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Leadership: I had the privilege of showing my leadership by being named captain of the varsity cheerleading team in high

Computer and People Skills: I have worked in fast food, retail, a diner, and I am currently a receptionist at a salon. I’ve
learned computer skills as well as how to interact with customers and clients.

Communication: I have had the opportunity to learn how to successfully communicate with customers and calmly handle
different situations.


Mott Community College

Flint MI, General Studies
3.8 GPA


Mallory Young
Salon Receptionist/April 2022
This jobs includes tasks like cleaning, talking to customers, handling cash, scheduling, restocking retail, and cleaning.

Awards and Acknowledgements

C he er l e a di ng c ap t a i n / B ei ng t he l ea de r o f a gr ou p of gi r l s i n a s po rt .
MPV/ Being the player that was valued the most
Honor Roll Student and Athlete/ Being on honor roll while doing sports.

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