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Sweet Dreams?

Sweet dreams
peaceful sleep
clear conscience
innocent slumber


ghosts and demons
guilt and fear

How is your night?

Is it a mirror
of your day
reflecting back to you
choices you have made?

Nhữ ng Giấ c Mơ Ngọ t Ngà o?

Nhữ ng giấ c mơ ngọ t ngà o

giấ c ngủ thanh bình

lương tâ m an ổ n

giấ c ngủ thậ t ngon

hay là

những cơn ác mộng

giấc ngủ không sâu

những ma và quỷ

tội lỗi và sự sợ hãi

Đêm của bạn như thế nào?

Nó có phải là một tấm gương

về ngày của bạn

phản ánh lại chính bạn

những lựa chọn mà bạn đã đưa ra?

The Sun

S hadows disappear with the Light

U nity of  love prevails

N ow–the reality of life

Mặt Trời

Màn đêm biến mất khi Ánh Sáng xuất hiện

Sự kết nối yêu thương trải khắp

Bây Giờ là thực tại của cuộc sống.

Right Time

Sometimes I wish I had

done something earlier
yet there is a “right time”
for all. Perhaps we are
not ready–too immature,
not enough experience
to have the full benefit
of this lesson.

Have no regrets
for problems
for surely there is
a “right time”
which always come exactly
at the right time!

Right Time


Đô i khi tô i ướ c

đã là m điều gì đó sớ m hơn

nhưng có mộ t “thờ i điểm đú ng”

dà nh cho tấ t cả . Có lẽ chú ng ta
chưa sẵ n sà ng - quá non nớ t,

khô ng đủ kinh nghiệm

để có lợ i ích trọ n vẹn

củ a bà i họ c nà y.

Đừ ng có nhữ ng hố i tiếc

vì nhữ ng vấ n đề

sự do dự

“lầ m lỗ i”

vì chắ c chắ n có

mộ t “thờ i điểm đú ng”

mà luô n đến chính

và o thờ i điểm đú ng!

My Purpose?
How is it that people
act as if their lives
had some kind of purpose?
Daily routine, same story
told again and again. For
what I ask? These life
rituals are dandelion fluff
in the wind.

Most do not have a clue

about their true essence,
that underlying beingness
where overdue bills, sagging
skin, one more pretty…
none of this matters.

Most people never give this

a thought. They assume that
only spiritual greats
have the knowing
about themselves, but
each of us
carries this seed of Divinity
just waiting for us to
claim our true selves.

Mụ c Đích Củ a Tô i?
Bằ ng cá ch nà o mà ngườ i ta

hà nh độ ng như thể cuộ c đờ i củ a họ

có mụ c tiêu nà o đó ?

Thó i quen hà ng ngà y, cù ng mộ t câ u chuyện

đượ c kể đi kể lạ i. Điều

tô i đò i hỏ i là gì? Nhữ ng nghi lễ

cuộ c số ng nà y là nhữ ng bô ng bồ cô ng anh mù a xuâ n

trong gió .

How is it that people

act as if their lives
had some kind of purpose?
Daily routine, same story
told again and again. For
what I ask? These life
rituals are dandelion fluff
in the wind.

Hầ u hết mọ i ngườ i khô ng có manh mố i

về điều thiết thự c củ a họ ,

Most do not have a clue

about their true essence,
that underlying beingness
where overdue bills, sagging
skin, one more pretty…
none of this matters.

Most people never give this

a thought. They assume that
only spiritual greats
have the knowing
about themselves, but
each of us
carries this seed of Divinity
just waiting for us to
claim our true selves.

Find Your Joy

My life will end
somewhere, some day
it’s been a good life
ups and downs along the way
One should not fear
that one’s life has an end
but rather that we never
let it begin

Step forth with boldness

opportunities abound
make your life what
you want it to be
there’s joy to be found

Welcomed Guest

Please come in Welcomed Guest

My house and heart are Yours
Bread’s baking, windows sparkle, all is in order
Please come in Welcomed Guest
You are not a stranger in my house
You’ve been waiting for me to invite you in
Please come in Welcomed Guest
My house and heart are Yours

Capture the Moment

To capture this moment
sun on my shoulder
layers of sounds
time on tiptoe
life suspended
just this moment exists
the moment before a sneeze
a sexual peak before
crashing in ecstasy
a moment when life
needs no explanation

Voice Within

What is intuition,
this knowing within?
Is it what guides
salmon upstream,
migrating birds and
butterflies? I receive
its messages in many ways:
a tingling of warning,
a certainty of which
decision I should make,
a comfort when I am sad.

What is intuition,
that voice within?
Is it simply a genetic
code, or much more?
How is it that it expands
as I pay more attention
to it and follow its guidance?
My intuition is innately me,
at the same time, it is the
voice of God guiding me.
How can it be both, you ask?

Because I am of the Creator,

emanating from and with the
Divine; what is me is One with All.
When I listen to my intuition,
follow its wisdom, I am allowing
the Presence of God in my life,
consistently guiding me in all
I do. And so it is. Amen!

I need only to count to three
One has compassion
Two gives forgiveness
Three is becoming pure love

What Is Humility?

Where is the dividing line

between self worth and humility?
Is it being prideful
to seek approval?
Validation must come
from our inner strength.
All else is tenuous
and comes at a high price.

A quiet confidence
gives one space to be humble.
Sometimes we fail in this lesson.
It is in weakness
that strength is found.

Fairies and the Moon

Did you ever wonder why the fairies sing

On the night when the moon is full?
Come closer, Child, and hear their song
And listen with just your heart
For when the fairies sing
Only the pure can hear
The magic that they impart.

It is the song of love,

On the starlit nights
That the fairies share
It is a mother´s love
in the lullaby
That hangs gently
in the air.

It is the father’s hand

that reaches down
lifts a child in tears
picks him up
holds him close
loves him through the years.

So when you hear giggles and laughter

On the nights with moonlit skies,
Open your heart to love
And you’ll hear the fairies, too
For they are sure to be nearby.

be grateful

Each step a process

layers upon layers
must be pealed away
to reach your goal
of pure love energy
created from

One grain of sand

unique from all others
yet part of the whole

Miles of beaches
filled with grains
of sand
each unique
but part
of all

Bored Games

bored games
stop playing
at life, awaken,
discover, be
One with All
Enchanted Hour

Four o’clock
wake-up time
enchanted hour
of fairies winding down
night’s play.
Silence reigns
even the insects sleep
a great peace
covers the floresta
as I receive these poems
Source sends each day
to help us understand
how to love each other
as we journey back home
to the Great Beyond.

Enchanted Hour

Four o’clock
wake-up time
enchanted hour
of fairies winding down
night’s play.
Silence reigns
even the insects sleep
a great peace
covers the floresta
as I receive these poems
Source sends each day
to help us understand
how to love each other
as we journey back home
to the Great Beyond.

Source Love
I am Source Love;
My very essence is Source Love.
Take away the draping of my human life
And you find Source Love.

All around me is Source energy called “Love.”

Where do I began and end?
I do not know because this energy called “Pat”
Connects with the energy around me.

If you put two candles side by side,

Can you tell where the light from one stops and the other begins?
The Source energy around me connects to my energy,
Making a seamless connection.

I am One.

Gates 1
Out of the car
look for snakes,
mud and cow poop.
Open the gate,
chase cows away,
drive through,
close gate,
say bad words.

Out of the car,

look up,
trail of moonlight
surrounded by innumerable stars
makes me grateful
for gates
and God´s glory!

Gates 2

Lock the gate

no one can get in.

Bad guys are free.

I am locked in,
doesn´t feel safer.
Why am I
the one imprisoned?

Gates 3

Open, close.
Open, close.
Are gates
to keep out
or to keep in?
Gate is open.
Should I leave,
grab a new opportunity?
Will the gate be open
when I return,
or is this a one-time-offer?

Which side of the gate

do I want?
Is it my choice
or did I give
my choice away?
How many gates
do I have in a life time?

Pure Love
Light of Love
What is it
that makes one beautiful?
Is it the form
with which we are born
slim and agile
creamy skin
with a natural blush?
Ah, she’s a fair lass
’tis true
but will she always be?
Do people turn to watch
as you cross the room?
Do all sigh with relief
knowing that somehow
everything will be better
now that you are here?

What is the beauty that comes

at any age
that makes puppies
scamper at your feet
babies lift their arms
to be held
old men smile and nod at sweet memories?

Women at their peak

of youthful glow
shake their heads
knowing their beauty
will soon fade.

This beauty of which I speak

lasts for all time.
It can not be found
in fashion and fuss.
It is free to all
and once you claim it
it can never be taken from you.

It is the light of love

that fills you
and goes out to all,
touching their hearts
igniting that glow
within them, too.

I dedicate this to Rebecca, my muse, who is filled with the Light of Love.
Stormy Night

Photo by Brianna Martinez on

I am a little girl standing in a field.

All around me a storm rages
lighting fills the sky with rivers of glory
cannons boom thunder
that shakes my knees.

Trees bow to the power of God

as wind whips their boughs
and tosses their leaves.

I lift my arms in delight

catch raindrops on my tongue
shout my joy
whisper the name of my Creator.

I am Love
I am Light
I Am All That Is
a little girl on a stormy night.

Reflections #1
Today as I walked
silently in the floresta,
I blessed with pure love energy…

Ants marching in a line

carrying tiny bits of leaves on their backs,
a sunbeam filtering through the leaves
making a pretty pattern on my hand,
the majestic tree guarding the floresta,
water coming from a natural spring nearby,
may it always be pure,
the sweet trill of a bird overhead.
I feel such peace and
abundance of Light
when I bless
with pure love energy.

It is my undeniable birthright
To give and receive pure love.
And so it is!

I dedicate this poem to Julianne, who first introduced my poetry to me. A

wonderful gift!

The Gift
Each day I find a gift,
sometimes tucked away
in places left unnoticed
but mostly in plain sight.

Yet how often my gift

went unclaimed in the past
as I was too busy to notice.
What was so important in my life
that I could not take the time
to see these sweet gifts?
I scarcely remember!

A friend’s kind words,

stranger’s smile as we pass.
tiny flower I’d never noticed
on a plant I’ve had for years,
clouds filled with much needed rain
or a painter’s palette at sunset,
the smell of my coffee,
it’s rich aromatic fragrance
making me smile in anticipation.

Gifts never found

because I was too sad over
things I no longer remember,
too busy with life’s activities
to see the gifts God gave
for me to enjoy.

Now, “thank you” has become

sweet words on my lips.
Gratitude fills my heart
until it overflows with love.
For each gift, so very precious,
is a candle that lights my way
dispelling darkness,
illuminating my path
showing me God’s ever Presence
in my life.

I smile
when I claim my gifts
and whisper,
“Thank you! I love You!”

I dedicate this poem to Leize, my muse, who reminded me to look for God´s gifts
each day.
Little Flower
Little flower
how sweet your fragrance
bright your light
in one so tender of years.

An old soul
in a young girl´s body
who teaches us
without words
your beingness is our beacon.

You sing so sweetly

smile so shyly
and blossom before our eyes.

Wise woman, brave child

I keep you safe in
a circle of pure Love and Light
for all eternity.

I dedicate this poem to Joyce, my muse, who is also my hero.

Rain on the Mandala

Garden mandala reaches for droplets,
thirsty triangles of lettuce
open to catch a drink.
Circles of basil scent the rain.
Chamomile flowers, verdant spinach
zigzag across the design.
I recklessly fill the mandala with living designs.
Plant, harvest, plant, harvest, and plant again
making a kaleidoscope of the mandala.

I dedicate this poem to Vivian, my muse, who taught me to make mandala poetry
and Broa de Milho.

Where Is My Joy?
Where is my joy?
It was here
only a moment ago
sparkling eyes
bubbling laughter
daisies plucked one by one.

Is my joy
a luminescent soap-bubble
easily popped by
harsh or careless words

Does my joy
depend on others
making me a slave
to their whim?

Or does it come
from deep within
a place of inner dimension
my core being of love and light?

I have not lost my joy

nor can you steal it
for this joy is rooted
in faith and love.
It is who I AM
now and ever shall be!

This poem is dedicated to Rebecca, my muse and dear friend.

Eyes of Horus
Hawk circles
higher and higher
seeing history ancient
connected to the present.
He dives
lightening speed
then lands softly
at our feet.

What message have you

ancient symbol of
Divine power and knowledge?
of love energy.

Much more
as you are ready
to receive.
Come fly with me
to the beyond
where all knowledge exists.
Go for It!
When the ancient eyes are open
you will not argue for limitations.
Move beyond
that which holds you back,
into the world
of all possibility.

The eyes of Horus

see many realities,
worlds of….

Open your ancient eyes,

masters of awakening
Trust your soul,
your eyes of Horus.
Operate at a pace
that will keep you intact.

Work within your intuition

rely on what you feel
even if it does not seem logical.
Operate with trust,
go slowly,
impatience is a trap.

Be the turtle
move slowly
go inside
observe carefully
state your commitment.
Thought creates.
Be who you
have always been.

Listen to the wisdom

from the Pleaidians
It is your thoughts
that create.
Become a multidimensional being.
Have courage.
Trust yourself.
Think big, really big.
Go for it!

I honor Barbara Marciniak, who channeled Bringers of the Dawn, as my muse

for this poem. I read her book years ago and only now am understanding it as I
watch what is happening inside and outside of me at this time.

Mountain Woman
On the horizon
I see her ascend
with light beams
for hair.
A halo of gold
spreads across the valley;
her eyes open wide as
light enters her
and spreads throughout
her body
which rises from a rock.

The rock grows

lifting her skyward.
She and the rock fill the horizon
becoming a vast mountain
with her
sending pure love energy
to all the world.

Mountain Woman
her face among clouds.
I tell her that her memories
have become Light;
she smiles and nods.

As I watch
I see her lay down
in the river
at the foot
of her mountain.
She becomes the river
stretching ever forward.

Next she
dives into the earth
as if still in the river.
I rub my eyes
in disbelief.

Suddenly she emerges

as a mighty tree
Queen among trees
filled with love.

As I watch entranced
She steps out of the tree
to be immediately encircled by
Beings of Light
loving human beings

I watch in silence.
The Guides say
“This is your now
Filled with pure love and peace.”
She bows her head in acknowledgement.
Who is this mountain woman
of my visions,
me, who has never had a vision.
have I gone mad?
am I dreaming?

I walk to the river’s edge.

My hands glow,
light streams from my body,
I become the river,
now the tree,
I am
Mountain Woman;
she is me.

The Angels’ Song

Dancing through all the stars
Singing The Angels’ Song,
Hand-in-hand we will go
Spreading love all around.

Throughout the night, we are happy,

Sending love to everyone.
All around us, stars are singing
Singing, The Angels’ Song.

Now we know how much God loves us,

Beloved are we, everyone.
God wants us to be happy,
And sing The Angels’ Song.

A lullaby for all who believe in angels, fairies, and magic.

The Dream
Astride a giant eagle
I fly among the stars,
long curls ride the wind
as I speed to destinations unknown.
I cry out in exhilaration!

The mighty bird begins to circle,

each sweep a descent.
I grow dizzy with anticipation.
Where is he taking me?

Crystal palace, luminescent, sacred.

My breath catches in wonder.
We land with feather softness,
air filled with pulsing vibrations.
My body glows as I bid farewell;
the eagle nods and takes flight.

An old man appears at my side

connecting his energy to mine.
He signals me to follow him.
Endless books fill the shelves;
all knowledge is guarded here,
universes of wisdom and skills.

“My child, you have the key

and can come whenever you wish.
Come often, learn, share.”
I bow my head in agreement
and awoke knowing I had been given
sacred entry to another reality.
A gift, yes, but also a quest
that must not be ignored.
Each of us has access to the crystal library.
Do we have the courage to explore
and fulfill our destiny?


Why is it that we fear silence?

Long hours without distractions:
no television, music, books, conversations
nothing to sedate our minds
into compliance.

How long can you be silent,

allowing your mind to explore, reveal
journey, merge
with the Universe?

Who am I?
Why am I here?
What is my mission?
Is there a God,
life after death?
Can you ask these questions
then remain silent
to discover the answers?
Silence opens the portal.
Will you choose to enter
worlds being offered,
or remain where you are?
Is the choice even ours to make?


I do not want to die

full of regrets
for what I did and did not do,
especially thrown away chances to:
Love to the fullest.

How sad are souls

who linger here
longing for one more day
filled with what might have been,
too late to claim
what they threw away.

Today I want to wade in the stream

squish mud between my toes
chain daisies for my hair
dance under rainbows
sing with the wind
and slumber curled next to a bear.

I want to say “I am sorry” and

“I love you,” more
so that when it is my time to go
I have no regrets
or tales of woe, no shackles to bind me here.

I want to be free to ride the clouds

leaving only fond memories
of a woman who knew the value of life,
lived each day with love in her heart,
and had no “what might have beens.”


Free will gives us choice

Path of Light or,
pursuit of the pleasures of Darkness.
Both paths lead us
back to our Creator.
Each of us must choose.
Darkness can not exist in Light.

Both paths have their lessons

Our Creator lets us explore,
knowing within the heart of each
lies the seed of Love
waiting for germination.

We must not judge another’s choice;

shadows define the Light,
all of us are One.
Can we say our Creator
was wrong to give us choice?
Would clones of Light be better?

Mirror, mirror on the wall

surely you lie!
Who can resist a glimpse of “me?”
I am seldom happy with what I see
as I turn this way and that
searching for a better side.

Reflections are also found

in other people.
How easily we see their faults
when our own lie hidden from our eyes.
Do we not know that what we
do not like in others is
often what we need
to see in ourselves?

Mirror, mirror on the wall

show me as fairest of them all
full of love, patience, compassion,
in turn, may I reflect for each
their kindness and beauty that love
gives to those who open their hearts
to the Oneness of us all.


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