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Dear Cross Country,

It all started when I went out for flag football in 5th grade. I was so bad and I hated it so

much. I wanted a sport to do a team to be a part of. Then in 7th grade I found you. At first it was

just something to do after school. Over that summer it grew into so much more. I started running

with my mom and next thing you know I ran my first half marathon in 8th grade. Over that

season I started to find success. I learned to love you. I went out my freshman year thinking I

wasn't gonna be able to handle the longer races and the bigger and faster kids. But with great

coaching I was able to hold my own. Over these past 4 years in highschool you have always

been there to look forward to. I might hate you sometimes, especially when I run poorly, but the

feeling after one good race or workout makes up for all the bad. I have created so many lifelong

friends though you and I couldn't be more grateful. I am sad to have to leave high school but I

know the college version of you will be just as grand if not grander. You have taught me so

much about myself and who I want to be and for that I am eternally grateful. Cross Country, I

love you.

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