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Livro do professor

2 Grade nd

Elaine Christina Mota

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© High Five

Gerência de produto: Luciano Galdino Brito Dias

Sumário geral
Organizador: Selma Regina Pereira de Almeida
Gerência editorial: Diego Volpe Vieira 1. What Surrounds Me
Autores: Elaine Christina Mota / Carolina
Campos Leite Loyolla Ataide /
Glauco Keller Villas Boas / Felipe
Pregnolatto / Priscilla Carnavale
Gomes Ferreira / Maíra de Sousa
Blanes / Selma Regina Pereira de
2. My Body
Leitura pedagógica: Elaine Christina Mota / Carolina
Campos Leite Loyolla Ataide /
Luciana Affini Wilson / Soraia
Dumbra / Selma Regina Pereira de 3. Entertainment
Edição: Selma Regina Pereira de Almeida
/ Luciana Affini Wilson / Soraia
Dumbra / Renato Milani
Edição de conteúdo: Editora Autoralle
Edição de arte: Equipe Conexia 4. Expressing Yourself
Pesquisa e licenciamento: Laura Maria Brasil Maurin
Ilustração: Equipe Conexia / Tinta
Arte: Gabriel Zanco Sibin / Ricardo
Augusto Cefali Mendes
Editoração eletrônica: Editora Autoralle 5. Caring for My World
Capa: Folklore
Projeto gráfico: Gabriel Zanco Sibin / Editora

Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP) 6. Time

(Câmara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil)

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Overall Goal
The project What Surrounds Me consists in allowing children to recognize things that are important for them somehow.
It helps them realize that their world goes beyond themselves. Not only does it make them more aware of what there
is in their world, but it also, if not especially, provides them with the familiarity they need to feel comfortable enough to
practice another language in an affective way. This project keeps an intense dialogue with BNCC (Base Nacional Comum
Curricular), which is the present document responsible for aligning the curriculum in the whole country, promoting a
guideline for teachers and institutions so that all children can have access to the same subject wherever they go to school
in Brazil. This guideline prioritizes interaction between children and adults, valuing not only mutual respect, but also self-
respect and the children’s development concerning their psychological, biological, cultural, and individual aspects. What’s
more, this project supports language acquisition as a whole, focusing, however, on the children as its main subject. At the
end of the project, these pages must be filed in the children’s folders so that they can have their portfolio.

Specific Goals
The project presents three different activities, with their own goals, concerning language acquisition and the
full development of the child:

1. My House
The students will
• recognize the parts of a house;
• talk about their houses;
• match the names of the parts of the house to the actual parts;
• improve vocabulary.

2. Pets
The students will
• identify animals and differentiate them from pets;
• recognize pets;
• improve pronunciation and vocabulary;
• practice speaking and writing.

3. My Toys
The students will
• remember vocabulary related to toys;
• identify toys;
• show preferences;
• improve pronunciation;
• practice speaking.

Learning Outcome
While in the process of the project, the students will be able to develop their:

• Vocabulary, listening, speaking and writing;

• Organization of ideas and creativity;
• Global and self-awareness.

Children are expected to learn vocabulary related to the parts of a house, of animals and toys. It is important
that they are able to recognize which animals can be considered pets.

2nd Grade

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My house
Glue the names of the parts of the house in the correct place.


What's your favorite room in your house?

2nd Grade

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Conversando com a BNCC

• Compreender as linguagens como construção humana, histórica, social e cultural, de natureza dinâmica, reconhecendo-
as e valorizando-as como formas de significação da realidade e expressão de subjetividades e identidades sociais e culturais.
• (EF12LP01) Ler palavras novas com precisão na decodificação, no caso de palavras de uso frequente, ler globalmente,
por memorização;
• (EF15LP10) Escutar, com atenção, falas de professores e colegas, formulando perguntas pertinentes ao tema e
solicitando esclarecimentos sempre que necessário.
• (EF15LP13) Identificar finalidades da interação oral em diferentes contextos comunicativos (solicitar informações,
apresentar opiniões, informar, relatar experiências etc.).
• (EF35LP20) Expor trabalhos ou pesquisas escolares, em sala de aula, com apoio de recursos multissemióticos
(imagens, diagrama, tabelas etc.), orientando-se por roteiro escrito, planejando o tempo de fala e adequando a
linguagem à situação comunicativa.
Uma vez que a criança é exposta ao mundo oral antes de ser exposta ao mundo escrito, pode-se afirmar que oralidade
e escrita não caminham juntas. Entretanto, na medida em que a criança é cada vez mais exposta ao mundo da leitura e
da escrita, ela passa a reconhecer os signos e relacioná-los ao seu significado. Neste momento, ela dá pequenos passos
em direção à escrita. Não devemos nos esquecer de que, independentemente do mundo que as crianças adentrarão e
explorarão, ele deve ser significativo para ela. Ao adulto, cabe o papel de respeitar sua cultura e seu contexto cultural
e familiar. Portanto, no projeto What Surrounds Me, oralidade e escrita serão trabalhadas dentro do que for significativo
para a criança, e não para o adulto que a cerca, respeitando o desenvolvimento infantil de todas as formas.

Teaching Guidelines
Your students will talk about their houses. In order to review vocabulary and practice a few personal questions,
you can use a board game you have or you can download a template that suits your needs best. Here is a suggestion
of the questions and tasks they have to answer or do:

• Do you live in a house or in an apartment?
• How many rooms are there in your house/apartment?
• What’s your favorite room?
• What color are the walls of your bedroom?
• In a house, where can you cook? Where can you sleep?
• What are some of the objects in the living room and dining room?
• Where do people take a shower in a house?
• Where can you watch TV in your house?
• What’s this? Where can you find it in a house? (Show a picture or a flashcard of a piece of furniture.)
• In 20 seconds, draw a part of the house for your friends to guess.You can repeat this task a few times, but the
students can’t repeat the part of the house.
• Say the name of 3 parts of the house in 20 seconds.
• Mime what you do in this part of the house (show the name or a picture of the part of the house) for your friends
to guess what it is.

1. After you have played the game, ask the students to describe their houses, or at least their favorite parts.You
may have to model it first. Don’t overfeed them with vocabulary unless they show any interest.
2. After everybody has described their houses, ask them to do the activity on the portfolio.

2nd Grade

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Teguh Mujiono/Shutterstock Lightkite/Shutterstock Spreadthesign/Shutterstock ONYXprj/Shutterstock


ONYXprj/Shutterstock Spreadthesign/Shutterstock Robuart/Shutterstock ONYXprj/Shutterstock

Write the names of the animals and

considered pets.

Which animal would you really like to have as a pet?

ONYXprj/Shutterstock Pogorelova Olga/Shutterstock Robuart/Shutterstock ONYXprj/Shutterstock
only the ones that are

VectorShow/Shutterstock Spreadthesign/Shutterstock Spreadthesign/Shutterstock

2nd Grade

17/09/2020 13:06:06

• A board from a game or one you find appropriate;
• Playing pieces or tokens for the kids to move on the board;
• Pictures or flashcards of parts of the house and pieces of furniture;
• 2B pencil, eraser, scissors and glue.

Relevant Vocabulary and Expressions

So as to make language as natural as possible, use the verb “there to be” whenever you have the chance. Also,
make sure the child knows the difference between “a shower” and “a bath” if there is an opportunity.

For Parents
Uma vez que o vocabulário é parte essencial da comunicação, é imprescindível que a criança reveja, de forma
espiralada, o que ela já conhece. Por conhecer sua casa e ser capaz de descrevê-la, a atividade My House retoma esse
vocabulário de forma oral e visual, com ênfase na memorização de estruturas lexicais. Se possível, faça um jogo de
perguntas e respostas com a criança, verificando se ela sabe onde pode encontrar determinados móveis ou objetos
dentro da própria casa. O ideal é que o adulto e a criança tenham essa primeira interação em português para que, após
a aula, a criança “ensine” o adulto a falar em inglês, utilizando o vocabulário que ela praticou em sala. Essa é uma das
várias formas de avaliar o desenvolvimento da criança sem pressioná-la para falar inglês fora de contexto.

Teaching Guidelines

In order to review and improve vocabulary, play a game with the children. You have several options, such as
hangman, memory game, bingo, miming, guessing game, among others. Just make sure not to motivate a negatively
competitive group to become even more competitive. In the game, use as many animals as you find appropriate for
your students. However, don’t overfeed them with vocabulary.
1. After you play the game, ask your students if they have any pets. Have a natural conversation with them, asking
information about their pets, such as name, age, color, what they like doing, what they eat, if they have a special place in the
house, and whatever else they are able to understand and answer.
2.After you have the conversation with them, ask if they would like to have another kind of pet, different from theirs.
3. As soon as you think you have practiced enough, ask them to complete the activity sheet. Some kids might need help
spelling the words.You can ask them to do the activity in pairs, so they can help each other or you can help them out, if you prefer.

Relevant Vocabulary and Expressions

It’s both interesting and advisable to explain to the students that animals sound differently all around the world. The
classic example is “au-au”, which becomes “woof-woof”. They might think it is not true, though. In order to show them
this information is accurate, you can play a video with children imitating animals’ sounds or a song in which there is the
sound of many animals.You can choose a video or an audio piece that you find appropriate on any streaming media.

• 2B pencil and eraser.

For Parents
Continuamos trabalhando o projeto What Surrounds Me e estamos desenvolvendo a atividade Pets, sobre animais de
estimação. Nesta atividade, as crianças entenderão que a cultura de um país afeta a língua e os sentidos. Como elas vão

2nd Grade

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My toys
Rank, draw and name your favorite toys as
you pick them from the box.


2nd Grade

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falar sobre animais, especialmente os de estimação, é comum que se reproduzam os seus sons. Ao perceber que até os
sons dos animais são diferentes, as crianças já darão um passo grande em relação ao desenvolvimento de sua percepção
cultural e linguística. Quando a criança chegar da escola, pergunte como foi a aula. É provável que ela conte sobre o
que falaram e como os sons dos animais são diferentes. O adulto deve incentivá-la a praticar o que ela aprendeu e fazer
perguntas que a deixem confortável. Assim, ambos participarão do processo de aquisição de uma língua estrangeira.

Teaching Guidelines

Your students will talk about the toys they love the most. In order to review vocabulary, play a game with them.
It could be any game you find suitable, but here is a suggestion:
A. Divide your students into as many groups as you wish. Tell them the groups have to take turns while playing.
B. Show the students a box and tell them there are toys inside it. You can have the picture of the toy or you can
work with realia by using real toys.
C. Tell them you are going to pick one from the box. They have to guess what it is, always taking turns. Play with
them until you run out of toys or you realize they are about to get bored. After the game, follow the instructions below:
1. Ask them what kind of toys they like to play with. Keep a natural conversation with them about their toys for
as long as it doesn’t stray.
2. Tell them they are going to have a “toy
election” and the group will have to choose
the best toy.
3. Draw on the board or provide them with
a big sheet on which there is the template, but
blank, as follows.
4. The students are supposed to tell you
what to complete the squares with. You can let
them write it or you can do it yourself.
5. If your group is linguistically mature
enough, the students can give a simple reason for their choices (i.e.: “I prefer the doll because it’s beautiful”). If they aren’t
able to give reasons yet,“I prefer….” will be enough since the focus is vocabulary;
6. After they choose the “president toy” of the group, tell them they are going to be able to choose their own favorite
toys on the activity sheet. If you think they will need some help with spelling, leave the words you wrote in class on the
board. They might need your help for some other words that weren’t mentioned.
Relevant issue: don’t allow children to say there are toys for specific genders. If this topic comes up, gently tell
them boys and girls are allowed to play with whatever they want. Toys are neutral objects and everybody has the
right to choose what they like best.

• Flashcards or pictures or realia of toys.
• Eraser, 2B pencil, colored pencils, markers or crayons.

For Parents
Estamos desenvolvendo a atividade My Toys no projeto What Surrounds Me. É interessante o adulto listar com a
criança os brinquedos dos quais ela mais gosta. Se possível, use o inglês para nomear os brinquedos que ela escolher.
Quando a criança chegar da escola, pergunte a ela o que ela fez, se gostou da aula e se descobriu se as palavras que
eles usaram estavam certas. Permita que a criança fale livremente, mas não a force a repetir todas as palavras que ela
usou em aula. O processo deve acontecer com fluidez e no ritmo escolhido por ela.

2nd Grade

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Cut and Glue

Put the words where they belong.

bedroom bedroom bedroom garage

bathroom living room hall kitchen

gym laundry balcony heater

2nd Grade

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Overall Goal
The project My Body consists in allowing children to recognize their bodies, how they can take good care of it, and
what it can do. It helps them realize themselves as a whole and be more aware of themselves as individuals who have to
take care of themselves. This project keeps an intense dialogue with BNCC (Base Nacional Comum Curricular), which is
the present document responsible for aligning the curriculum in the whole country, promoting a guideline for teachers
and institutions so that all children can have access to the same subject wherever they go to school in Brazil. This
guideline prioritizes interaction between children and adults, valuing not only mutual respect, but also self-respect, and
the children’s development concerning their psychological, biological, cultural, and individual aspects. What’s more, this
project supports language acquisition as a whole, focusing, however, on the children as its main subject. At the end of the
project, these pages must be filed in the children’s folders so that they can have their portfolio.

Specific Goals
The project presents three different activities, with their own goals, concerning language acquisition and the full
development of the child:

1. Parts of the Body

The students will
• recognize the parts of the body;
• name the parts of the body;
• improve vocabulary;
• improve pronunciation.

2. Hygiene Habits
The students will
• identify the hygiene habits;
• talk about the hygiene habits;
• recognize their hygiene habits and compare them to the ones from other countries;
• improve pronunciation and vocabulary;
• practice speaking and writing.

3. Movements
The students will
• name movements of the body;
• differentiate movements of the body;
• improve pronunciation;
• practice vocabulary and speaking.

Learning Outcome
While in the process of the project, the students will be able to develop their:
• Listening, speaking and writing;
• Vocabulary and creativity;
• Organization of ideas;
• Self and global awareness.
By the end of this project, children are expected to recognize the names of different parts of the body and the
hygiene habits they should have, besides naming and differentiating movements of the body.

Conversando com a BNCC

• Compreender as linguagens como construção humana, histórica, social e cultural, de natureza dinâmica, reconhecendo-

2nd Grade

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Parts of the body

Glue the parts of the body where you see their names.

head hair face

eye nose mouth

teeth ear arm

hand finger leg

knee foot toes

2nd Grade

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-as e valorizando-as como formas de significação da realidade e expressão de subjetividades e identidades sociais e
• Compreender a si e ao outro como identidades diferentes, de forma a exercitar o respeito à diferença em uma
sociedade plural e promover os direitos humanos.
• Conhecer, apreciar e cuidar de si, do seu corpo e bem-estar, compreendendo-se na diversidade humana, fazendo-se
respeitar e respeitando o outro, recorrendo aos conhecimentos das Ciências da Natureza e às suas tecnologias.
• (EF12LP01) Ler palavras novas com precisão na decodificação, no caso de palavras de uso frequente, ler globalmente, por memorização.
• (EF01CI02) Localizar,nomear e representar graficamente (por meio de desenhos) partes do corpo humano e explicar suas funções.
• (EF01CI03) Discutir as razões pelas quais os hábitos de higiene do corpo (lavar as mãos antes de comer, escovar os
dentes, limpar os olhos, o nariz e as orelhas etc.) são necessários para a manutenção da saúde.
Uma vez que a criança é exposta ao mundo oral antes de ser exposta ao mundo escrito, pode-se afirmar que oralidade
e escrita não caminham juntas. Mas, à medida que a criança é cada vez mais exposta ao mundo da leitura e da escrita, passa a
reconhecer os signos e relacioná-los ao seu significado. Assim, dá pequenos passos em direção à escrita. Não devemos nos
esquecer de que, independentemente do mundo que as crianças adentrarão e explorarão, ele deve ser significativo para ela.
Ao adulto, cabe o papel de respeitar sua cultura e seu contexto cultural e familiar. Portanto, no projeto My Body, oralidade
e escrita serão trabalhadas dentro do que for significativo para a criança, e não para o adulto que a cerca, respeitando o
desenvolvimento infantil de todas as formas.

Teaching Guidelines


Your students will review some parts of the body and learn a few others. In order to know what they remember,
point to your parts of the body and check if they know their names. Here are two suggestions of activities:
1. Since they have probably had the traditional song to learn the parts of the body, you can sing it again. If it is their
first time, even better.
2. There is a folk song named Hokey Pokey. You can easily find its American version and check which one sounds
better for you and your students. There is a choreography that goes along with it, and it is highly advisable that you
and your students dance to it.You can find it on YouTube to show them.

1. Play a song and tell the students to walk or run while it is on. When you pause it, they have to stop immediately
and they can’t move.
2. Say two parts of the body. When you do it, the students will have to touch the friend who is closest to them
using those parts. For example, if you say “hand to toe”, they will have to touch each other’s toe using the hand,
but if you say “head to arm”, they will have to touch each other’s arms using their heads. Be careful when choosing
which parts will be touched. Even though they are young kids, they should learn that some parts of their body
shouldn’t be touched by anybody. Stop playing the game if you see they are about to get bored. After you have
sung and played, ask your students to do the activity on the portfolio sheet.

• Scissors and glue.

Relevant Vocabulary and Expressions

If the students ask about more parts of the body, provide them with either the technical name or the ones children
are used to. It is not the time for them to know the vulgar names of parts of the body, and it is not a teacher’s place
to be the one to teach them those.

2nd Grade

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Hygiene habits

Help these kids by telling them what to do.




Me: Me: Me:

Teguh Mujiono/Shutterstock


Me: Me: Me:

2nd Grade

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For Parents
Estamos iniciando o projeto My Body. Na primeira atividade, as crianças trabalharão com as partes do corpo.
Quando a criança chegar da escola, pergunte como foi a aula e, se ela comentar sobre a música que aprendeu, peça
para que ela a ensine a você. Seria interessante cantar e dançar com ela, permitindo à criança, nesse momento, se
transformar em teacher. Esse tipo de interesse por parte do adulto é fundamental para a motivação da criança.

Teaching Guidelines
In order to review vocabulary concerning healthy habits and hygiene, warm your students up with a game. It could be
charades, miming, bingo or whatever else you find suitable for them. Make sure to especially review the following actions:

• Wash one’s hands; • Wear clean clothes;

• Wash one’s face; • Clip one’s nails;
• Wash one’s hair; • Cut one’s hair;
• Take a shower; • Floss;
• Brush one’s hair; • Wipe one’s nose.
• Comb one’s hair;
They might not have heard of “floss” or “wipe nose”, so, as soon as you find it appropriate, introduce these words
to them.
1. After you play the vocabulary game you chose, ask your students which of those things they do every day. If they
don’t do them, tell them how important they are.
2. Ask them when they brush their teeth or comb their hair to introduce a natural conversation about the
situations in which they are supposed to do all those actions.
3. You can choose what better suits your personality and your students’ to continue talking about hygiene, as
Use puppets to create a situation in which your students have to tell them what to do in order to keep their
hygiene good. Tell them the puppets need help and they are just the right people for that. E.g.: choose (or make) a
puppet that doesn’t look clean and have a conversation with your students, telling them you (the puppet) don’t like to
take showers because it is cold or for some other reason. Encourage them to keep a conversation until you explore
all possible situations.

Make dominoes using pictures and sentences. It could go either way:
a. On one side, a problem that can be easily solved by applying hygiene habits correctly and, on the other, the
sentence that shows which habit should be put into action.
b. Find pictures matching the hygiene habit. Since the hygiene habits are not a lot, you will have to repeat some or
introduce more habits.
c. Play it as though they were regular dominoes. Then, ask your students to complete the activity on the portfolio

Relevant Information and Vocabulary

It would be interesting if you told your students the differences between Brazilian habits and other countries
concerning hygiene habits. You could tell them, for instance, English kids are not used to daily showers and explain the
reason why. As for vocabulary, if the opportunity arises, tell them the difference between “take a shower” and “have a

2nd Grade

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Glue the images and words where they belong.

Snap your fingers Clap your hands


Nod your head



Tiptoe Sit down


Stomp your feet



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• 2B pencil and eraser.

For Parents
Continuamos a trabalhar o projeto My Body e agora as crianças discutirão sobre os hábitos de higiene. Verifique
com seu filho(a) o que ele(a) entende por hábitos de higiene e quais ele(a) realiza sem que algum adulto precise
lembrá-lo(a). Conversem sobre a importância da higiene e sobre ela perceber os hábitos de higiene das pessoas ao
seu redor. Se a criança se sentir à vontade, pergunte se ela aprendeu a dizer algum hábito de higiene em inglês. Caso
você perceba que não é o momento, não a pressione. O momento surgirá.

Teaching Guidelines

Your students will talk about body movements. Since they already know some of them, it is highly recommended
that you start your class by singing a song that tells them which movements to make. You can use pop songs or the
traditional children’s song for that. In case you choose the traditional song, here are some of the movements you can
• “... shout/say Hooray!” • “... nod your head!”
• “... slap your knees!” • “... tap your toe!”
• “... slap your legs!” • “... honk your nose!”
• “... turn around!” • “... pat your head!”
• “... snap your fingers!” • “... shout/say We are!”
Feel free to exclude or include as many as you want.
1. After you and the kids have sung and danced to the chosen song, ask them which movements they remember.
2. Elicit more movements and write them all on the board.
3. Go over all of them by performing the movements as you say them or show them written. Ask them to copycat you.
4. Play “musical chairs” with the movements: whenever a student can’t sit down, they will have to perform the
movement you tell them. You can randomly choose the movement or, if you prefer, ask the student to choose
from an array of slips of paper with the movements previously written on. After the game, tell the students they
are going to do the activity on the portfolio sheet.
Relevant issues and pronunciation: try to avoid movements that show any level of violence or sexual appeal.
If the students ask you, give them an answer, but don’t use the movement in any activity. Also check if the students
pronounce the word “slip” correctly. They might mispronounce it, making it sound like “sleep”.

• Scissors and glue.

For Parents
Crianças de todas as faixas etárias precisam de atividades cinestésicas, que sejam capazes de trazer o movimento
para o processo ensino-aprendizagem. Nesse caso, a atividade do projeto pode proporcionar que a energia corporal da
criança seja enfatizada durante a aula, permitindo que ela aprenda novas estruturas lexicais enquanto seu corpo também
se exercita. A partir de músicas e brincadeiras, a criança conseguirá ter uma memorização afetiva do vocabulário.
Trabalhamos atividades relacionadas aos movimentos. Seria bom perguntar à criança como foi o dia dela e, caso ela
conte que cantou em sala de aula, peça para ela ensinar a música a você. Esse momento de troca fará muito bem a ela,
e o inglês pode se tornar ainda mais gostoso devido às memórias construídas entre a criança e o adulto.

2nd Grade

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Cut and Glue

Cut the parts of the body and glue them where you see their names.

Panda Vector/Shutterstock

2nd Grade

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HF-2A-P03 - DIAGRAMAÇÃO AUTORALLE.indd 20 17/09/2020 13:20:11

Cut and Glue

Put the images and words where they belong.

Teguh Mujiono/Shutterstock

Victor Brave/Shutterstock



Stand on your head Jump Run

Slip Crawl Shake hands

2nd Grade

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Overall Goal
The project Entertainment consists in allowing children to talk about and reflect upon what they like doing for
fun. It also enables them to be real children, not in the sense of lack of responsibility or immaturity, but meaning that
they can live each moment they have in the real world the best way they can, while they are allowed and motivated
to do so. By unplugging themselves from the virtual world, children can relax while learning and socializing. This
project keeps an intense dialogue with BNCC (Base Nacional Comum Curricular), which is the present document
responsible for aligning the curriculum in the whole country, promoting a guideline to teachers and institutions so
that all children can have access to the same subject wherever they go to school in Brazil. This guideline prioritizes
interaction between children and adults, valuing not only mutual respect, but also self-respect, and children’s
development concerning their psychological, biological, cultural, and individual aspects. This project also supports
language acquisition as a whole, focusing, however, on the children as its main subject. At the end of the project,
these pages must be filed in the children’s folders so that they can have their portfolio.

Specific Goals
The project presents three different activities, with their own goals, concerning language acquisition and the full
development of the child:
1. Playtime
The students will
• recognize the importance of playing;
• identify different games and outdoor activities;
• talk about what and who they like to play with;
• improve pronunciation and spelling;
• improve their speaking and writing skills.
2. Television
The students will
• talk about TV shows;
• create a TV show or a TV commercial;
• recognize and differentiate characteristics from TV shows;
• improve pronunciation and vocabulary;
• practice listening, speaking, reading and writing.
3. Cartoons
The students will
• identify characters’ features;
• talk about a character from a cartoon they like;
• develop their sense of team work;
• improve pronunciation and fluency;
• practice speaking and listening.

Learning Outcome
During the this project, children will develop the following skills:
• Reading and writing;
• Researching skills;
• Organization of ideas.

Conversando com a BNCC

• Compreender a si e ao outro como identidades diferentes, de forma a exercitar o respeito à diferença em uma
sociedade plural e promover os direitos humanos.

2nd Grade

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I Love I Like I Don't Like

2nd Grade

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• (EF15AR01) Identificar e apreciar formas distintas das artes visuais tradicionais e contemporâneas, cultivando a
percepção, o imaginário, a capacidade de simbolizar e o repertório imagético.
• (EF01ER01) Identificar e acolher as semelhanças e diferenças entre o eu, o outro e o nós.
• (EF01ER06) Identificar as diferentes formas pelas quais as pessoas manifestam sentimentos, ideias, memórias,
gostos e crenças em diferentes espaços.
• (EF15LP13) Identificar finalidades da interação oral em diferentes contextos comunicativos (solicitar informações,
apresentar opiniões, informar, relatar experiências etc.).
• (EF35LP20) Expor trabalhos ou pesquisas escolares, em sala de aula, com apoio de recursos multissemióticos
(imagens, diagramas, tabelas etc.), orientando-se por roteiro escrito, planejando o tempo de fala e adequando a
linguagem à situação comunicativa.
• (EF15AR20) Experimentar o trabalho colaborativo, coletivo e autoral em improvisações teatrais e processos
narrativos criativos em teatro, explorando desde a teatralidade dos gestos e das ações do cotidiano até elementos
de diferentes matrizes estéticas e culturais.
• (EF15AR21) Exercitar a imitação e o faz de conta, ressignificando objetos e fatos e experimentando-se no lugar
do outro, ao compor e encenar acontecimentos cênicos, por meio de músicas, imagens, textos ou outros pontos
de partida, de forma intencional e reflexiva.
• (EF15AR22) Experimentar possibilidades criativas de movimento e de voz na criação de um personagem teatral,
discutindo estereótipos.
A Base Nacional Comum Curricular assegura, em seus objetivos e expectativas de aprendizagem do Ensino
Fundamental, que a criança deve ter oportunidades de desenvolver suas habilidades artísticas, assim como sentir-se à
vontade para expressar suas preferências e gostos aos demais colegas.
Por meio deste projeto, o professor poderá fazer essa trajetória de partilha e expressão com seus alunos utilizando
a língua inglesa, o que dará à criança a oportunidade de também ampliar seu vocabulário e desenvolver melhor a
pronúncia na segunda língua. Além disso, o projeto Entertainment possibilita que o aluno tenha momentos de diversão,
aprendizado e entretenimento por meio do brincar.

Teaching Guidelines
Your students will talk about what they like to play with their friends. Nowadays, it’s very common for kids to
favor indoor games and activities instead of playing outside. If possible, lead the talk towards outdoor games and
activities. It would even be better if this specific lesson could happen outdoors.
Before they work on their activity on the activity sheet, review vocabulary with them. Here are some ideas:
1. Show them images of children playing games and toys (if possible, use mostly the ones which are on the activity images
page) and ask them what the kids are doing.
2. After this elicitation and possible introduction of vocabulary, tell them each pair is going to choose six images.
3. Hand them a dice template (you can easily find it on the internet) printed on card stock paper and ask them to
cut the dice and glue the images on its sides.
4. Tell children to roll their dice all at the same time. When they do it, tell them to say which activities or games
they play and which they don’t – one at a time, though.
5. If they get bored, stop the game.
1. Show the students images of children playing games and toys (if possible, use mostly the ones which are on the
activity images page) and ask them what the kids are doing.
2. Ask students to fold the images so they can put them in a balloon.
3. Invite them to fill the balloons.You may need to help them tie it.
4. Pick one balloon. Tell the students to keep it up in the air and play a song. Whenever you pause it, the student
who last touched it has to pop it and say if they play that game or not (ask them to say the full sentence. I.e.: “I

2nd Grade

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Sam's family

Kakigori Studio/Shutterstock
My dad loves watching cooking shows on TV. My mom hates them. She loves watching
the news. I don't like watching the news or cooking shows. I love cartoons! They are my
favorite. My older sister loves movies, and my baby sister likes kids shows.
Kakigori Studio/Shutterstock

Kakigori Studio/Shutterstock

Sam's ___________________ favorite TV show Sam's ___________________ favorite TV show

Kakigori Studio/Shutterstock

Kakigori Studio/Shutterstock

Sam's ___________________ favorite TV show Sam's ___________________ favorite TV show

How about your family? What do they like watching on TV?

How about you? What do you like watching on TV?

2nd Grade

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don’t play hopscotch. I always ride a bike with my friend!”).

5. Do it until you run out of balloons.
After this vocabulary review, you can have a (simple) conversation about their favorite games. They can say if they
like playing that or not, who they usually play with, where they play it, etc.
Finally, ask the students to do the activity. Since they don’t have any written instructions, tell them to cut and glue
the images on the right place: do you like it? Yes? No? Why not?

• Images of children playing;
• 2B pencil, eraser, scissors and glue.

For Parents
Nesse projeto, as crianças discutirão sobre as brincadeiras das quais elas participam e mais gostam. Nesse momento,
pode haver a retomada de brincadeiras antigas e a reflexão sobre o que é brincar. No mundo tecnológico em que
vivemos, é difícil fazer com que muitas das crianças interajam com outras e utilizem a imaginação e a socialização. Essa
atividade pode ajudar, pois, ao relembrar que brincar faz bem, a criança pode voltar a querer jogar com amigos – ou,
se for o caso, não deixar de fazer isso.
Uma pesquisa feita na Inglaterra descobriu que crianças estão deixando de brincar aos 7 anos de idade. Se você
quiser ler o artigo em inglês, o link está logo abaixo.A falta do lúdico não faz bem à saúde da criança – seja ela mental ou
física. É preciso que os adultos responsáveis pela criança a incentivem a brincar. A brincadeira oferece oportunidades
únicas, tais como a possibilidade de representar papéis sociais, seguir regras, usar a imaginação, perceber como o
outro reage a certas emoções e, acima de tudo, ajuda a desenvolver inteligência emocional, que passou a ser requisito
em entrevistas de emprego.
As crianças precisam voltar a ser crianças e brincar. O mundo virtual não oferece as mesmas oportunidades que
somente o mundo real é capaz de lhes dar. Incentive a sua criança a aproveitar os presentes que a infância lhe oferece.
• <
dolls-toys-favour-gadgets-computers-earlier-before.html> Acesso em: 9 jul. 2018.

Teaching Guidelines
Since the students are going to talk about TV shows and television in general, it is advisable that you review
vocabulary concerning kinds of TV shows or TV commercials. It could be a quick game (hangman, memory game,
charades, etc.) or any other fun activity you think they will enjoy. Before the hands-on moment, invite students to
share what they like to watch on TV. Give them some examples: cartoons, series, soap-opera, commercials, soccer
games etc. After the introduction moment, divide the students into five groups and give them five objects (a book, a
toothpaste tube, a bag, a jacket, sunglasses etc.). Children will discuss in the groups how they are going to present to
others their product in a TV commercial. Since they are not mature enough – either linguistically or psychologically
– it is crucial that it be something really simple.
When everybody is finished, ask the students to do the activity on their portfolio sheet by filling the blanks with
Sam’s relatives and then writing about themselves and their own families. If needed, help children write by sitting in
small groups of four or five – you in one group and your assistant in other. If you have more students, rotate the
groups until everybody is done. Help them formulate the sentences, but you don’t need to correct their spelling. It is
important to see their spelling hypotheses in an independent reading proposal.

• 2B pencil and eraser.

2nd Grade

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Look! The kids are watching your favorite cartoon. Which one is it?
Draw it on the TV screen.

Favorite cartoon


Favorite character


Yusuf Demirci/Shutterstock

2nd Grade

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For Parents
Nessa atividade, as crianças falarão sobre programas de TV e suas preferências. A oralidade será desenvolvida
em sala de aula, com o apoio fundamental da imaginação. Em todo esse projeto, a imaginação e o lúdico serão guias
essenciais para que as atividades sejam ainda mais internalizadas.Aproveite a oportunidade para conversar com seu(sua)
filho(a) sobre quais programas de TV ele(a) assiste e de quais ele(a) mais gosta. Um direcionamento mais assertivo
nessa faixa etária pode evitar problemas na adolescência, evitando com que assista, a programas inapropriados por
quaisquer motivos.

Teaching Guidelines
Your students will talk about the cartoon they enjoy watching on TV! Since it’s very personal and it may vary from
group to group, it is advisable that you try to gather information about it before this class. When you think you have
enough to work with, you can use the following suggestions:
1. Tell children about your own favorite cartoon when you were little! If possible, show them a part of it on the
computer, tablet or projector.
2. Explain to the students there is a kind of TV show in which the groups have to answer questions correctly about
a pre-chosen topic. Their topic for today is “cartoons”!
3. After you divide them into groups, tell kids they have to ring a bell or raise the object you handed them in order
to answer the questions. If they don’t do it, they can’t answer the question. The fastest group to do it has the chance
to answer the question and score the point.
4. Establish the rules of the “game show” along with the students and tell them they will lose a point if they don’t
respect them.
5. Ask questions about cartoons. Some of the questions could be:
• Which character is yellow, wears square pants and lives under the sea?
• What channel is <name of the cartoon> on?
• How many dogs are there in <name of the cartoon>?
• What color is <character’s name’s> hair?
5.When the game ends, count the points and check who the winner is. Congratulate and praise all the groups, though.
After the game, ask them to do the activity on the activity sheet with their favorite cartoon’s information.

• Computer or projector;
• Colored pencils or markers;
• 2B pencil and eraser.

For Parents
Com atividades lúdicas, a criança desenvolverá a oralidade em sala de aula ao conversar sobre seus desenhos
animados favoritos. Além de aprimorar vocabulário, fluência e pronúncia, a criança poderá se divertir ao falar sobre
um tópico tão familiar a ela. Após a aula, pergunte à criança se ela acha que todos gostariam de assistir ao desenho do
qual ela mais gosta e porquê. Se possível, assista ao episódio que ela mencionou em aula e descubra o motivo para ela
gostar tanto dele. Desenhos são formas lúdicas de ensinar valores e ética.

2nd Grade

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yusufdemirci/Shutterstock BlueRingMedia/Shutterstock BlueRingMedia/Shutterstock BlueRingMedia/Shutterstock BlueRingMedia/Shutterstock


Cut and Glue

BlueRingMedia/Shutterstock BlueRingMedia/Shutterstock BlueRingMedia/Shutterstock BlueRingMedia/Shutterstock BlueRingMedia/Shutterstock

Put the images where they belong.

graphic-line/Shutterstock BlueRingMedia/Shutterstock BlueRingMedia/Shutterstock BlueRingMedia/Shutterstock

2nd Grade

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HF-2A-P08 - DIAGRAMAÇÃO AUTORALLE.indd 33 17/09/2020 13:36:32


Overall Goal
The project Expressing Yourself consists in allowing children to use art as a way of expressing themselves and
communicating in several ways. It also enables them to develop, effortlessly, all the skills a language requires:
listening, reading, writing and speaking. This project keeps an intense dialogue with BNCC (Base Nacional Comum
Curricular), which is the present document responsible for aligning the curriculum in the whole country, promoting
a guideline to teachers and institutions so that all children can have access to the same subject wherever they
go to school in Brazil. This guideline prioritizes interaction between children and adults, valuing not only mutual
respect, but also self-respect, and the children’s development concerning their psychological, biological, cultural,
and individual aspects. This project also supports language acquisition as a whole, focusing, however, on the children
as its main subject. At the end of the project, these pages must be filed in the children’s folders so that they can
have their portfolio.

Specific Goals
The project presents three different activities, with their own goals, concerning language acquisition and the full
development of the child:

1. Telling Stories
The students will
• develop their imagination through listening and reading;
• identify characters in a story;
• grasp the message beyond a story;
• improve pronunciation and spelling;
• improve their speaking and writing skills.

2. Arts and Crafts

The students will
• develop their motor skills;
• improve pronunciation and vocabulary;
• practice listening and speaking.

3. Singing and Dancing

The students will
• identify kinds of music;
• follow rhythms;
• develop their motor skills;
• improve pronunciation and fluency;
• practice speaking and listening.

Learning Outcome
By the end of this project, children will have developed the following skills and abilities:
• Fine and gross motor skills;
• Listening and speaking;
• Expressing themselves with music, dancing, stories and arts.

Conversando com a BNCC

• Compreender as linguagens como construção humana, histórica, social e cultural, de natureza dinâmica, reconhecendo- as e
valorizando-as como formas de significação da realidade e expressão de subjetividades e identidades sociais e culturais.

2nd Grade

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Telling stories
Your teacher read The tale of Tom Kitten, by Beatrix
Potter, for you and your friends in class.
Who are the characters? Who's your favorite?
Draw them here.

Bolotova Tatyana/Shutterstock

2nd Grade

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• Interpretar e expressar sentimentos, crenças e dúvidas com relação a si mesmo, aos outros e às diferentes
culturas, com base nos instrumentos de investigação das Ciências Humanas, promovendo o acolhimento e a
valorização da diversidade de indivíduos e de grupos sociais, seus saberes, identidades, culturas e potencialidades,
sem preconceitos de qualquer natureza.
• (EF15AR01) Identificar e apreciar formas distintas das artes visuais tradicionais e contemporâneas, cultivando a
percepção, o imaginário, a capacidade de simbolizar e o repertório imagético.
• (EF01ER06) Identificar as diferentes formas pelas quais as pessoas manifestam sentimentos, ideias, memórias,
gostos e crenças em diferentes espaços.
• (EF15LP13) Identificar finalidades da interação oral em diferentes contextos comunicativos (solicitar informações,
apresentar opiniões, informar, relatar experiências etc.).
• (EF15AR20) Experimentar o trabalho colaborativo, coletivo e autoral em improvisações teatrais e processos
narrativos criativos em teatro, explorando desde a teatralidade dos gestos e das ações do cotidiano até elementos
de diferentes matrizes estéticas e culturais.
• (EF15AR21) Exercitar a imitação e o faz de conta, ressignificando objetos e fatos e experimentando-se no lugar
do outro, ao compor e encenar acontecimentos cênicos, por meio de músicas, imagens, textos ou outros pontos
de partida, de forma intencional e reflexiva.
• (EF15AR22) Experimentar possibilidades criativas de movimento e de voz na criação de um personagem teatral,
discutindo estereótipos.
• (EF15AR23) Reconhecer e experimentar, em projetos temáticos, as relações processuais entre diversas linguagens artísticas.
• (EF15AR24) Caracterizar e experimentar brinquedos, brincadeiras, jogos, danças, canções e histórias de
diferentes matrizes estéticas e culturais.
• (EF15AR26) Explorar diferentes tecnologias e recursos digitais (multimeios, animações, jogos eletrônicos,
gravações em áudio e vídeo, fotografia, softwares etc.) nos processos de criação artística.
Por meio da compreensão da liberdade que ela tem para a expressão de seus sentimentos, preferências, gostos
e características, a criança tem a oportunidade de se conhecer melhor e se enxergar como uma pessoa importante,
detentora de uma personalidade única. Este projeto se associa à BNCC em seus objetivos, pois, assim como a base,
ele reconhece a importância da valorização de si mesmo e do respeito aos gostos e preferências do próximo.

Teaching Guidelines
Today the students will listen to a story told by you. The tale of Tom Kitten is an easy story to be understood by
small children. You can easily find the story on Public Domain’s sites and on YouTube. Since you know your students’
maturity, you can choose which version will be better for them.
You can tell the story only by showing the pictures or you can use puppets, if you have them. It is important
to mention, while you read, the names of the characters, the place that the story happens in (setting), and other
characteristics. After you tell it, emphasize the importance of characters and setting to a story. Without them, the tale
wouldn’t be the same. Now ask them to do the activity. You can do it individually or collectively by discussing with
the group about their answers and writing on the board.

• Story on YouTube or printed (PDF): The tale of Tom Kitten;
• Colored pencils or markers;
• 2B pencil and eraser.

2nd Grade

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Arts and crafts

Glue here the craftwork you did in class.


2nd Grade

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For Parents
Neste projeto, as crianças discutirão quatro formas de expressão artística: literatura, artesanato, música e dança.
A primeira atividade envolve o mágico mundo da literatura e leva às crianças a tradicional história de um gatinho
arteiro e gordinho: The Tale of Tom Kitten, escrito por Beatrix Potter, escritora infantil britânica, faz parte da cultura de
qualquer país que tenha inglês como primeira língua.
Ao contrário dos adultos, as crianças conseguem entender histórias muito mais facilmente, pois elas não se apegam
aos detalhes. Sua atenção é voltada para a história como um todo e à sua mensagem, o que as deixa livres para a
aquisição linguística de uma maneira mais leve e mais eficiente.
Após a aula, perguntem ao(à) seu(sua) filho(a) se ele(a) gostaria de ler a história novamente. Ela pode ser encontrada
com facilidade na Internet, já que pertence ao Domínio Público.

Teaching Guidelines
Today the students are going to do some craftwork to glue on the activity page! However, before they do it:

Tell them they can use their imagination to create a character or an object, because you will tell a story together
using what they built. Offer them assorted colors of origami paper, popsicle sticks, masking tape, glue, paint, glitter,
sequins and anything you might find useful. When they are done, you can ask them to make a circle for you to start
your (simple) story using their elements.

Give them instructions on how to fold paper into an origami figure. You can even do it with two different things:
one for them to take home and one for them to glue on the portfolio sheet.Tell children how fun it is to express their
thoughts and imagination using arts! Invite them to glue their craftwork on the activity page.

• Variable.

For Parents
Ao trabalhar com arte e artesanato em geral, a criança consegue se expressar de uma maneira sensível, que pode
levá-la a desenvolver sua percepção em relação ao mundo e às pessoas. Nessa atividade, a oralidade e a audição
serão exploradas de acordo com o que as crianças produzirem. Criatividade e sensibilidade serão as palavras-chave
dessa aula. Envolva-se neste momento também! Convide seu(sua) filho(a) a desenvolver algo em parceria com você
utilizando revistas, jornais, papéis, canetinhas, colas etc.!

2nd Grade

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Singing and dancing

Which of these dance movements did you use in class?
Circle them. What did you enjoy dancing?


2nd Grade

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Teaching Guidelines
This class will be quite physical, the students will recognize kinds of music and dance to them.
1. Choose different songs that vary from very slow rhythms to very fast ones.
2. Whenever you play a song, ask the students if they know the name of the rhythm and how to dance to it.
3. Ask them to do a quick choreography. Stop the current song and change to a different one. Students have to be
fast to identify the next rhythm! They can do it individually, in pairs or in groups.
4. After you play a lot of different songs, ask them if they prefer dancing or singing. Keep asking questions which
can be answered easily. Here are some examples:
• What’s your favorite song?
• Do you know how to dance?
• Do you like singing?
• Is there a song you don’t like at all?
• Is there a song you know all the words to?
5. If you still have some time to spare, choose a sing-along song and choreograph it with them.
After all the singing and dancing, ask the kids to do the activity.

• Songs on a radio or computer;
• 2B pencil and eraser.

For Parents
Ao utilizar a arte como forma de expressão, as crianças conseguem assimilar melhor tudo que lhes é apresentado.
A arte é inerente ao ser humano e aguça a criatividade e a imaginação. Nessa atividade, a parte oral envolveu
movimentos físicos de dança e reconhecimento musical apropriado para a faixa etária. Em situações assim, as crianças
internalizam mais do que elas imaginam e deixam seu registro na memória de longo prazo. As atividades desta aula
certamente contribuirão para o desenvolvimento linguístico em prol da socialização.
Você gosta de dançar? De cantar? Ou apenas de ouvir música? Compartilhe seus gostos com seu(sua) filho(a) e
divirtam-se nesta oportunidade de aproximação!

2nd Grade

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HF-2A-P09 - DIAGRAMAÇÃO AUTORALLE.indd 41 17/09/2020 14:12:34


Overall Goal

The project Caring for My World consists in allowing children to analyze and recognize the importance of nature
in our lives. It also enables them to develop ecological and environmental awareness whilst reflecting upon animals
and plants. This project keeps an intense dialogue with BNCC (Base Nacional Comum Curricular), which is the
present document responsible for aligning the curriculum in the whole country, promoting a guideline to teachers
and institutions so that all children can have access to the same subject wherever they go to school in Brazil. This
guideline prioritizes interaction between children and adults, valuing not only mutual respect, but also self-respect,
and the children’s development concerning their psychological, biological, cultural, and individual aspects. This
project also supports language acquisition as a whole, focusing, however, on the children as its main subject. At the
end of the project, these pages must be filed in the children’s folders so that they can have their portfolio.

Specific Goals
The project presents three different activities, with their own goals, concerning language acquisition and the full
development of the child:

1. Nature
The students will
• recognize elements from the natural world;
• identify what belongs in a natural landscape;
• name natural elements in a landscape;
• talk about nature;
• improve pronunciation and spelling;
• improve their speaking;
• develop their listening skills.

2. Animals
The students will
• recognize animals and their sounds;
• differentiate mammals from other animals;
• name mammals and non-mammals;
• identify characteristics some animals have in common;
• improve pronunciation and vocabulary;
• practice listening and speaking.
3. Plants
The students will
• identify parts of plants, flowers and trees;
• name parts of plants, flowers and trees;
• develop their observation skills;
• improve pronunciation;
• practice speaking and reading.

Learning Outcome
During the project, the students will be able to develop their:
• Listening, speaking, writing and reading;
• Organization of ideas, research and creativity;
• Teamwork skills;

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The song What a Wonderful World, by Louis Armstrong, describes how
wonderful nature around the world can be!
Draw the beautiful landscape you could hear in the song!


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• Self and global awareness.

Both personal and linguistic development of the student will be registered digitally and physically, with pictures of
the student in every step of the project and a scrapbook, which will become the child’s portfolio.

Conversando com a BNCC

• Utilizar os conhecimentos geográficos para entender a interação sociedade/natureza e exercitar o interesse e o
espírito de investigação e de resolução de problemas.
• Agir pessoal e coletivamente com respeito, autonomia, responsabilidade, flexibilidade, resiliência e determinação,
propondo ações sobre as questões socioambientais, com base em princípios éticos, democráticos, sustentáveis e
• (EF01ER01) Identificar e acolher as semelhanças e diferenças entre o eu, o outro e o nós.
• (EF35LP20) Expor trabalhos ou pesquisas escolares, em sala de aula, com apoio de recursos multissemióticos (imagens,
diagramas, tabelas etc.), orientando-se por roteiro escrito, planejando o tempo de fala e adequando a linguagem à
situação comunicativa.
• (EF02CI04) Descrever características de plantas e animais (tamanho, forma, cor, fase da vida, local onde se desenvolvem
etc.) que fazem parte de seu cotidiano e relacioná-las ao ambiente em que eles vivem.
• (EF02CI06) Identificar as principais partes de uma planta (raiz, caule, folhas, flores e frutos) e a função desempenhada
por cada uma delas, e analisar as relações entre as plantas, o ambiente e os demais seres vivos.
Além da exploração e aprendizado sobre os elementos presentes em nosso mundo, como plantas, animais e a natureza
em geral, este projeto ensinará a criança a ter um respeito e cuidado maior para com o seu redor e quem faz parte dele.
O projeto, além de apresentar estes aspectos, que estão associados aos objetivos básicos da BNCC (tanto da Educação
Infantil como dos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental), envolve ainda oportunidades de aprofundamento de vocabulário e
pronúncia na língua inglesa.

Teaching Guidelines

The vocabulary of this project involves whatever can be found in nature. A memory game (or any other game to
review vocabulary) would be good to start the class since you could introduce what they don’t know, but find important.
After the game, tell the students they are going to listen to a song that describes nature. You could use a kids’ song
or any other song that describes the natural world. Introduce the song What a Wonderful World, by Louis Armstrong.
While listening to the song, ask them how the singer describes the world and the nature. Make a list on the white
board: green trees, red roses, blue skies, white clouds, dark night, rainbow etc.
After you finish, invite students to draw what they heard in the song (you can also give them the elements printed
for students to color).You may have to play it more times.
When all the drawings are colored, you can all sing along and have more fun before you finish your class!

• Radio or computer with the song What a Wonderful World, by Louis Armstrong;
• Colored pencils or markers;
• 2B pencil and eraser.

For Parents
Neste projeto, as crianças falarão sobre a natureza e tudo o que nela existe e vive, a fim de criar uma consciência
ambiental e ecológica nelas. Ao analisar o que faz parte do mundo natural, as crianças darão continuidade à reflexão
de que a preservação da natureza e os bons tratos aos animais e às plantas são ações fundamentais à espécie humana.

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These animals are mammals These animals are not mammals

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Nesta atividade, o reconhecimento lexical se une ao conhecimento prévio, e as crianças poderão avaliar e refletir
sobre o que é obra da natureza e o que é obra do homem, tendo a oportunidade de apreciar cada elemento não
criado por mãos humanas.
Se possível, o adulto deve passear com a criança e estimular seu espírito crítico e sua capacidade de observação.
São experiências que poderão ser levadas para a sala de aula e que, certamente, farão parte da criação de um futuro
cidadão consciente e ecologicamente ativo.

Teaching Guidelines

Start your class asking if the students remember names of animals. Just brainstorm orally with students and, right
away, ask them if they know which sound those animals make. They will probably start imitating them. From now on,
there are two suggestions:

Play sounds of animals and ask them to guess which ones they are. It could be a competition if you divide them
into groups.

There are plenty of kids’ songs about the sounds of animals on YouTube. You could pick the best option for your
students and, besides imitating and recognizing the animals, you could all sing along.
After you finish one of these activities, ask the students if they remember which of the animals they imitated are
mammals – teach the word “mammals”, giving examples and explaining the characteristics. Give an array of animal
flashcards and ask them which ones are mammals and which ones are not. If necessary, help them research and
emphasize the importance of checking facts.
Finally, give them the instructions for the activity:
1.Cut and glue the images, separating them into mammals and non-mammals.
2.Write their names after putting the images in the correct place.You can let them sort the animals by size, too,
if you wish.
Relevant issue: researching is a great way of learning. Help them by teaching how they can do it. Tell them that
nobody knows everything, and everybody learns when they look up for information. Also, remind them that sounds
are cultural and that we hear sounds people who speak English may not. Tell them to pay close attention to the
sounds they hear. Compare the sounds and emphasize culture works both ways: English speakers can’t hear some of
the sounds we can, just like we can’t hear some of the sounds they can, and that’s fine. If they are still in doubt, show
them a video of any budgie that is raised in Japan and likes to chirp. Their chirping is amazingly different and easy to
recognize as not Brazilian.

• Animal flashcards, scissors and glue.

For Parents
Nesta atividade, os alunos reconhecerão os animais e seus respectivos sons. Além de divertida, a atividade
proporciona conscientização sobre a importância dos animais em nossas vidas e traz a questão cultural de sons: eles
variam de cultura para cultura. Enquanto nossos cachorros fazem au-au, os peludos norte-americanos fazem woof-woof.
Se a criança estiver à vontade, peça para dizer quais sons os bichinhos fazem em inglês, tentando adivinhar o que
está sendo imitado. Será diversão garantida e, acima de tudo, a consciência cultural será, mais uma vez, estimulada.

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Cut the parts of the plant and glue them on the right side,
in the correct place.
Then, match each plant part to its names!







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Teaching Guidelines
Today the students will talk about the parts of some plants. Take them for a walk around the school in case you
have some green area with trees and flowers. If you don’t, show them a video or movie in which there are parts of
trees and flowers illustrated.
As soon as you get back to the classroom, ask them which parts they recognized. Analyze their discoveries
collectively and help them memorize those parts. If needed, draw a plant on the board.
Divide them into small groups. Provide each group with markers, a flipchart sheet and some adhesive labels with
only the names of the parts of the flower or the tree.
Ask them to draw a big plant together and stick the labels in the correct place. Complement them all, correct their
work (if needed) and ask the kids to do the activity on the portfolio sheet.

• Scissors;
• Glue;
• Markers or colored pencils;
• 2B pencil and eraser.

For Parents
Nesta atividade, as crianças trabalharam com as partes das plantas. Ao realizar trabalho de campo, ou seja, pesquisar
e analisar flores, plantas e árvores na escola ou em suas redondezas, a natureza é observada, analisada e sentida pelas
crianças, que terão uma memória afetiva da atividade.
Após essas atividades, seria interessante que os adultos levassem as crianças a algum lugar onde elas pudessem
explorar elementos naturais. Quanto mais contato elas tiverem com a natureza, mais internalizada fica a importância
de cuidarmos do nosso mundo com carinho.

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Cut and Glue

Put the images where they belong.


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Cut and Glue

Put the images where they belong.

Nalin chanthorn/Shutterstock

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Overall Goal
The project Time consists in allowing children to analyze and recognize the abstract concept of time in a
concrete way through their experiences. It also enables them to develop the notion of time division and the reasons
for such. Furthermore, it offers them information on how cultural habits can vary from country to country. This
project keeps an intense dialogue with BNCC (Base Nacional Comum Curricular), which is the present document
responsible for aligning the curriculum in the whole country, promoting a guideline to teachers and institutions so
that all children can have access to the same subject wherever they go to school in Brazil.
This guideline prioritizes interaction between children and adults, valuing not only mutual respect, but also self-
-respect, and the children’s development concerning their psychological, biological, cultural, and individual aspects.
This project also supports language acquisition as a whole, focusing, however, on the children as its main subject.
At the end of the project, these pages must be filed in the children’s folders so that they can have their portfolio.

Specific Goals
The project presents three different activities, with their own goals, concerning language acquisition and the full
development of the child:

1. Days of the Week

The students will
• recognize the days of the week;
• identify activities they do on each day of the week;
• talk about their week;
• improve pronunciation and spelling;
• improve their speaking skills;
• develop their listening skills.

2. Months of the Year

The students will
• recognize the months of the year;
• name celebrations from each month of the year;
• differentiate Brazilian dates and celebrations from other countries;
• develop research skills;
• improve pronunciation and vocabulary;
• practice listening and speaking.

3. Seasons of the Year

The students will
• identify the seasons of the year;
• recognize characteristics from each season of the year;
• develop their observation skills;
• improve pronunciation;
• practice speaking.

Learning Outcome
By the end of the project, children will have developed the following skills and abilities:
• Listening, speaking, writing and reading;
• Accepting differences and sharing ideas;
• Teamwork skills.

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Days of the week

What day of the week is it today? Write the days of the week on the
How about tomorrow? calendar and choose your favorite one.
How about yesterday? What do you like doing on that day?
Draw it.


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Children will also learn about special dates and nature changes during the year. Both personal and linguistic
development of the student will be registered digitally and physically, with pictures of the student in every step of the
project and a scrapbook, which will become the child’s portfolio.

Conversando com a BNCC

O projeto Time, além de ampliar o vocabulário das crianças, que aprenderão palavras relacionadas aos dias da semana,
aos meses e às estações do ano, trará com mais detalhes as noções temporais e os ritmos e reações da natureza em relação
à nossa posição diante do Sol e de acordo com a passagem dos meses.
A BNCC, a partir das expectativas de aprendizagem e objetivos, reconhece a importância da criança compreender-se
no espaço e no tempo; porém, também nos ensina que, para que a criança tenha um desenvolvimento integral, precisamos
respeitar os momentos corretos de se introduzir e apresentar alguns temas.
Durante a Educação Infantil este assunto ainda é superficial. As crianças ainda têm pouca noção de dias e semanas, mas
já são capazes de entender os conceitos de antes e depois, e de ontem, hoje e amanhã. Já no Ensino Fundamental, a BNCC
passa a contemplar esses tópicos, pois compreende o avanço no desenvolvimento da criança e a sua maturidade para alguns
assuntos pedagógicos.
Objetivos de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento para o Ensino Fundamental I (presentes na BNCC) que foram usados
como base no projeto Time.
• (EF02HI07) Identificar e utilizar diferentes marcadores do tempo presentes na comunidade, como relógio e calendário.
• (EF15LP10) Escutar, com atenção, falas de professores e colegas, formulando perguntas pertinentes ao tema e
solicitando esclarecimentos sempre que necessário.
• (EF02GE05) Analisar mudanças e permanências, comparando imagens de um mesmo lugar em diferentes tempos.
• (EF03GE04) Explicar como os processos naturais e históricos atuam na produção e na mudança das paisagens naturais
e antrópicas nos seus lugares de vivência, comparando-os a outros lugares.
• (EF35LP20) Expor trabalhos ou pesquisas escolares, em sala de aula, com apoio de recursos multissemióticos (imagens,
diagramas, tabelas etc.), orientando-se por roteiro escrito, planejando o tempo de fala e adequando a linguagem à
situação comunicativa.
• (EF01GE05) Observar e descrever ritmos naturais (dia e noite, variação de temperatura e umidade etc.) em diferentes
escalas espaciais e temporais, comparando a sua realidade com outras.

Teaching Guidelines
The vocabulary of the lesson involves days of the week. A vocabulary game to review vocabulary would be good to
start the class, since you could check whether they know the days of the week in order. Spread a few sets of the days of
the week (each set printed or written in a different color of paper) all around the classroom, divide children into search
groups and ask them to find their set and put the days in order.
After the game, ask students if they have a favorite day or not. Keep asking easy questions, such as:

• What day of the week is it today?

• When is the weekend?
• What’s the first day of the week?
• Do you have different activities on different days of the week?

You can also give them a memory game to practice or any other game in which they can review the order of the days.
If you prefer, you can type “kids online game days of the week” on search websites. It will show you several options for
you to play with the students on smart boards or computers.
After they have had enough practice, ask them to do the activity.

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Months of the year

Complete the calendar with the missing months.
What can we celebrate in each of the 12 months?

January March


August September


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Relevant Vocabulary and Expressions

• Days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday;
• Today, tomorrow, yesterday.

• Papers with days of the week (cut individually);
• Computer or smart board;
• Colored pencils or markers;
• 2B pencil and eraser.

For Parents
Neste projeto, as crianças lidarão com um dos conceitos mais abstratos para a faixa etária delas: tempo. Aos
poucos, elas associarão o tempo às atividades e até mesmo aos sentimentos. Além disso, o reconhecimento lexical se
une ao conhecimento prévio e afetivo, e as crianças poderão reconhecer os dias da semana e relacioná-los àquilo que
elas fazem ou sabem. Incentive seu(sua) filho(a) a reconhecer o tempo, as horas, as estações do ano e a valorizar algo
tão precioso e que é fator determinante para algumas de nossas decisões.

Teaching Guidelines
Start your class by asking if the students remember the months of the year. You can give them pieces of paper
numbered 1 to 12 to help them remember and/or play a song for children to help them memorize faster. You can
easily find lots of suggestions if you type “months of the year kids ESL” on your favorite search site. After singing the
song a few times, ask students what is celebrated in each month. This is the perfect time for children to learn that
some holidays are celebrated in different countries (individually) and some others are celebrated in the whole world.
As an example, tell them about Independence Day (individual, different in each country) and Christmas (collective,
whole world).
Do the activity on the portfolio sheet with your students. Children will first write the missing months and then
search online for some holiday information (if they don’t already know some). You can also add only the most
important dates (Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas) and the names of each
student on their birthday months. Use the dates that are more meaningful to the students.

Relevant Vocabulary and Expressions

• Celebrations: Independence Day, Christmas, Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving.

• Small papers with numbers (12 per student);
• A radio or a computer;
• Markers or colored pencils;
• 2B pencil and eraser.

For Parents
Nessa atividade, as crianças, além de reconhecerem os meses do ano, aprenderão a importância da cultura em
relação a feriados e datas comemorativas de países que têm o inglês como primeira língua. Pesquise com seu(sua)
filho(a) diferentes datas comemorativas e o que elas de fato significam. Esse é um ótimo momento para explicar que
em alguns dos feriados deveríamos valorizar mais os sentimentos do que os presentes comprados. As crianças são
mais sábias do que imaginamos e esse tipo de conversa pode ser absorvida com mais impacto do que acreditamos.

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Seasons of the year

Where should the words and images be?

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Teaching Guidelines


The students will talk about the seasons of the year. After checking what they know about it, divide them into small
groups. Tell them they are going to play a different bingo, so they should, first, discuss with the group which season
each image they are going to receive represents.
Distribute several cards with pictures they can associate with each season (clothes, accessories, nature elements,
etc). Make sure students have the same number of cards, but not the same images. Give them some time for possible
vocabulary questions.
From a small box or bag, pick (one by one) pieces of paper with a word (which is in their cards) and the season it
represents. Example: summer: ice cream; summer: beach; winter: scarf, and so it goes.
When a group has one of the cards that represents that season, they are supposed to discard them. As soon as
they run out of cards, they have to shout “Bingo!”, and the game is over.
Before the activity, have a discussion about their favorite seasons of the year and the reasons for that. After this
moment, explain the activity.

Relevant Vocabulary and Expressions

• Seasons of the year: summer, fall, spring and winter;
• Elements of the seasons: sun, tree, flowers, snow man.

• Images (flashcards) and pieces of paper with words related to the images;
• 2B pencil and eraser;
• Scissors and glue.

For Parents
As crianças, durante a aula, falaram sobre as estações do ano e imagens/atividades às quais elas são associadas.
Ao longo do ano, faça pequenas descobertas com o seu(sua) filho(a): conversem sobre a natureza, observem como
a natureza reage às diferentes mudanças, informe quando uma estação começar. Essas pequenas ações fazem muita
diferença na vida acadêmica e afetiva da criança.

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Cut and Glue

Put the words and images where they belong.

Winter Summer Spring Fall

hot cold cool warm


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