal cylindrical hole of 4.00 mm
different sample heights (25.4 mm and 38.1 mm) in the
diameter was drilled through the sample. The orientation
crucible at the same angular speed.
and total hole volume are presented in Table 1. The experi-
Two quartz infrared line heating elements (2 kW each)
ments were conducted with open pores, and with pores filled
housed in elliptical cast aluminium frames were used to heat
by conductive material (A2011 alloy, In, or Cu).
the samples in the experiments. The heated length of the
The experimental results were compared with simulations
chamber was 167 mm. The elliptical reflectors concentrated
based on the mass amount of each component. Electrical
the infrared energy to the crucible surface (Fig. 2). Copper
resistivity of the two component sample was estimated by
tube connections are provided for inlet and outlet flow of
the following expression
water to cool the lamp reflector bodies. Tap water at 15uC
and 600 kPa was supplied to cool the unit. r 1 C1 r 2 C2
r1z2 ~ z : : : : : : : : : : : (2)
The magnetic field was produced by two neodymium – 100 100
iron permanent magnets. A Hall effect gaussmeter was used where r1 and r2 are the electrical resistivities of components
to measure the magnetic field strength. The gaussmeter 1 and 2, respectively; C1 and C2 are the mass concentrations
provided dc and AC field readings from ¡1025 to ¡2 T of components 1 and 2, respectively.
with 0.1% resolution. Changing the separation between the Electrical resistivity of the material in the solid state as a
magnets allowed one to obtain magnetic fields of different function of temperature was determined as
magnitudes. Contour mapping of the magnetic field strength
revealed that the magnetic induction varied in both vertical rT2 ~rT1 ½1za(T1 {T2 ) : : : : : : : : : : (3)
and horizontal directions. It is estimated that the magnetic where rT1 and rT2 are electrical resistivity at temperatures
induction over the test sample varied ¡10% in the vertical T1 and T2, respectively; a is the temperature coefficient of
direction and ¡7% in the horizontal direction around its electrical resistivity.
average value. Neither the coupling system nor the alumina For materials in the liquid state the electrical resistivity
crucible had measurable effects on the applied magnetic varies with temperature according to the following formula
re ~aTzb : : : : : : : : : : : : : : (4)
where a and b are temperature coefficients for the liquid
Results and discussion metals, T is absolute temperature in kelvin. The temperature
coefficients of the sample materials determined experimen-
tally (Table 2).
The test sample used was A2011 aluminium alloy Al – Figure 3 shows the variation of the eddy current induced
0.4Si – 0.7Fe – 6Cu – 0.3Zn (wt-%), popular in commercial damping torque values with different pore orientations
for A2011 alloy at T~23uC, B~0.1 T, andv~1.05 s21. As
Table 1 Orientation and total volume of pores expected, the damping torque decreases with porosity.
Diameter of Volume
Orientation each pore, of sample, Total volume
of pores cm cm3 of pores, cm3 Porosity Table 2 Temperature coefficients of test materials

None 0 10.85387 0 0 Material State a, uC21 a, mV cm K21 b, mV cm

Longitudinal 0.208 0.1294 0.011922
0.3882 0.035766 A2011 alloy Solid 0.00394 0.0145 10.7
0.6470 0.05961 Liquid … 0.0145 10.7
Transverse 0.1294 0.011922 Indium Solid 0.004331 … …
0.3882 0.035766 Liquid 0.000802 0.0255 22.2
0.6470 0.05961 Copper Solid 0.00381 … …
Longitudinal 0.400 0.4785 0.044089 Liquid … 0.0089 9. 1

Materials Science and Technology June 2004 Vol. 20

792 Bakhtiyarov and Overfelt Effect of porosity and metallic insertions on resistivity of A2011 Al alloy

4 Variation of electrical conductivity of A2011 alloy 6 Variation of electrical resistivity of A2011 alloy (with
with porosity orientation at T~23uC, B~0.1 T, and 4 mm hole) with temperature at w~0.0441, B~0.1 T,
v~1.05 s21 and v~1.05 s21

charge. The constant

However, the torque values are slightly (up to 8%) higher for
longitudinally oriented holes than for transversely oriented p2 k2
L0 ~ ~2:45|10{8 W VK {2
holes. One would assume that magnetic field induced cir- 3e2
culating eddy currents, which generate an opposing torque, is the Lorenz number. The validity of this relationship has
are weakened by transversal holes more than by longitudinal been confirmed experimentally with high accuracy by many
holes. Formula (3) was used to estimate the electrical con- researchers.528 The variation in thermal conductivity for
ductivity (reciprocal of the electrical resistivity) of the different porosity orientations estimated by the Wiedemann-
samples, and the results are presented in Fig. 4. As seen Franz-Lorenz law is presented in Fig. 5.
from this figure, the measured values of electrical conductiv- The variations in electrical resistivity and thermal con-
ity are significantly lower (up to 17%) than those predicted. ductivity of an A2011 sample with 4 mm diameter long-
However, the simulations do not consider distribution and itudinal hole (w~0.0441) versus temperature are shown in
orientation of the pores. Hence we can conclude that the Figs. 6 and 7, respectively. As seen in Fig. 6, electrical
distribution and orientation of pores is an important factor, resistivity increases almost linearly with temperature. There
and any future theoretical model must take this into account. is good agreement between experimental results and pre-
As is known, free electrons are responsible for the elec- diction using formula (3).
trical and thermal conductivities of metals and alloys in It is of practical and scientific interest to study the elec-
both solid and liquid states. Therefore, the Wiedemann- trical resistivity of immiscible alloys. We also measured the
Franz-Lorenz law can be applied to relate thermal con- electrical resistivity of A2011 aluminium alloy with pores
ductivity to electrical resistivity filled with indium, A2011 aluminium alloy itself, and copper.
lre pk2 Figures 8 and 9 show measured values of electrical resis-
~ 2 :L0 : : : : : : : : : : : : (5) tivity and thermal conductivity over a wide range of tem-
T 3e
peratures for an A2011 aluminium alloy sample with 4 mm
where k is the Boltzmann constant, and e is the electron diameter longitudinal hole (w~0.0441) filled with indium.
The results of simulations for samples with open pores and
for pores filled with indium are also shown on these figures.
As seen in Fig. 8, the electrical resistivity for the sample

5 Variation of thermal conductivity of A2011 alloy 7 Variation of thermal conductivity of A2011 alloy (with
with porosity orientation at T~23uC, B~0.1 T, and 4 mm hole) with temperature at w~0.0441, B~0.1 T,
v~1.05 s21 and v~1.05 s21

Materials Science and Technology June 2004 Vol. 20

Bakhtiyarov and Overfelt Effect of porosity and metallic insertions on resistivity of A2011 Al alloy 793

10 Variation of electrical resistivity of A2011 alloy (with

4 mm hole filled with A2011) with temperature at
w~0.0441, B~0.1 T, and v~1.05 s21

8 Variation of electrical resistivity of A2011 alloy (with

and without indium inclusion) with temperature at
w~0.05961, B~0.1 T, and v~1.05 s21

with pores filled with indium is lower than for the sample
with open pores. Due to the phase transformation in indium
at y150uC (from solid state to liquid), a significant increase
in electrical resistivity is observed. Again, the experimental
data are lower than those predicted by formula (2), which
can be attributed to the effect of location and orientation of
indium inclusions in the A2011 sample.
One would expect that if the pores were filled with the
same material as the sample A2011 aluminium alloy, the
electrical resistivity would return to its original value for a
sample without pores. However, experiments revealed that
the electrical resistivity for samples with pores filled with the
same material is higher than the electrical resistivity of the
original sample. We suggest that there are additional energy
losses at the contact surfaces. The variations in electrical
resistivity and thermal conductivity of an A2011 sample 11 Variation of thermal conductivity of A2011 alloy (with
with longitudinal hole (w~0.0441) filled with the same 4 mm hole filled with A2011) with temperature at
metal (A2011) with temperature are shown in Figs. 10 and w~0.0441, B~0.1 T, and v~1.05 s21
11, respectively.
Figures 12 and 13 show the variation in electrical
resistivity and thermal conductivity over a wide temperature

12 Variation of electrical resistivity of A2011 alloy (with

4 mm hole filled with Cu) with temperature at w~
0.0441, B~0.1 T, and v~1.05 s21

9 Variation of thermal conductivity of A2011 alloy (with range for an A2011 aluminium alloy sample with 4 mm
and without indium inclusion) with temperature at diameter longitudinal hole (w~0.0441) filled with copper.
w~0.05961, B~0.1 T, and v~1.05 s21 As seen in Fig. 12, the electrical resistivity for this sample

Materials Science and Technology June 2004 Vol. 20

794 Bakhtiyarov and Overfelt Effect of porosity and metallic insertions on resistivity of A2011 Al alloy

revealed that the location and orientation of pores and

metallic insertions had significant effects. Additional energy
losses at the contact surfaces of inclusions resulted in higher
electrical resistivity of samples with inclusions, compared to
predictions based on formula (2).


The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support

received from NASA’s Space Product Development at
Marshall Space Flight Center under Cooperative Agree-
ment NCC8 – 240. The authors wish to thank former
graduate student Dr Sorin Teodorescu for participating in
the measurements.

13 Variation of thermal conductivity of A2011 alloy (with References

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Materials Science and Technology June 2004 Vol. 20

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