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Electricity name includes a variety of phenomena resulting from

the presence of an electric charge and flow. These phenomena
include lightning and static electricity. But they contain less
common, such as the electromagnetic field and electromagnetic
induction concepts.
In general use, it is appropriate to use the word "power" to refer to
a number of physical effects. But in scientific usage, the term is
ambiguous. Also, these concepts are related and preferably
defined by more precise terms as follows:
Electric charge: a property of some subatomic particles, which
determines their electromagnetic interactions. Article electrically
charged electromagnetic affected areas and produced.
Electric current: a movement or flow of electrically charged
particles, typically measured in amperes.
Electric field: an effect produced by an electric charge in the other
shipments near them.
Voltage: the ability of the electric field on the job, usually
measured in volts.
Electromagnetic: a basic interaction that occurs between the
magnetic field and the presence and movement of electric charge.
Underwent electrical phenomena to study since ancient times, but
the science of electricity has not seen any progress until the
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In spite of this, a few
practical applications related to the number of electricity has
remained, not engineers able to apply the science of electricity in
the industrial and residential use only in the late nineteenth
century. Rapid advances in technology have resulted in power at
the time to make changes in the industrial field and in the
community as well. The extraordinary versatility of electricity as a
source of energy sources showed they can be used in a large
number of applications such as transportation, heating, lighting,
communications and account. The foundation of modern industrial
society depends on the use of electrical energy, and can speculate
that reliance on electrical energy will continue in the future.
The face of the label: -
Electricity utter Persian compound of ‫ک‬ah any straw and Rba‫ی‬
any attraction, and meaning are all attractive straw; and to be the
word of ‫ک‬herba in Persian is amber labeled in Arabic Amber bald
eagles, and the meaning of the word electricity in Arabic is
"attractive amber", which was called in Arabic electricity property
Vhzvo word property and were satisfied with the wording of
electricity. Thus, a shift from Persian into Arabic meaning actor
(attractive) to the meaning of efficiency (for attractiveness).

Amber named Greek Alelqtron [3] (parsed ἤλεκτρον any

Aaketron with sparkles, and from the electron when physicists,
and renamed it the electricity in the Persian Lightning), and is
derived from the name of Vaalite Vsmi Aketsms (ηλεκτρισμός) to
denote the electricity. The word is Latin for electricity is
Aaketrstas (ēlectricitās), which is derived from Aaketrx
(ēlectricus) any similar amber.
Electric charge: -
Electric charge is present in a specific set of sub-atomic particles
property, which is the reason for generating the electromagnetic
force as well as its interaction with it. Electromagnetic force is one
of the four fundamental forces in nature. Arise in the shipment of
corn, which is the electron and proton months holders. It also is a
conserved quantity, or in other words, that the shipment located
within an isolated system will remain constant regardless of any
changes that occur within this system it is possible that the
shipment moves between objects within the system, either by
direct contact or through the passage of conductive material, such
as the wire. [12] the term "static electricity" to the presence (or
lack of balance in between) shipments on the body. Usually this
happens when you are rubbing different materials together This
will take charge of a substance to another.
The presence of an electric charge is what generates the
electromagnetic force: as shipments pay each other by force, and
this effect has been known since ancient times despite the lack of
understanding. [13] It is possible shipping lightweight ball
suspended from a wire by touching the glass rod is charged from
by rubbing with a piece of cloth. In the case of shipping and other
similar ball the same glass rod, it is noted that they repel each
other with the first ball; as the electric charge will pay the balls
away from each other. Almahontan balls also repel each other via
Mlamsthma amber rod was rubbing with a piece of cloth.
However, if the first ball was shipped glass rod and the second rod
amber, Vstnjzban to each other. Charlie Augustin de Coulomb has
to examine these phenomena in the eighteenth century and found
that the electric charge opposite appears in two forms. This
discovery led to the well-known Muslim argument: "The electric
charges repel each other similar and different attract each other."
The force acts on the charged particles themselves, and then
charge tend to spread evenly as possible over the surface of the
conductor. Whether attraction or repulsion through Coulomb's
law, which is the relationship between power and multiplying
shipments, and between power and reverse the square of the
distance between them. This discovery led to the famous axiom:
"the power of repulsion between two objects spherical small
energized the same type of electricity proportionate inversely with
the distance between their positions square." [14] is a very
powerful electromagnetic force, and occupies only the second
place in terms of strength in the strong interactions. [15 ] but other
than that force, the electromagnetic effect extends across all
distances. [16] compared to the most vulnerable gravitational
force, the electromagnetic force that push electrons away from
each other is greater than the gravitational force of attraction that
Tgzbhma together about 1042 times.
Taatkabl electric charge on electrons and protons, and therefore
the amount of charge is described as a negative or a positive. Has
traditionally been considered a negative charge carried by
electrons and protons, which carried positive. This habit began
with the work of Benjamin Franklin. [18] symbolizes the amount
of charge is usually indicated by "Q" and is expressed in
coulombs. [19] and each electron carries the same charge, which is
equal to approximately -1.6022 × 10-19 Coulomb. He holds the
proton charge neutral and opposite, equal to + 1.6022 × 10-19
Coulomb. Electric charge is not only limited to the material, but
also exist in antimatter. Each shipment carries antiparticle and
neutral particle with a similar opposite him. [20]
In addition, it is possible to measure the electric charge in several
ways, such as the detector electrical golden leaflets which contains
the faces and thin bands of gold Mtdliyn leaves in a glass vase
Veptaadan from each other when Ichhanan, and depends on the
amount of charge Aptaadahma angle. And despite the fact that the
use of this detector continuously until now in demonstration inside
the classroom experiments, the Alaketromitr-mail has been

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