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william james

For me the most important part of William James theory is the 5 components of self. He stated that that
our thoughts are owned by us or our personal self. Because there’s no one could own your thoughts
other than yourself. Second is he said that our thoughts do not remain the same all the time. It changes
constantly and depends on our emotions. Third he said that as people as we think about other things, at
the same time we also have other thoughts appears on our mind and he called it the continuity of
thoughts. The fourth one is thoughts only goes within objects apart from our consciousness. And lastly
consciousness focusses on objects not the others.

This component of self applies to us every day we just not aware of it. Or maybe yes. For example, on
the first component I know that my thoughts are my own. When I think about certain things later its
different. Like going I like to go outside and later on I don't want too anymore. Seeing certain object and
think about it, that object could remind you of someone or something and the thoughts will continue.
This are where these components apply to our real life

2.Murray Bowen

the most important theory of his is the concept of differentiated self which explains the cons of being
individual and too much togetherness with other people. Here he explains that balancing the concepts
produce what he calls the differentiated self. Being together and open to people and at the same time
know how to be by yourself because you have your own life and destiny.

we can apply his theory by learning how to balance our relationships with other people. We can practice
being independent and strive on our own. But it doesn't mean we do not need the other person or be
together with other. Like

3. Carl rogers.

The theory of Carl Rogers the Person-centered Theory, in this way he approaches sick person as a client.
It is centered around the person. He suggests that trying to communicate, to understand and bring
empathy towards the person will be better because all human being strives for and has the capacity to
fulfill his or her own potential.

This theory can be applied to everyone around us not only on “clients” or sick persons. We can always
talk to someone with their struggles and try to understand them. Put self in their shoes. It can be from a
friend, a classmate, a cousin, or someone you love. Let myself open for them to release whatever
weights they lift in their hearts.
4. Donald Woods Winnicott

From my understanding the True and False theory of Donalds Wood Winnicot is when we are happy,
outgoing, positive, knows our strength and weaknesses and not bothered about our flaws, then we are
experiencing our TRUE self. While if we lack the motivation, dead inside, the fear towards rejection and
failure, shallow relationship then we are in our FALSE. This kind of self s exist in all people. They can
pretend. They lie whenever they want to. They can wear their false selves. Or they can be a person who
live in happy life by showing their true nature and genuine feelings.

From what I understand we can apply this theory Donald on how we present ourselves in a society. For
example, when I am with my friends, or person I am comfortable with. I can be true to myself. I am not
afraid to say and express what I want. When I am with my lover I am really in a positive vibe and
thankful for being alive. But when I came across that I am not really fond of. Instead of going on with our
True self which you something you want to say about, Instead I have my false self. Because all of us do
not want a further argument.

5. Albert Bandura –

One of his important work the Triadic Reciprocal Causation paradigm, he says that the there are factors
that determines the human behaviors which are though first our cognitive or the cognitive factor which
is basically our attitude and personality next is our behaviors and last one is the environment we live in.

By applying this this theory in real life I can now understand why people act like this or that. I know a
person who is deeply rooted in faith. I understand it If I would apply the theory. because his family, the
people that surrounds him, his environment affects him. Which later affects his behavior and
personality. Another would be me raised in a good environment which results on my good behavior and

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