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MATRIK NUMBER: D20211099335


PHONE NUMBER: 019-5036144

Almost everyone knows that smoking causes cancer and heart disease
Thesis that it can shorten our life by 10 years or more.

Cause 1
Teenagers smoke because they want to release their tension.

Content 1
Cause 2

Many people who start smoking have a family member or close friend
who smokes.

Transition Paragraph

Thus, smokers get more addicted to keeping smoking instead of to

Content 2
reducing stress.

Effect 1
Smokers get more addicted to keeping smoking instead of to reducing
stress. That because, cigarettes contain nicotine which contain addictive
organic compound that found in tobacco.

Content 3
Effect 2
Smoking cigarettes can effect our lungs and airways.

In conclusion, smoking is a habit that individuals find difficult to quit.

Many people make preparations for months in their effort to get rid of the
Conclusion habit.
One of the most common problems today that is killing people, all over the world, is
smoking. One cigarette can result in smoking others, which can lead to major addiction.
Smoking does many horrible things to the human body that most people are not aware of.
Almost everyone knows that smoking causes cancer and heart disease and that it can
shorten your life by 10 years or more.

First of all, teenagers smoke because they want to reduce their tension. They believed
that smoke could reduce tension and give a calming effect on people who are anxious and
worried. People smoke when they are depressed, lonely, or bored and it helps them to
reduce stress. However, the stress levels of adult smokers are slightly higher than those of

Furthermore, many people who start smoking have a family member or close friend
who smokes. In a group, it is difficult for one person to avoid smoking when others are doing
so. Many are cajoled into the habit. Like alcohol, smoking is also forced upon a person by
either making fun of him for not doing so or reminding him that he is missing out on

Thus, smokers get more addicted to keeping smoking instead of to reducing stress.
That because, cigarettes contain nicotine which contain addictive organic compound that
found in tobacco. Dependent smokers need nicotine to remain feeling normal. Next, smoking
cigarettes can effect our lungs and airways. When you smoke, the cells that produce mucus
in your lungs and airways grow in size and number. As a result, the amount of mucus
increases and thickens. Your lungs cannot effectively clean out this excess mucus.

In conclusion, smoking is a habit that individuals find difficult to quit. Many people
make preparations for months in their effort to get rid of the habit. Many teenagers smoke
because of depression and stress, but they should know by now that smoking kills you from
the inside. There are many ways to solve problems like those but one of them is not smoking.

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