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AssalamualaikumWr. Wb. Mr. are you satisfied with the answer by Dion?

or is there any
Good Morning Ladies and Gentleman
If there is (Ok, Dion would you please to answer it?)
Welcome to this seminar research of results with the title is “The Effect of
Providing Various Dosage of Biochar for Growth and Results of some If there isn’t any feedback anymore, let’s move to the third section which is
Varieies of Shallot (Allium ascalonicum L.) that will be present by the discussion with the audiences. For all the audiences that want to ask,
Dionisius Bastian. please raise your hand and mention your name. Ok, anybody want to ask
some question?
First of all, I would like to say thank you to
Thank you for the questions, Ok then, Dion would you please answer the
The honorable Prof. Dr. Ir. Titiek Islami, MS. as the supervisor.
Thank you for your attendance and also for all the audiences who have
Is there any feedback?
come and join in this seminar of research results today.
Are you satisfied with the answer?
Before we start to the topic, I would like to introduce myself, my name is
as the moderator of this seminar, and I would like to Now we’re going to the next section which is the evaluation from the
inform that this seminar will be divided into 6 sections. supervisor. To Prof. Dr. Ir. Titiek Islami, MS please give your evaluation.
First is the opening and the presentation Thank you very much Prof. Dr. Ir. Titiek Islami, MS for the evaluation.
Second is evaluation by the student evaluator Finally, we come to the last section of this seminar. Thank you to the
supervisor, and the student of evaluator for giving the evaluation. And also
Third is the discussion with the audiences
thank you for all the audiences who have come and join in this seminar.
Fourth is evaluation by the supervisor Hopefully the information that we have shared today would be very useful
for all of us.
Fifth is the closing
Thank you for your attention,
And now I would like to invite Dion, to present his research result. To Dion,
the time is yours. WassalamualaikumWr. Wb

That was the presentation by Dion. And now we’re going to the next
section, which is the evaluation by the student of evaluator to give some
advices, suggestions, comments or questions. To the time is
Thank you very much for the evaluation and the question, and
now , would you please answer the questions.

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